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USRA SLM Houston


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This was a good race except for the team orders.


Heath and Brandon are working their tales off trying to win the championship. Meanwhile, others are having team cars stop on the track so they can change a tire and not loose a lap. Whatever happened to luck? If they pull another move like that in San Antonio, they should penalize the whole team at least one lap. Why not go out there and let the best driver and crew win and be happy that you gave it your best shot.

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Hey Racerpete2,


We "the crew" here at TWW racing take offence to your comments and remarks about saturdays race. There were no team orders given to any of our drivers. The #3 car said he pulled out of the grove because he thought the motor had blown because it died abruptly. After stopping he realized he had hit the kill switch.


As far as T. Wade needing a caution he could have spun him self and still not gone a lap down because the race was in its last 25 laps. The tire we put on had 200 laps on it and was an inch smaller in size, but it was all we had. We changed the tire because it was what the car needed to finish the race and keep us in the points. It would be foolish to try and finish the race on a tire that was going down.


Terry Dickerson has been on T. Wade all year to run multiple cars to help with car count for his fans. Cory Roper the driver of the 04 car blew his motor and needed a ride to help keep him top five in points. T. Wade had already agreed to put John Heil in the #3 car to help out Mr. Dickerson with car count because his car got destroyed at SAS.


The only person that really knows what happened with the #3 car is the driver. The driver has his story and he is sticking to it. If he did stop intensionaly it was only to keep him self on the lead lap. Each driver was told to run their own race but not to jeopardize the car.


Before you throw stones at us, what about Chris Davidson throwing his water bottle out on the back stretch to cause a yellow three laps before the Heil incident.


The 22 car blew a motor and all but coasted to a stop on back straightaway but the yellow had not come out yet. Almost looked like maybe someone wanted Brandon to put more cars a lap down before yellow was thrown.


Just think about how hard it is to put one competitive car in the field. We did it with three. I say that is a wonderful accomplishment. We recieved cudos from half the starting field after the race was over, commending us on our accomplishment, and not to pay attention to the few cry babies that were whinining about us manipulating the race.


Putting more cars in the field is a 50/ 50 shot. It could have hurt us just as much as it could have helped us. Wade could have had a problem at the start and then we would have fielded to cars that would have finished in front of him. No one said anything about James Cole driving Brandons car at Kyle and he caused 3 yellows if our memory serves us correctly in the first fifty laps, one of which he took out one of our cars.


Mr. Dickerson has said repeatedly that if the car count in super late models does or did not improve that he would seriously think about dropping that class from his race programs. To us we can afford to go out of town and race. Wade could care less where he gets to race, just as long as he gets to drive somewhere. Most other teams can't afford to go out of state to race. T. Wade is trying to help these guys have a place to race close to home, by helping with the car count.


Just think how we feel. We are busting our butts to try and win this championship but we are still getting wooped up on by Heath. He is a single car team with a very low budget and a small crew. He is a very talented driver and has been the model of consistency all year. If Health does win this championship it will be like David slewing Goliath.


We want to wish everyone the best of luck in this championship run. See yall in San Antonio ...... with maybe 4 cars this time. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Ya need some?

Crew Chief Denny Burton and Car Chief Craig McLain

Got any questioins just call 713-816-7111

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I also saw Tommy Grimes car stopped in the back stretch right about the same time this occurred, so the yellow would had come out any way, and I don't think Brandon would have gotten around anyway. Didn't someone else do this in a previous race, the Dale Jr. spin? Good to see all the guys helping with the series to keep the car count up, we don't want to see 10 cars battle it out. That just shows these guys want to race and everyone is always talking about needing to change these rules package to allow other racers to compete that have a car sitting in the garage. We can have 25 of these cars consistently. If they get rid of the series, then they can race at SAS weekly!

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As long as the drivers run their own race, I don't think anybody has a problem with your team putting 2, 3, or 4 cars on the track. And to make them competitive is a great accomplishment. I respect that. I didn’t see the 41 throw the water bottle or I would have said something about that.


As for this yellow, I was listening to the scanner and the series was waiting to see if the 22 was going to make it to pit road. As soon as someone said that he might make it, the 3 stops. That’s the part I didn’t agree with. That’s when it makes the driver and team look bad to the fans.


Again, I commend your team for putting fourth the effort to bring the car count up. It takes a lot of time and is very expensive to field a single car, let alone a multi-car team. I think everyone wants to see racing grow in Texas and nobody wants USRA to drop the series or cut it back. I love to watch the series and enjoy the nights that we get to see them along with the modifieds and trucks.

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The 22 car blew a motor and all but coasted to a stop on back straightaway but the yellow had not come out yet. Almost looked like maybe someone wanted Brandon to put more cars a lap down before yellow was thrown.


I was the USRA official assigned to monitor the third turn and it was my call that the 22 car looked like it would make it. It had nothing whatsoever to do with anyone going a lap down. It had to do with the smooth and safe administration of a very good Super Late Model race.


If you feel that the USRA staff is loading the deck, please contact Wayne Norrell in person.


Thanks for listening.


Nick Holt

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Instead of running 4 cars, why dont yoiu work on the one to get it competitive and not have to go a lap down, so people do not think you are manipulating a race. And that water bottle was probably the same one Grimes threw at a car on pit road in San Antonio. Since he was stopping on the track, maybe Chris thought he could use his water bottle back and have a drink. hahaha I heard the reason Craig M. refused his previosly announced debut was because he would not tank the race?????? Why else would two others drive before a team member??? LOL And how did Cole blow the motor in your car at Kyle?

Edited by tsrsfan
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It looked like if the whole field was going to get lapped a couple of times, except for Casey, and Heath. I hate watching a train of cars lap after lap because they can't get by the slower guy holding up the pack. They are trying not to spin the guy in front of them because they will both get sent to the back and it is a hard place to pass, it takes time and the guy in the front sure don't want to get caught on the outside groove.

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Cole did not blow our motor. He hit us from behind and spun douglas out. Craig did not refuse his ride. It was better for the team to have him in the pits to help with all three cars. He went out for practice thursday and was planning on making a couple hundred laps but practice got cut shot when he encountered the outside wall in turn one. We worked all night and all the next day to get the car back together. Because practice got cut short Craig felt in order to feel more comfortable in the car he needed more seat time and more laps. Craig hated to give up the ride but it was better for the team and everyone else. T. Wade wanted Denny to take over the driver seat but denny suggested T. Wade help out Cory because he was really wanting to finish in the top 5 in points this year. As far as taking 1,2,3, or 4 cars to the race that will be Mr. Dickersons call. We hear at TWW Motorsports would personally like to take only one car. That would definetly make our job a lot easier, but if the car count is needed to help the series we will do our best to do our part.

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Wideopen, you owe these guys nothing. You helped out Corey and gave someone else a ride in the most elite series in Texas... Its the ole "Damn if you do and Damn if you dont". They just want to push buttons and your letting them do it. Let them say what they want and bring 7 cars to SAS...

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Houston LM04 calling somebody old, fat and slow. LOL, Now that's funny right thar, I don't care who you are. BTW shouldn't you be TAMS04 now? BTW2, thanks for the most excellent tequilla!

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The GINGERBREAD MAN is the best teacher anyone could ever have. He has taught me more about these race cars than I ever thought there was to know. We might have to adjust the steering wheel alittte so it dosen't rub his belly but he can still drive the wheels off any car he wants to get into. If GINGERBREAD drives, he feels he is taking away from T. Wade. T. Wade is who we are here for. GINGERBREAD MAN has been behind the wheel and done that. His new passion is fishing. He just got himself a new boat. You should see how happy it makes him when he goes out and just tears em up and bring back a boat full of fish.

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I really doubt the slide up the track by the 3 was done on purpose, but they were warned by the officials that the 13 would be penalized if it happened again. Seems like the right call (a warning) to me, given the circumstances/perceptions. That way if it happened again, the appropiate penalty could be assessed. I'm sure the officials would have taken heat if they didn't issue a warning.


As a fan, I was glad to see no caution thrown for the 22.


Honest questions for the 13 guys: Why would you guys put on the used tire? Is that a series rule? It sounded to me like you guys really didn't want him to pit, but he was emphatic. Did he think he'd get a pass up to the 4th spot in line?





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We were one of the first teams on friday to get tires for the race on saturday. The tire selection was kind of thin. We bought only two extras for the left side to play with rollout if we had to. (14 tires for 3 cars) Right side tires were running 1 to1 1/2 inches larger than normal.started to grab some extra rights but since they were already running short i didn't won't to be a tire hog. Cruised over saturday during practice to see if any left ,but there wasn't. I know it should be first come first serve but tried to do the sportsmanly thing. I know some teams may go through 2,3,even4 set of new tires in a weekend of racing in usra but we try to stay away from that. Need to make your car handle on 125 lap old tires so it will be good at the end of the race, and what happens ,in qualifing ,happens.New tires will make a ill handling car great for 15 laps but your in trouble after that. ......GINGERBREADMAN.....

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