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hey sean-if you brought something home and cant get rid of em-ole boy back home use to say-stand naked by the creek-douse it with lighter fluid-strike a match and set it on fire-when they start running out jump in the creek-never had to find out if it worked-plus we alway said he was a couple french fries short of being a happy meal- :wacko:

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Well Larry

there was something that I brought home that I rather not have, But thats another secret. LOL Lets just say things were said and Irish carboms were in involved. But another secret another day. lmfao



I dont want to here yo mess u got them skanky skeltons in your closet. LMFAO But you brought it up so you tell them.


sean B)

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Hey Beaver,


It might have been a shela except for one problem. I think I only seen about 3 that were worth touching with a 2 foot pole. The rest were not even worthy of a 50 foot pole. LMFO Lets just say I dont think theyve been introduced to inventions we like to call razors and Deoderant. LOL


Hey gunar I would have got rid of it but my wife got it on DVD. LOL


sean B)

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