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Another track bites the dust...

Smokin' Armadillo

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Hot Rod Hill in Bryan is going to have to close its doors. A judge decided that it contributes to too much noise for area residents. Thanks to those fine folks who moved next door to a race track, and a judge who doesn't care about small time, grass-roots racing...I've got no place to watch local races next season! TWS doesn't have a regular racing series (if they even have races at all...). Maybe...hopefully...something will start happening at TWS next year. Kyle is too far for me to drive for only a Sat. night of racing.


The funny thing is...those cars that were running out there were not even loud!!! :angry: Damn judges!

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This track was in the news last year about noise. Doesn't one of the Bryan City big-wigs have a mother or someone who moved near it and then complained about the noise.

That would be your answer right there, judge listens to the guys who set his salary before the track owners.


And you can say what you want about the voices of the neighbors versus the voices of the racers, the neighbors are going to win every time. You only have to look at the tax base, one track versus a bunch of homes. They don't give a tinker's damn about that track, they are looking at how much more tax money they get from those homeowners, so the easiest way to keep tax generators happy is close the track. That is the bottom line whether you want to believe it or not. Track and racecar noise is just an excuse.


Don't think this is rational thinking? Take a look at the price of an airline ticket. A whole bunch of that ticket is paying for the engine upgrades they were required to undertake due to noise.

Asshats move next to an airport, then complain about the noise.

Same idiot moves next to a racetrack, same story. While you probably won't move or close the airport in most cases, a simple racetrack is a goner, period.

Still think I'm wrong?

What is that thing across the street from Hot Rod Hill that has a really long straight piece of hardtop and is called Coulter Airport??

Hadn't seen anything about it closing.......

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This was pretty much a new track was'nt it? it's a shame. i see the same thing happening to thunderhill some time in the future with all of those planned communities boxing it in on all sides. it is amazing how many houses they can cram into that old farmland. take a drive down hwy. 21 sometime and check it out. Those are the people that will shut it down. My wifes mom lives way down deep in mexico,we have visited quite a few times and those folks can party. after one particularly raucious night of partying with hardcore norteno music,fireworks,and the sound of motorbikes racing till the weeeeeeeeee hours of the morning, i asked her bleary eyed the next morning,what's up?,does anyone ever complain?

she replied that in her village as well as pretty much everywhere else that you pretty much do what you want to do ,but don't complain when your neighbor does the same. so simple I love it ! it's perfect!

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Despite the fact that the news tonight announced some 30 people were being laid off at the new Cabela's in Buda, when Cabela's pitched the store to the community, they didn't just talk about the jobs they'd provide or the taxes they'd pay. They emphasized the number of people who would be coming from outside of Buda and even Central Texas and spending money in Buda and Central Texas.

I don't know how much Thunder Hill is worth to Kyle in tax revenue, but I'd bet no one has pointed out to the community just how much money race fans and race teams spend in San Marcos and Kyle on a race weekend, particularly when TSRS or USRA are in town. If you think the money they bring in is important, and that's why tracks lose out, you're right. So why not tell the world what kind of economic impact the track has?

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Ahhh, Austin, that bastion of reality......................

Lets not forget this is the town that proposed mufflers on the blown hydro boats that raced on Town Lake once a year for the aqua festback in the 70's and 80's. Seems two families a mile down the river couldn't stand the noise of them running during the day one time a year, and got their local "Do what we want, not what we do" folks involved. (These folks had no problem with their own noise making while they partied; I guess the boat races woke them too early.)

Several thousand people lose a popular venue to a couple families who couldn't stand someone else's brand of noise.

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AND Tom and All ..........


Bet not a sole who posts on here remembers who the swing vote was on that council that eventually did away with those great Aqua Festival Boat Races on town lake way back in the early 70's. No one except ME of course.


None other than the Grand Marshal of the recent Nascar West Race at THR.


Karol Keeton Strahorn.

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About 6 years ago I drove to Goliad for a race and the races ran late. They cut our feature down to 10 laps! There was a guy who drove from Oklahoma to race 10 laps!!! And this track was out in the middle of the woods. They said there curfew was midnight. That was a bummer.

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In a twist of irony,the State just passes Senat Bill 150 which creates a Motor Sports Racing Trust Fund to be paid for with sales,motor vehicle,hotel,mixed beverage,and alcohol excise taxes increases.The purpose is to promote auto racing in Texas. Who in hades is really going to get this money?I would investagate and file for a part of this if I owned a track or franchise.The comptrolles office is a place to start.The Government is telling us which racing will be supported by tax dollars.Another good reason to implement TERM LIMITS for State and Federal Senators and House Members.Time to regain some control.Before its too late. This report is from Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts:Taxpayer Publications (Revised Septemember 2005 ) This is for real,They mailed it to me.//www.window.state.tx.us :ph34r: Thumper

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My parents have lived east of the S.A. airport since 1968. They knew going into buying the house, they would have airplanes flying directly over the house. In 1968 the planes were fewer and far between. They love their house and neighborhood and don't mind the planes...


WHY do people buy into a neighborhood and then decide they want their way. It would be interesting to see how many others want this track out of their neighborhood. Is it just this one person with someone in a high place? Or is it numerous people?

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WHY do people buy into a neighborhood and then decide they want their way.



why do people buy a home in Hollywood park and then bitch about the deer in their yard..........because today's society is full of a bunch of cry babys who think by hiring a lawyer they will get their way no matter what, and the sad thing is, they usually do............gotta love it

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This gives all the more reason for drivers and tracks to work together to promote not just racing...

but Racings involvement in the community


What does the community get out of a race track in their neighborhood.

Do we regularly go to schools and promote stay in school for this kinda fun?

How often do we give back to things like (Operation interdependence) or the Food bank?

How does the the track bring outside business development to town?


I hate to do this but the track needs to toot its own horn when it does these kind of things. This is the kind of visibilty that will speak for its self... Unfortunatly its not just about making money... its about proving your value in the community. If all you do is make noise the value is not seen.


<<< Aaron's story.. and trying to live by this...

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What needs to be done is to organize associations of race drivers/car owners/race track owners/promoters and fans (which basically is already in place with start and fascar). Within these organizations there needs to be political action committees (pacs) to prudently make political contributions where appropriate and necessary to further the cause of racing in this region. With politicians, MONEY TALKS. Each dollar invested in such funds can reap hundreds or thousands in return. Believe me.

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I'm retired. In addition to my regular jobs, I spent my time in the barrel of those many thankless volunteer jobs, working my ass off for free, for many years. Now I just offer free advice. Nice try though.


It does however give me a great appreciation for what you and your lovely wife do with START, and the Young Racers Club. Let me say this, because it comes along very seldom. Thank you. Thank you very much for all your hard work and all that you do. I for one GENUINELY appreciate it.

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