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The young man on the 14 hood?


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the young man is Kevin Suberg...he is a couragous young man who is battling cancer. i hope he is doing good and the hood looked awesome..............i know around the start of the season and the texas race in march, there was more info about him on here.........the daytona 500 watch party at firehouse was a benefit for him and to me the lone highlight of this season.........he is definitely a hero and an inspiration to all, for all he has endured and he still always has a smile any time you see him........

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Danny is right. Kevin and his parents came to the races on Saturday night, and some of the racers were planning to present the hood to him. When we helped Kevin up into the VIP suite, he was not doing well. He is having severe headaches due to the cancer. He and his family left early in the evening, so the hood was never presented. So, please, say some prayers for this fine young racing fan.

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Good Day everyone,

This is Kevin Suberg Mom. I would like first to start of by Thanking everyone and also the 14 crew. We would like to update everyone on Kevin.


On Sunday Kevin took a turn for the worse. He is now in and out of Consciousness(?) We don't know how long he may have. We do know he enjoyed coming out to the track Saturday even if it was just to hear the cars go around the track. If anyone would like to call and check in or even come by they may. 210-561-2308.


We know Kevin has been though a lot and it is time to give him comfort and peace.



God Bless,

Richard, Dorothy Suberg

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Keep fightin' buddy! If there's one thing I learned Sat. night, it was "never give up, anything is possible!" After we tore up Heath's car pretty bad in that first race, I could not have imagined what happened after that; and to still pull off the championship in the end was incredible! So, from all of us at Heath Stewart Racing, we certainly have you in our prayers and want to see you overcome this in the end.


Dorothy and Richard,


I hope you guys get to read this soon. The hood, still in one piece minus one scuff mark I believe, is in the USRA Tech trailer. I am going to call Mary Ann to tell her to remind Terry Dickerson that he has it, and that it needs to get to Kevin as soon as possible. We sure would like for him to get to see this thing up close with all those autographs!


Curtis Drosche

Crew Chief & Spotter


2005 SLM Champion


P.S. If you would like to contact me, the number is 512-921-8914

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I was upstairs in the booth when Kevin came in with his parents on Saturday. The young man didn't look good at all and it was obvious he was in a lot of pain. But when the cars would go by he would perk up a bit. But after a while the pain became too much and he asked that his parents take him home.


Ms. Suberg tapped me on the shoulder and asked me to apologize to Heath for their leaving so early, but that Kevin was in no shape to stay any longer.


On the way out Kevin put his head down on the bar and told his mom that he was really, really tired between a heartbreaking sobs. Underneath all the pain you could tell that he wanted to stay, but he was just plain worn out...


If God decides it's time to take Kevin - one of His very special people - home, those of us who have been lucky enough to have known him even a little bit can call ourselves blessed for having met the man. Surely, we have witnessed one of the bravest, most loyal race fans ever. And if God decides He needs to show a few more racers what true courage is, the world will be the better for it.


Heath – What a great thing you did for this young man.


Nick Holt

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It didn't take but a simple gesture to bring a smile to Kevin's face, we saw it when the Aramendia Family and the rest of the racers made Octoberfast 2003 a special night for him. I speak for my team when I say we were proud to give him our winner's trophy that night.


When you read about, and think about, what this young man has endured, that bump off turn 4 or that crash in the corner really is not that big a deal.


Before you bitch about what that driver did to your driver last weekend, take a minute, think about how lucky you are to have your health, and the ability to do the things you want, and that racing incident won't seem that bad.

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you got that right.

that was a great thing to do heath...you've got alot of guys rooting for you kevin.

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Guest Mary Ann Naumann
This thread needs to be near the top tonight
Ditto Budman, our prayers are so with you Kevin, we are praying for that miracle. We love you and you're our hero!
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We just want peace and comfort for Kev now he has faught a hard race (as he would put it). A friend said on Sunday that he is on his last lap just taking his time the tire gave out on race car and can't finish yet.


Our email address and phone number is:




Mailing address is

4411 Gardendale Apt 15D

San Antonio TX 78240


We will post updates on Kev when we can. Right now he is about the same. Maybe just a little more out of it.


God Bless,

Richard & Dorothy Suberg

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I have had the honor of meeting Kevin and he is great and wonderful kid. He is probably the toughest kid I know to go through the stuff he has with determination. I truly hope that he gets through this and can be at the races next year. Here a couple of photos from the night I met Kevin at the Rampage hockey game


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God bless Kevin and his family. I've never met the kid, but have heard a lot about him on here and at the races, what a beautiful child. That's a wonderful thing how the racers came together and autographed the hood on Heath's car, bet that brought a smile to his face. I'll pray for you and your family and remember Jesus loves you.

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