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Posts posted by arob

  1. Dirt is for racing. Asphalt is for getting there. I grew up at CC Speedway and spent a lot of years going to SAS which I miss to this day. Then I went to the December races at Rio Grande Speedway and was blown away by the car count (150 or so) and the number of hotly contested qualifying races (20or so). When Owen left CCS to run South Texas Speedway is when I started going to dirt 100% of the time. I was kind of surprised a lot of the asphalt guys went dirt from that point on.  I wish nothing but the best for HMP. I hope they can build a good car count and be successful because they are the last hope right now. They have a very steep hill to climb and the folks promoting HMP should be honored to no end for the commitment and hard work they put into it.


  2. Speaking as a fan that spent45 years or so watching asphalt racing and was thrilled with it. I shifted to dirt when Owen left CCS to go run STS. Been hooked on dirt ever since. I tried Kyle a few times , HMP twice and racing didn't compare to dirt.CCS dropped off after Owen left. SAS was the only asphalt track I loved and miss it to this day. Dirt gives you multi groove racing most nights , bigger car counts and better racing to this fan.Asphalt got to be get on the bottom and follow the leader. The best racing on dirt to me is Factory Stock. No matter what track you go to Factory Stock delivers. True costs have escalated in the class. I know of one car from Corpus that is a $30,000 car. And car counts have dropped a little the last couple of years. But Pure Stock counts have increased especially at 105 and the racing is good.And at the Race Ranch E-Mod seems to be a growing class. Factory Stock basically killed Street Stock it seems. I applaud HMP for their efforts and hope they succeed. Just a fan opinion here.

  3. There is no question NASCAR had many opportunities in the past to use similar discipline  and didn't come close to doing it. I think the pressure on NASCAR to do something this time was amplified  because of all the driver concern over the  safety of the new car. From this point forward NASCAR better be consistent on intentional crashing another driver or you know what will happen.




  4. I get why Wallace was angry.I get the pushing Larson around as well. But turning someone from the right rear on a high speed race track and sending him across  the track like that was over doing it. As for if it was any other driver would we be discussing it I say yes. It has been done in the past usually with Kyle Buschs' or Denny Hamlins' name being involved. 

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