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Saw the addition to the disciplinary actions on the CCMS site. What the hell happened? We left before the powder puffs or mechanics races or whatever they ran after the regular program, anyone know what caused that, got there late didn't really see anything that would provoke a fight except for the PS feature, but thought that was separated before something happened?

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I thank after last week most of the P.S. are just racing for fun. I know that most of them would give up the championship rather than wreck their cars each week. I also think you have a couple of drivers that just don't care, and will use the front bumper like a jack hammer. If 4 cars are two wide two deep it does you know good to hammer on them for 10 laps. All you do is slow everyone up. Anyway, I hope the P.S. class can seddle down and the best driver and car wins the championship, rather than the one who can knock everyone else out of the race.

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Anyone notice the change on the disciplinary actions page at the CCMS website.  The #3 PS is only banned from the property for one week instead of the remainder of the season and the banquet.  What changed?

Instead of asking about this CCMS disciplinary matter here, how about asking the track manager?




Nick Holt

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i dont know what changed there minds but i believe it was the numerous complaints about what really happen, see the 3 driver might have said some things he shouldnt have but his car was really messed up and he had the right to get mad but probly said some things he shouldnt have or didnt mean but the wreck wasnt his fault by no means. i mean if a driver of another car pushes the rearbumper of your car towards the infield when going into a turn you car is gonna turn towards the wall and wreck who ever is pushing you and that is what happen to 3. so i guess the official realized it or it was brought ot there attention and thats all i have to say about that :ph34r:

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As a long time C.C. Speedway / Motor Speedway observer I have seen fueds like this in the past and they tend to get worse as the season goes on. I hope that cooler heads prevail here before someone gets hurt or it involves an innocent racer. It can't be fun for the guys racing with the feuding cars knowing something could happen at any time and take them out.This is probably one reason for the dwindling car count in the PS class.

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IMHO, I think the idea of the chase for the championship hurt the car count. Narrowing it down to ten cars for a chance to win the championship on a local racetrack level to me naturally dwindles the car count. Obviously, very few local tracks could offer the incentives to keep the rest of the field motivated to go out there. Why waste the time and money and risk tearing up the car when you're outside the top ten? Obviously, it adds excitement for the top ten cars, but what about the other ten to fifteen cars that may show up in that class? What do they run for. Not bashing management, just making a point. I know the intent of the whole chase idea, but it just seems to alienate the bottom part of the class in points. I know most of those guys go out there for the fun of racing, but it's an awfully big risk racing people who may be a little more aggressive than normal, or vice versa, racing with a group that really has nothing to lose. Not to mention, wouldn't a true champion be based on what he or she did all season rather than just the last ten races? That being said, I'll still congratulate the 41 car for winning the championship and this is in no way a bash on him, that car runs and he could have been a champion in any format, nor am I questioning management, it's just more fun to watch 25 cars going for a win than just 10. The Pure Stock used to have the highest car count except maybe the TT and they're all relatively equal. The top ten all deserved to be there, but almost any of the drivers in that class can win on any given night.

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