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1/4 Midget pics


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Guest RandyBorlace
This is my favorite car from 1993 sportin the valvoline colors. This car was a "AA" fuel quarter midget which ran off of alky

yeah, that was my favorite car also, won alot of races in it also! even when i bought the new nervo in 1997 i wish i would have kept that one.

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Cool pics Josh. How old were you when you first started racing? How did you get started racing? Did the Ol'man just bring one home one day and said "Here ya go" or what? Im asking because I want to get my granddaughter (7yrs) started. She wants a go-kart but the 1/4 looks a lot safer. Please post some more pics if you have any. I'll show them to her. :blink:

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Papa,he was 7 and told me he wanted to race but they didnt make cars for little people and told "yes they do",took him to the river city quarter midget track to watch a race the next weekend,he loved it,found a car for sale,went out the following weekend and the guy selling the car let him take a ride in it(with the throttle cut back) and his mom and i bought it.Took the car home and rebuilt it and started the next season which was 1988 and been going just about every since.And he's 26 yrs old now.Was worth every penny his mom and I spent.

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I started racing when I was 8. My parents actually bought the car when I was 7. We used to go to the track all the time and watch and one day my parents asked me if I wanted to do it. I still remember the first day I drove a 1/4 midget, cause I got in the car and the car was not governed at first and i hit it to the floor and got a little crazy and hit the wall the first time ever in a car. Freaked em out a little but i got back in the car and then boom it was ours. Ive got a bunch of pics I could post Ive got some real good ones if i could just find the albums there in. Maybe some of these other old 1/4 midgets racers could jump on here and post some pics from when they were racing. I wish I knew how to put video on here cause Ive got a tape at the house from a 1988 news cast that does and interview with Eddy and Lucian Wallace its pretty neat to go abck and watch those old tapes.

Edited by Josh42
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Love the pics Josh. I remember several time back in the early '90s I'd go over there to the track in Austin at the VFW hall and meet Gene Lindholm over there. We'd watch the QM races and talk all about racing at every level. That's a cool looking midget pic. When and where did you race that?

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Gene and my dad were good friends back as far as I can remember. At least to the early 50's. Gene was also a good friend of Tubby and Weldon Stewart. They were envolved in midget racing around here even back in the 1940's. Gene had Dewey's Radiator Works here in Austin for many years. When the Wusterhausens opened Austin Speed-o-rama in 1960, Gene ran the pit gate and Weldon was the Chief Pit Steward for years and years.


Gene lived just up the hill from the Austin QM track. After he retired, he would always go down to the QM track anytime there was anybody racing there, just because he loved racing so much. He's the one that told me about the QM track, so a few times I'd meet him over there, and we'd have fun watching the kids run their QMs. I think he was the biggest fan around of QM racing.

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Here is info about the current QTR Midget Schedule..


River City Quarter Midgets 2006 schedule:

Date Event Start Time Location

March 4th Winter Thaw 2006 12 Noon Austin

March 18th Texas Shootout #1 12 Noon Austin

April 1st Texas Shootout #2 12 Noon San Antonio

April 13th-15th Easter Monza Regional TBD Austin

April 29th Texas Shootout #3 12 Noon Austin

May 13th Texas Shootout #4 12 Noon San Antonio

May 26th - 28th Memorial Monza Regional TBD Topeka, KS

June 10th Texas Shootout #5 12 Noon Austin

July 22-29th Western Grands TBD Topeka, KS

August 19 Texas Shootout #6 12 Noon San Antonio

September 1st - 3rd Labor Day Monza TBD San Antonio

September 16th Texas Shootout #7 12 Noon Austin

September 23rd Texas Shootout #8 12 Noon San Antonio

October 6th - 8th Columbus Day Monza TBD Tulsa, OK

October 21st Texas Shootout #9 TBD Austin

October 28th Texas Shootout #10 TBD San Antonio

November 11th RCQMA Banquet TBD TBD

Edited by abrungot
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You know Budman i called dad and asked him and he said "you know who he is." An then it clicked who it was I've got got some pics of Gene at the races in san antonio and one of him sitting in our trailer in austin. I fond memory I will always remember of him was that he always was a super nice man and he always watched our races. I know he watched me from the time I began till the end. He used to make every race and as he got older he only made a couple of races a year and we ran into one day and I told him "Hey Mr. Gene I got my A runnin so you need to come see me race it well the first race made out was our Monza race in Austin and i remember him waiving at me as we were warming up and I waived back at him and when I came back around the next lap he had the biggest smile across his face it was great. It was a shame that none of the younger kids got to meet him and listen to the stories cause it was awesome. I believe he passed on couple of years ago I might be wrong but he was great man.

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Yeah Josh,


Gene passed away in the late '90s. You're right, nicest, mild mannered, soft-spoken man I've ever known. Would love to see those pics on here. I'll be waiting to see them for sure!


Right now, I've got a book full of pics on the history of midget racing in Texas that belonged to Gene. Your dad has probably seen it. I have borrowed it from Gene's wife. (Need to get it back to her.) It's an amazing book to read, with some amazing stories in it. People now-a-days have no idea about how big midget racing around here was. Remember, before the early '50s there was no such thing as stock car racing. There were no professional sports teams, no TV and no air-conditioning in peoples homes. On summer saturday nights, people wanted to get out of their hot houses and be entertained. Midget racing was KING of the sports. Everybody knew the names of the local drivers then, like they know the names pro football, baseball and basketball players now. When Playland Park Speedway opened in Houston in 1948, the opening night crowd was over ten thousand. Races were held weekly, year-round in San Antonio and Houston. They had a circuit sanctioned by AAA, like USAC is now, only bigger. The Indy 500 was also a sanctioned AAA national race. In the winter, the big name drivers from the mid-west and northeast would move down here so they could race all winter. Then, in the spring, they'd all go up and run the 500.

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Budman,I remember when Gene got that book,He brought it to the 1/4 midget races and showed it to us and I got to look at it for awhile.Very interesting about the time back then and the circuit in texas.I'm going to find the pics of Gene and get the boy to put em on here.

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