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I-37 speedway updates 5-22-21

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Factory Stock heats

Heat 1

31 Allen Torres

4d Dustin Hurley

49k Michael Keylich

20r Roy Long

44k Katherine Keylich

10 Scott Jerkins

36 George Quintanilla

58 John Aramendia



Heat 2

30 Memphis Villareal

93 Aaron Leddy

133 Megan Dodson

17e Jerry Evans

99d Dillon Gaither

18s Jarrett Payton

75 Jerry Miller

34h Hunter Peterson



Heat 3

40 Dakota Hurley

38 Josh Sewell

747 GW Hessong

29 Jose Lopez jr

44c Cord Beard

7 Jesse Sandoval

33 Charles Earnhardt---dns

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All in Design Factory Stocks

30 Memphis Villareal

31 Allen Torres

40 Dakota Hurley

4d Dustin Huirley

44c Cord Beard

29 Jose Lopez jr

44k Katherine Keylich

18s Jarrett Payton

36 George Quintanilla

75 Jerry Miller

34h Hunter Peterson

49k Michael Keylich

747 GW Hessong

7 Jesse Sandoval

58 John Aramendia

133 Megan Dodson

93 Aaron Leddy

38 Josh Sewell

99d Dillon Gaither

20r Roy Long

17e Jerry Evans

10 Scott Jerkins

33 Charles Earnhardt---dns

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9 hours ago, rebelracewriter said:

All in Design Factory Stocks

30 Memphis Villareal

31 Allen Torres

40 Dakota Hurley

4d Dustin Huirley

44c Cord Beard

29 Jose Lopez jr

44k Katherine Keylich

18s Jarrett Payton

36 George Quintanilla

75 Jerry Miller

34h Hunter Peterson

49k Michael Keylich

747 GW Hessong

7 Jesse Sandoval

58 John Aramendia

133 Megan Dodson

93 Aaron Leddy

38 Josh Sewell

99d Dillon Gaither

20r Roy Long

17e Jerry Evans

10 Scott Jerkins

33 Charles Earnhardt---dns


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17 hours ago, HiTech said:


Hitech what was the black flag for?  I was right behind Jesse most of the race and it looked like he got turned on the front stretch.  I was expecting a yellow but came back around and he was still there and no flag.

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1 hour ago, top_shelf_12 said:

That was probably why he got the black flag. Heard I37 is black flagging cars that stop and wait for the yellow when they are deemed they can move and keep going but could be wrong. 

He didnt stop and wait for a yellow  ... he was catching his breath i think dirt 9 lol .. no restarting the motor   , All he could see was a swimming pool ahead of him and about drove the brake pedal through the floor board   to say the old saying like his butt was tight might be an  understatement  .   no that other driver has a great car its fast  the driver is fast and that is the issue with that driver he is fast but loses talent somewhere between his ears .. its like i am fast i am great and you need to move out of my way attitude not the first car he hit that race the reason he was  behind all of you . dirt cars do not have horns or mirrors . so the driver you know who decided to become the cream of the oreo cookie at the wrong time as ussual  while doing his squeez play blindsided jesse and turned him  towards the fish pond  .neither driver knew  said driver was there  trying out his ussual  lack of patients doing  low talent   stupid stunts ...    JESSE  nicely warned him before if you are faster then  me pass me  no problem  . if you drive through me thats a problem .. common sense takes ahold of the equation there u know .. . not much to ask for is it . . SO JESSE DECIDED TO DROP OFF A REMINDER LETTER with a STAMP OF HIS APPROVAL  .   that is a very rare stamp  a golden stamp . WRECKED cars cost ., least he didnt wreck the guy and didnt want to. but talking  seems not to get the message across .so he spoke louder just in  case the driver didnt hear the warning .next time may cost someone a car  jessie is fair minded if i have to work on mine  you may aswell  work on yours too .so lets team up ...... you race jesse and you know he  races u with respect and care to the best that can be .he does not see the need to race demo ..that cost .but dont wreck him and not go give him a kiss .lol.. ..... TOP SHELF  U KNOW what the flag was for everyone saw it coming and i am sure so did the other driver there was no hiding it ..not something  jessie likes to do ..BUT ..  jesse likes the other driver ..

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A black flag for drivers that purposefully wait in harms way for a yellow is appropriate. 

Mike, I'm not saying Jesse deserved a black flag because I was not there and each situation is different.  Track officials have to make calls before the TV replay is ready (LOL), so they may not get it right every time.  They deserve our respect as we cut them some slack... 

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2 hours ago, top_shelf_12 said:

Sorry he had issues, again, seems like he's on the receiving end more often than not and sure he's a little frustrated. Don't usually spin on the straightaway without help or something breaking. 

lol.. yep but that is going to change if drivers dont watch out .we always say there is an0ther car ready the next race if we lose one .. we just want to race have some fun and maybe get a win here and there .. we want to get beat fair  or beat them fairly . and some dont think about the fair part .. YOU HARDLY EVER  see jesse take someone out  or do it  to move up a spot .. if he does it was not on purpose ..unless the other driver has driven him the same .. once he gives a driver a warning .  best heed it ....drive like i drive you ..  shawn ward  talk to jesse one night and said if its for a win on the last lap or a championship and i am behind you get ready and dont be upset if i move you ... jesse  agreed along as shawn was ok with the same treatment .that is respect ..hope it does not have to happen again  .not the way we want to race .. 

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21 hours ago, top_shelf_12 said:

I wasn't there but going off the description that he was still there for a lap, thought they black flagged him for trying to draw the caution. Jesse definitely seems to receive more than he gives. 

during a race  i have seen jessie give alot and at times it cost him . but  being able to load the car up on four wheels with out damage is cheaper ..GOING    to add here  .give the track management a check mark for getting the track ready . the track turned out better than one would think after all that rain  not one issue considering what they   were up agaisnt . run low run high  .nothing else to ask for ..

Edited by HiTech
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