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heard a guy on 590am radio raising hell over bottled water wednesday.Said he buys a gallon a day,everyday at the same HEB in buda,same brand of water.Stopped in wednesday to get his water and it was .59 cents more than he paid tuesday.They always talk about the attorney generals going to do something about price gouging but i guess it doesnt faze the big dogs.(campaign contributions I guess)The only ones you hear about the AG going after are the small mom and pop stores, so you'll read or hear somebody go busted for it in the news.Can you just guess how much HEB made if all their stores in the affected areas of this storm did this from austin to the texas coast.I can just guess how much batteries got jacked up.Guess its true what great grandma said"somebody makes a living off of everybody elses misfortunes" :angry:

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I'm on Jason's side on this thing. It would be foolish for a big corporation with big exposure to price gouge. We got a shipment of generators in, over 175 of them, and we made it clear that no one was to get creative in trying to price these things. Just run the retail price...no more....no less. We will have them back for sale probably on Saturday.

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It is easy to understand why all the San Antonio Stations are out of gas. Mostly it is just a demand issue. Way to many people are filling up thier tanks when they are half full or even at 3/4 of a tank since everyone knows that the gas prices will be skyrocketing as Rita hits the gulf coast. That in turn has changed many of the forecasted usage of the gas stations and some have not had thier fuel come in sooner...mostly due to the traffic in Houston.


As far as the price hike, I did not witness anything in San Antonio but I did see people fighting over a bottle of Ozarka Water. It was strange to go to Walmart last night and feel like I was in the middle of an Apocolyptic movie. There was no water to be had in the store. There was a line 20 people deep to fill up water bottles. Hell I went down the canned food isle and got the last two cans of spegettios off the shelf. Not because I was preparing for the worst but because I am a poor college student and that is what I enjoy to eat. Before you ask I went to the store as a normal food run and to buy things like toilet paper and tuna and beer.


There were no gas cans left in the store (goes back to the gas shortage problem).


I am in no way trying to down play the threat of Rita as she begins to head towards land. I wish everyone evacuating from Houston the best of luck. I just was wierd to see all the fuss in SA even as all the forecast I saw from SA weathermen (and Women - Jenifer Broom) never really forecasted Rita to do anything to SA but some wind and rain.


Good luck to everyone getting out of Rita's way.

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Spegetteos are gross. Why are you going to the store to buy food. Just make your girlfriend bring you food from her parents house. Thats what gf's are for. lol jk

Could it be that we have just caught a glimpse of why Jason seems to have more than his share of gf problems. LOL


Nick Holt

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i work at autozone and we stocked the storelast night and we put 25 gas can's up and we we're sold out by 9am when we open at 7:30 That's Crazy!!!



Also i went to H.E.B to shop a little bit and saw two guy's get into a fight over a loaf of bread!!!! that's ridiculous!!!




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I work at Target at night and I can tell you there is no price changing on certain products. Target did over 100k at my store last night and most of that was water and Batteries. I went in today at lunch to see what was there from the trucks last night and to tell you the truth the price actually went down. Target has a yearly plan on what is going on clearance, sale or just plan price cut and sure enough it just happen to fall on this weekend. What I am trying to say is that the BIG time companies I dont think would change the price on a certain item unless the prices are handed down from the maker or who ever. I can tell you that the small companies do. I went to get gas last night and from lakeway to Leander there was only 2 gas stations that had gas out of a few hundreds and can you guess the price of that gas. Well I can tell you Rudy's was at 3.0099 per reg. unleaded per gallon the Chevron that is locally owned and operated had there price exactly the same. If you drive just less than a block to the guys that are out there prices are only 2.52-2.69 per gallon. Who took advantage of this situation.



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In times of crisis, people reveal what they are made of. There are those who are kind and compasionate towards others no matter what the circumstances and there are those who are so self-centered that they can only think of themselves in any situation.


Heros and cowards both go to war. Some risk their lives for others while others are busy deserting.


Nick Holt

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