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Damage report:


50 - needs complete body / front clip / rear end / wheels / shocks / front suspension / radiator / exhaust (right side)


59 - needs complete body / rear clip / rear end / front suspension


6 - needs complete body / front clip / radiator / wheels / window net


1 - needs most of body / front suspension / rear end / wheels


5 - needs rear clip / rear end / wheels / shocks


80 - needs rear clip / bumpers (front & rear) / radiator / nose / air box / front suspension / fuel cell


77 - RF suspension / fender / door / wheel


00 - minor cosmetic body work


53 - no damage


8 - no damage / paint


79 - no damage


28 - minor cosmetic body work


11 - minor cosmetic body work / wheel / rear end / shock


98 - no damage


55 - suspension / minor cosmetic body work


97 - minimal body damage / hood


I think that is all but I could have missed a couple things here or there.



Estimated repair bill : $25,000+


Winners payout : $1000


Red flag entertainment by TD: priceless

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Yeah the full invert would have been exciting to see had the drivers fell in line and picked them off one at a time, however from the pits it looked to me like some of them guys were on a rampage from the drop of the green flag. Lets see 3 cautions in the first five laps which leaves a combined total of 12 cars out of the 18 that started loading up on their haulers early. Now I commend Mary Ann for what she did, it seemed like the odds were stacked up against her. With the ratio of wrecks to laps remaining being so high you have to wonder if all the cars would have made it to the 75th lap. She was definitly in a situation were your damned if you do and damned if you dont. All I can say is i wish yall better luck in the Spectacular


sean B)

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Lloyd say what you want to say. We all have our opinions. This is not my opinion...this is a fact...one car caused that first big crash. I was working turn four and saw it from beginning to end. The second big crash...2 cars share the blame. There was no where to go and it was no one elses fault. A lot of good drivers had no way to avoid the crash. I'm over being embarrassed about what happened. You are a good driver and I understand you being upset and want to blame someone. Mary Ann is not the person to blame. At this point it's better to move on and start getting ready for the next race.

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What things do you have to do to "deserve to be up front?" almost anyone can drive 1 lap fast... does that mean you desearve to be up front?? what about Joe A.. if he had a bad qualifing lap.. does that mean he doesn't desearve to be up front??

Aaron, I think it is more than just speed, it is the way certain "drivers" drive. I I wasn't there to see what happened, so I can't say much more about it...

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Trucks has a rule that you have to start in the rear for 2 races, reguardless of where you qualify... Completely understand and support that rule..


Not sure what TSRS's rule is on Rookie starts.. not even sure if there were any rookie's in the field...


All i can say is if you don't respect the situation you will have this happen again..

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I know we are talking about the TSRS race, but this comment from one of the drivers at the Go-Cart races at New Braunsfels yesterday made me laugh and seemed fitting. Before I say it, please think about it for a second before you reply.


Driver [a] to Driver . Didn't you feel me banging on you in the corner? Driver Ah, As a matter a fact; I guess I did. Driver [a] WHY DIDN'T YOU MOVE OVER AND LET ME BY?!!!!? Driver Come to think of it, I guess I figured you were coming in hot and didn't have enough brake. Driver [a] I was there the whole time, I only hit you in the corners though; NEXT TIME YOU SHOULD JUST LET ME BY!!!!!! Driver If you want around me, I guess you'll have to pass me down the straight away. Oh would you mind fixing your brakes?


Driver in the pits. I guess he thinks we should all get off the track and let him run by himself.


Great job to all the TSRS guys... Looking forward to next race... ( Sorry it was off the subject guys/gals... )

Edited by KISS_Racing
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yea the total is a lil low, the 50 car i believe is going to the salvage yard, thats at least 25k right there, the 5 car is looking like it will have a new home next to the 50, another 25k the 80 rear clip ect looking at about 2500 so yea the total is a little low, anyhow lloyd, you need to stop blaming someone and get your car ready for the next race.


big john

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At the risk of upsetting some people, I will state what I think a number of us are thinking but up to now not saying, and what you hinted at in your post. In my opinion .......... I think there may be several drivers in this series who are in over their head. Their horsepower exceeds their level of skill, experience and maturity. Hopefully, that will improve soon!

Edited by Budman
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Budman, your right. AND NOBODY TAKE THIS AS A BASH, CAUSE IT AINT ONE. But TSRS has numerous drivers that dont belong there. I dont know many of these guys cause i just started watching racing, cause I saw Days Of Thunder and got interested in racing. But i've been to 4 tsrs races now, and [edited out by Nick Holt, 10/16/05] always seems to be in some sort of trouble. This aint a bash to him, but maybe he should step it down and get some experience in another class. The SAS roadrunners could use a few more cars, and he could probly give randy grabsem frautchi a run for the championship. [edited out by Nick Holt, 10/16/05] could both prolly better themselves by running in lower and then move back up.


And another thing that gets to me is all these people saying how all the THR classes started completely inverted every week. [edited out by Nick Holt, 10/16/05] I mean, we're talkin about inverting a full field of latemodels here, not hobbystocks. inverting a field where the 12th place guy is usually well over 2 seconds off the pole, and having that same guy start in front of the field and racing like its the daytona 500 on the first lap just wont work. if people want to see wrecks, go to a county fair and watch a demo derby, or just come and watch a tsrs race.. . . . .

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its easy to say get over it, until you walk out into the shop and see a pile of [edited out by Nick Holt, 10/16/05] sittin there that used to be a racecar. all because of something that was uncalled for. maybe from now on, there should be two features. the first one can be for the pole sitter and everyone that qualified within a second of him. the second feature can be for all the guys that were more than a second off the pole. but i guess that wouldnt work cause in some series there would only be about 3 or 4 cars in the first feature. . . . .

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