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You're Too Damn Old!


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I was recently at the parts dept. of a local Ford dealership. When I'd finished up there I strolled up to the show room to kill a little time and take a look at the new models. In the show room I came across one of those new Ford GT's they had on display. They had it roped off, and I was standing there checking out as much of it as I could when one of the most elder of the salesmen walked up. I told him, "Ya know, I'm old enough to have actually sat in one of these in the show room of this very dealership in 1966!" His reply was "What? They made these in 1966!?"


I'll bet you've got a funny story like this also. Would love to hear it.



THE 2005 FORD GT >>>>>>>>>


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I must have destroyed the chance for a lot of people to drive the muscle cars back in the 60's would go in and tell the dealers that my dad was going to buy me a new car for getting out of school and then proceed to scare the hell out of the salesman lol boy they would get pissed lol man what fun. I did by a 1968 GTO but not before i was well know buy the dealers in Pasadena.

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Not race related, but a telling story. About a year ago, got me a new set of Bose "Acoustic Wave" speakers for my old stereo component system. Man, do they sound good. One night last winter I decided that by gosh I wanted to listen to some Rolling Stones music through my new speakers.


Pulled out my old stones album and put it on the turn-table. Then I paused to take a look at the album cover. That's when I discovered my album was so old, it was MONAURAL. I had bought it so long ago, it was pre-stereo! I had to laugh at myself on that one.


Ended up having to go buy the remastered CD. Incredible how expensive those things have gotten. No wonder their music is being pirated all over the internet. They've created their own "black market" with their prohibitively high prices!

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That baby is a Mark IV. They were big block 427 side oilers. Most of the engines were Holman-Moody stock car engines. That particular car is the one Ford ordered painted red to tee off Enzo Ferrari.

The "today's" Ford GT is a recreation of the Mark II.



That bubble on the roof was added for headroom for Dan Gurney (it's left side drive).

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Right side driver, JP. They were built in England. The one's they sold in the show rooms included in the purchase price round trip air fare to England to have the car fitted to you.


Yea, Jracer98, the Mark II's were not quite as radical at the IV's. I think they had 289's fitted with 4 webber carbs.


Anyway, as the story goes as I have picked it up in bits and pieces over the years is when Lee Iacocca was head of ford, ford made certain private inquiries about purchasing Ferarri. When the Ferarri family got wind of it, they came out publicly, in righteous indignation that ANYONE would dare suggest that they would even think of selling their beloved car company.


Iacocca, indignant himself, that the Ferarries had made such a stink about it, turned to his lieutenants in ford and said something like "OK, if we can't buy 'um, we'll just BEAT 'um. Thus the GT40 program was born. A whole auto production program born of bruised ego's!


Anybody who knows more of the details of this feel free to jump in here on this one.

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Hey !!! It's not easy being lexdysic.

That's the story all right. The Europeans laughed at the low tech big heavy pushrod V8. Dan Gurney wrote that when it started up for the first time in the pits, everyone just stopped and looked...and they weren''t smiling!


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  • 2 years later...

i know when the hondas first came out in the 70 's ..you know the little small car with the motorcycle motor in them ... we hated them so much .we would pick them up and hide them ..one we stuck between a building and a power pole on its back bumper..it only took two poeple to do that ...got in trouble .its was our teachers honda that we stood up ...she was not happy you may say .....

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I remember sitting in Don Schoenfeld's car in '69 that was a 68 chevelle latemodel and seeing his version of a steering quickener. He had it set up so that he sat in the center on the driveshaft tunnel. He had a steering quickener. It was the stock steering shaft came up to the bottom of the dashin the stock location with a pillowblock bearing. and then it had a bicycle sprocket with a chain that went to a short shaft sticking out of the center of the dash. It had a sprocket on it and the two had a chain wrapped around them. Durndest thing you ever saw. The roof had a whole in it just like an old modified had so he could climb in and out. Funny thing is that car would give one of these modern wedge late models agood run for the money. He turned high 12's on a fairly flat 1/4 mile dirt track.

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