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Cup Series Bristol dirt no more

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I know the internet has all the "NaScAr iS dUMb" and "ThE dIrT rAcE iS JuSt A CiRcUs" crowd but I thought that was awesome.

I miss the Trucks at Eldora too.  Something fun about big heavy high horsepower cars fighting hard to try to hook up and race that was super fun about those.  Hopefully we get something in one of the series to keep it going.

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I aways sensed that the teams really didn't like the added burden and expense of prepping a special car for dirt. They all had to smile and spout the NA$CAR script about how much the teams loved racing the dirt was the way I took those interviews. 

I love watching local dirt track racing, but those cars just didn't do it for me. 

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I went to the first Coliseum race because I was in LA that weekend anyways, and I'm a huge fan of it.  The in person acoustics alone are worth it, and I've been to a lot of race tracks and even at a local short track I don't feel as close to the track as I did at the Coliseum.

I know it's not for everyone but the location is also dead center in the middle of Los Angeles.  There are a lot of folks who didn't realize they'd like NASCAR / Cars in general that seemed to be at that event from the random folks I talked to that were there.  

That is a wildly fun in-person event.  Hate on it all you want.  

Bristol Dirt Race was something I wanted to go to before it expired.  If they keep running races on Easter they'll realize it wasn't the dirt that was hindering attendance.  I'm not sure how in a sport where the demographic is mostly Christians with a functional family unit that is important to them why you'd take one of the more remote located tracks and compete against Easter, but I'm just a dude with a keyboard and internet access so what do I know.


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