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USRA late models


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After watching the start of the late model race, I think that Terry Dickerson should really be looking at the drivers that are running that class. Most of the drivers there have real racing backgrounds although some of the drivers dont have any experience. With the drivers that do not have any experience you are going to have exactly what you had Saturday night, alot of tore up race cars. I am not a expert,but maybe they or "he" should have some bomber experience.

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First lap accidents are common in short track racing. And I'm not really sure who you are referring to that has no racing experience. Just who do you have in mind that fits that category?


And I doubt very much that you will see Mr. Dickerson putting a requirement on USRA SLM teams that their driver must have so much of this or that type of racing experience.


Matt Merrell is a good example in the TAMS series. He won his first ever TAMS race at CCMS earlier in the year. We all know that CCMS is one of the toughest bullrings in the US and he beat veteran drivers who have raced there for years and years. I guess Wayne should have barred him from racing?


Nick Holt

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i remember one year at oktoberfast chris davidson did almost the same thing at took out more cars that tuffy did. johnny walker (#47) said why was chris driving, he could not handle the power....look at chris now he is a good driver. stuff like that happens. i was at the warp tour at the verizon today so i havent had time to look at the video of the race yet but it was a good darn race. hate it for all the drivers that tore up there car. calvin hadden

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All I know is that after the race, Mr. Dickerson was not happy at all. As I was talking to him about it, he asked me to to make sure I put it here on TXSZ, that the stands were full and the top USRA class put on a horrible show and that he would fix the problem.

All I have to say is GIT-R-DONE.

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Mr. Dickerson was not happy at all. As I was talking to him about it, he asked me to to make sure I put it here on TXSZ, that the stands were full and the top USRA class put on a horrible show and that he would fix the problem.


sounds like he is just relaying the message from mr. dickerson, but i could have read it wrong..........

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The SLM race was a wreak fest from lap one. More red flags than I've seen in a long time and the race was totally unspectacular except for 4 passes---and far too long. The announcer said the last 7 were survivors. I agree! They should have all been lined up and given an award for just being there at the end.

The majority of fans that were sitting around me were very disapointed.

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From where I was standing on pit road what it looked like is when Tuffy got on the gas it spun the tires and got tapped and then the accordian behind him happened. You cant blame Tuffy for this it was a racing deal. Pig you cant say there should be driver reguirements I dont know who you are but from what I've heard Tuffy has been racing a long time in his young age and I wouldnt be surprised if he has more laps than you do in a racecar.

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It was just a bad weekend, started with the tams wreck in turn 1. It wasnt but it should have been a full moon, atleast over SAS. One bad wreck in the trucks and several transmission problems as well. The SLM wreck was bad, tore up alot of good cars, but they all can drive things just happen. Wish it would have been better for the fans, hope we didnt lose any. Nobody was seriously hurt so it wasnt as bad as it coulda been. Hope to see that big of a crowd at THR on July 16th, I'm sure it will be a better show.....

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finished second according to the results..............seems like every few months we have a wreck fest...........i believe the last one that caused a stir was the tsrs race at thr..............it is just the way racing goes, sometimes you go caution free and have a great night, sometimes you have nothing but wrecks and end up finishing only 5 cars.............

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It was a bad night for the SLM's - and that does happen - but as I have been following the USRA's lately, I feel Terry-D will have those issues resolved. I think he has formed an outstanding organization and will do what it takes to let us fans see some good green flag racing in the future.


As far as the other races - they were great. I have become a truck race fan myself lately - seen some great competition, sportsmanship and green flag racing there.


Great show all-in-all TERRY - D !! If you have not been to one of his shows - you're missing some great performances! Watch him work the crowds in the stands also, he is definately a promoter! HATS OFF TO ALL USRA SERIES MEMBERS!



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I'm not defending Tuffy, but didn't Jerry Schild drive pretty hard into turn #1. Nobody going to say bad things about him (except Chris Swenson because "all involved" sucks) because he only damaged his car. IT"S RACING!! The first lap of a very big race in front of the biggest crowd any group has seen all year! Everybody was very excited and that's what happens when poeple race for the glory and the fans...



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actually jerry admited on the pa that it probally was his fault. and i talked to tuffy and he said he spun the tires. racin deal. get over it, it happens. the 81 mod blew a motor and 3 others were caught up in it, why dont we cry about that, cause its part of racin.


big john

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I don't think Terry Dickerson should say a word to those guys.I am willing to bet you that Tuffy learned a huge lesson about starting on the front row.He didn't let Grimes set the starting speed...he took off first...then had to lift so as to not get caught(you could hear the throttle from turn four side of stands)...then Grimes hit the throttle as soon as he saw Tuffy lift...Tuffy stabbed it quickly again spinning the tires and pointing his front end into the side of the 22...classic veteran driving by the 22 car...even held it straight when getting hit...


Tuffy...this will all go away when you start on the front row again...and blow them away...hang in there B)

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