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Do you have any idea how tired people are of hearing "FAVORTISM"? Is the definition of favortism 'talking to the person responsible for calls on the track instead of posting your complaints on the internet?'. Drivers have always complained about management it never changes. I thought the drivers of CCMC were interested and promoting racing in Corpus. This forum should be a place that fans and drivers can get the "scoop" on what is going on. (Save your badmouthing for your buddies.) Instead all the fans see is drivers that are complaining to the community instead of someone who can explain or change things. (You've been good lately but how much damage is already done). I guess my point is alot of drivers have come and gone and its never hurt car count or fan participation. When one leaves someone else always shows up. So if your issues with track management are to the point you think it is unfair and it makes you unhappy don't race there. This is suppose to be a hobby and some drivers have taken the fun out of it for fans and drivers alike.

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The drivers in the Texas Thunder class are not the ones complaining it is the Super Street and the Pure Stock drivers/fans that are in the grandstands/on the internet complaining about the track and other drivers. That's probably why the Texas Thunder class always has a good car count.

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I must have missed something.Slysnake,did someone get your share of brew?Or is Neon Will complaining he does not have enough ground effects?I have not seen favoritism or even controversey.Could you explain please?I thought we were all getting along good now. :huh:

<WHEW!> I thought someone had found my cuban ciagr stash & 12 year scotch there for a moment!! B)

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The Tx. Thunder class doesn't have a problem with car count because no one really cares about them that much. As far as the car count remaining steady, who are you talking about? The Pure Stocks used to average 20 cars a night, but the new "Chase for the Championship" format automatically eliminated the need for the other ten to fifteen cars to come out. There's nothing to consider as favortism with that, but what is the point for those "bottom" drivers to go out to the track the final ten nights? They pay $20 to get in the pits, have to pay for gas for their racecars and towing, then they race for a maximum of what $200, but the top ten are very strong cars so they probably wouldn't make that. They risk spending money to get to the track for very little reward and that's assuming they don't wreck or blow up during the course of the night. Where's the payoff for those guys? As for favortism who knows what's going through anyone's mind that works or drives out there. Of course, every track has their buddies and they have the ones they don't really like, but doesn't that fuel competition? Racing fans are very passionate about their friends/families that drive and of course, the officials are probably volunteers and aren't getting paid to be there and if they are, it's not that much. They're all human and they'll make mistakes in some decisions and what I see may not be the same as what you will see and that's the same from the perception from the stands and location from the stands and the decisions someone or some people will have to make from the infield, the flagstand, the press box or wherever the decision has to be made from. Favortism or the threat of favortism will probably always be present reguardless of management, drivers, owners, or whatever the case may be. As for the Super Street class, I think the best drivers were in the Championship running and for the most part, they all raced clean. The ten or so cars that did show up for the Pure Stocks were entertaining, aggressive, but not dirty and I didn't see anything that could be viewed as favortism during any of those races. The Super Street class has been declining in recent years no matter who was management and I think that has more to do with the increasing costs of running that class than anything else and some drivers have moved to other places. The 0 car moved, the 99 car moved, the 7 car didn't race this season, the old 21 hasn't raced in a couple of seasons now, 71 doesn't come out anymore, 95 doesn't come out anymore, 91 ran TAMS, the 45 ran TAMS, the 64 didn't race, the 31 didn't race and the 62 didn't run this season. I'm sure they had their reasons and with the exception of the 91 and 45 (who did make some appearances and were almost always watching) either moved out of town, or had financial reasons to not coming. I'll agree somewhat with the replacement of these drivers with the exception of the Super Street class, it's been basically the same group for about five seasons now and I think they lost more than they gained, but the group they have are good. The Pure Stocks however, have dropped drastically, most noticeably, alot of the guys that came from Rockport. But I'm sure the debate on "favortism" will never end.

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its my opion that the tx thunders are whats helping the track out the most as of this season. with the car count always up the track gets more people in the pits such as the drivers and i myself noticed that almost all tx thunder drivers have at least 2 to4 people in there crew which pay to get into the pits. thats alot of extra money for the track not to mention the fuel purchases and food purchases... and on top of that the fans ( which are mostly family) come out to watch there sons, husbands, daughters, fathers run at the track. they pay to get in and buy food and other merchandise..... so i believe the texas thunders bring to the table just as much as the other classes if not more with half the bitching that goes on........ :ph34r:

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When one leaves someone else always shows up. So if your issues with track management are to the point you think it is unfair and it makes you unhappy don't race there. This is suppose to be a hobby and some drivers have taken the fun out of it for fans and drivers alike.



Which is what is happening.We have gone from 20to 24 PureStocks a week to about 12-15.In the Streets its from 20 to 10-12.Now I really don't think it is because of actual favoritism than it is of a perceived favoritism.I won't elaborate here as it would probably get edited anyway.Also I don't see anyone showing up when one leaves hence the lower car count.I personally think the calls made at CCMS were very good and can't disagree with many of them.But I'm a fan (longtime) in the stands I don't see and hear whats going on in the pits until after the races.But if the car count is to get back to where it was this "perception" has to be aired out during the off season.

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But I'm a fan (longtime) in the stands I don't see and hear whats going on in the pits until after the races.


Did say only a fan.I know all about past managements as well and will agree with your last sentence.So what is the solution other than airing it out in the off season and trying to fix it?

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well when i got out it was because of money the feature paid 175. to win and the heats 25. so when my pit crew crashed my car in the front straightway we reclipped it and 2 weeks latter my motor blew so i didnt have the money laying around to put another together so i parked the car . its hard to find good sponsers in this town . but i think if the purses were better not just in first but down the line you would keep more cars racing . but i dont know what kind of purses owen is paying

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The purses I don't think are the problem. Sly, I didn't mean to sound like no one cares about them per say, but you guys definately don't get the attention say the Super Streets get during the races. Personally, I love the Tx. Thunder class and if I ever get some money together, I would be driving with you guys, but I have other priorities right now. Your class is probably the most relaxed group of the bunch because you guys for the most part are having fun and it's not deadly serious for you guys, although you all want to win, but you all seem to have a good time racing with each other and there's no jealousy amongst the drivers, or it's not as evident.

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The purses I don't think are the problem. Sly, I didn't mean to sound like no one cares about them per say, but you guys definately don't get the attention say the Super Streets get during the races. Personally, I love the Tx. Thunder class and if I ever get some money together, I would be driving with you guys, but I have other priorities right now. Your class is probably the most relaxed group of the bunch because you guys for the most part are having fun and it's not deadly serious for you guys, although you all want to win, but you all seem to have a good time racing with each other and there's no jealousy amongst the drivers, or it's not as evident.

Ok top, apology accepted! :D

And hell yes, come race with us!

No we don't get the attention and I really don't understand it, I think we "fly" in tight formation with the best of 'em. I guess not enough wrecks or torn up cars.

Most relaxed group?? You haven't seen Will before a race back in the ghetto....wound up tighter than a rubber band! And GB, all in a panick, worried that tech will find his black berry wine stash! Todd, ah Mr. Todd, all over his car checking to see what animal parts were left in his car in response to his practical jokes! BJ, running back and forth to the pit gate to see who got in for 1/2 price because they hit him the week prior! Then are newbie of the bunch, Ratty Carl aka the shark still just trying to figure out how to make the car go straight IN THE STRAIGHTAWAY! And then there's me...not a care in the world...calm, cool, collected....unless you count the 15 bazillion times I take off the hood to check the engine and everything else under the hood...

Most relaxed bunch indeed!

Jealously....not at all unless you count that we STILL haven't found Will's new place for his NOS, GB's new stash for black berry wine (rumor has it that it's still in the fire extinguisher), of course they'll never find my cubans!


LMAO! :lol::huh:

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