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Just curious whether any local drivers would be against me racing down there? I race at Edna and Pleasanton has said they would allow me to race there. The car also has a body line now not just flat sides and I would be running at 3400lbs 50% rear


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Decking that covers the back seat like what was allowed at goliad last year. It's around 6" from the back of my seat. Kinda thought since Edna was allowing 3300lb cars there things could go both ways to allow Edna cars down there. Y'all don't even have to move weight to go to Edna willing to move mine to run there.

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Decking and longer roof. Only problem I foresee is if they allow one person then others will try and do it as well claiming well u let so and so do it why not me.


Usually a track will give you one night to run and they will point out issues that need to be addressed before running there again. There are factory stocks that aren't allowed decking that have the same amount as I do that's why it was built the way it is

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Well the rules say the body needs to be stock appearing(which it is) doesn't say has to be Monte Carlo or any car specific. And the "decking" covers the same area as a trunk lid would be on a car. And the roof is longer because of the type of body it is. Pure stocks have rear percentage rule so you can't say he has more rear Percentage. The whole body is out of 20gauge steel. Don't see what the big issue is. Yes it's different but why be like everyone else.

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Decking and longer roof. Only problem I foresee is if they allow one person then others will try and do it as well claiming well u let so and so do it why not me.

Usually a track will give you one night to run and they will point out issues that need to be addressed before running there again. There are factory stocks that aren't allowed decking that have the same amount as I do that's why it was built the way it is

Not saying I have a problem just what I see as a foreseeable issue. To me the more cars the better. My dad has always wanted a wagon body just never found one and did the work.

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I didn't catch the drift of this thread until now.


One more time: Lone Star Speedzone is not the complaint department for any Texas short track or Texas-based racing series. If anyone has a problem with a particular ruling, please take it up with the track rather than in the forums.





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texana 63 .cuz the rules state what you can and cant have .... we will bring our pure this weekend along with my other team mates who run emod and pure .lets just say I am going to put bat mobile style wings .and circle our tail pipes back through the hood . will that pass the rules .nope don't think so .but I could say why be like everyone else .that wont work either ..if the track lets this car run so be it ill be looking forward to the driver out on the track asking other drivers would it be ok does not really need to be asked though the question asked shows respect for other racers I wont or cant knock the driver for asking but would have been better off letting the track deal with it ...

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Would be nice to let the track deal with it but they won't answer back, it's like that track doesn't want anyone down there they don't want. I'm not trying to bash anyone but if two tracks are ok with it around this area and the car is not dominating it's crazy to me why a track won't give him a chance. Jmo

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