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Building my shop


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Being that racing season is over or has been over for most of us, I figure I would start a post on building my shop if anyone is interested.  I plan on sharing photos and getting other peoples thoughts through the building process and once its up.  What lift to buy. air compressor. work bench layouts ETC  Figured this would be a fun thing to share Since it has been slow on here for awhile.

Thanks Adam Haugh

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Bought this home a little over 4 months ago. Has a great backyard for the shop I wanted to build or could afford really. It has a really nice shed 12x16 that is right in the path of the shop foot print. So first things first had to move that. What a chore that was. Ugh after a few bottle jacks homemade dollys and a truck I got it moved to the back Conner. 





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Well there you go and make some of us feel down and out  all I have is a two car garage and the wife owns half of that .go figure ...now just so I feel good bout something I do have a 10 by 12 shed ,. storage building .out house, crap holder ,barn what ever you want to call it  seems the cats and other animals love to live under ,planning on moving around the other side of my house so I can make noise at night with out the lady next door mad as hell .cant park a car inside but hey cant win everything.......

 what did you use to move the shed ..

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With 12 foot sidewalls get a lift that the controls are overhead  Mine is on the ground and hard to push the cars over them     Also when installing your lift do not center it where you think it should go    push it forward   you do not want the rear of your car up against the back wall   I bought my lift from a guy in Hutto  cannot remember his name but hes a racer and does a great job  Ill send you his info when I go look at my lift  Also if you need a electrician consider me      Just sayin


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Thanks Bobby. I will be doing most of that work myself but if in run into an issue I will call the pros at Sanford Electric for sure.


thought about doing a rear for that same reason and air flow. Doors are a pretty penny. Think I will just cut a new door into the shed for better access. 

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was that listed in your deed ..  my neighbor who has owned her house sense 1963 .planted a oak tree on her side of course .one year ago someone bought the house right next to that tree and razed hell a bout the limbs hanging near her drive way  so she cut em  this tree was 30 feet tall min and could not touch her roof .. did not matter that new owner kept complaining till this 95 year old neighbor spent $2500 a deal for that size of tree to take it down  a perfect tree ..I mention to the neighbor she should thank this lady for spending that amount to make her happy ..she just said so what the tree is gone is all I wanted ...me I would have left it standing ...

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