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$2.00 + diesel and gas?


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well with the fuel prices rising-whats everybody take on this increase cost on the racing budget-i've seen it up to 2.09 a gallon on IH10 for diesel and rising-i know it was a sore subject at the races i was at this past weekend-

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You know I've just got to ask-----why is the cheapest fuel to produce the most exspensive to buy now? It's has trucker's loosing there buisnes's-the cost of frieght out of sight- it seems that there is something real wrong with this picture!!!!!!! :angry:

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The good news is that the economy will get better, and we'll be able to better afford the higher prices for fuel and the collateral cost increases of everything brought to us using fuel (that is, everything).


The bad news is that the fuel price increase won't be temporary, they'll be permanent. Increased demand from nations just now becoming major consumers, primarily China and India, will see to that.



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i got where i fill up when my tank is between a half to 3/4 full so it won't scare the @#%* out of me as much and thats damn near what it used to cost to fill up when my tank was nearly empty-lol

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either way we all lose...........as long as the big dogs keep making money off of us poor suckers with gas at $2.00 a gallon it wont go down anytime soon........we'll never see gas for $0.99 again.........it's something we can't do without and they know that so why not keep milking us for every last cent..........and as bad as bush is, i doubt kerry would have been any better...........just some slim pickin this time around............jmo

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LMAO also, that right thar is funny!! Back to the serious question of gasoline - I spend $1,500 month in fuel. (That is an average). Some months higher, some lower but not by much. My company consumes the same amount of fuel today as it did back in the 80's. Back then, the average monthly bill was around $800, which I used to think would drive me out of business if the price didn't come down. Unfortunetly, 80% of the cost of running my business in all based on consumption of fuel. I have no choice but to pass the cost on. Good Lord, I can't image averaging $2,000 a month but I feel it may be coming soon! (BTW, I own a delivery company in Austin).

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Well, you can blame it on the Chinese - they are giving up bicycles for cars at an amazing rate.

You can blame it on Mom who insists on taking the kids 5 blocks to school in the family Suburban instead of letting them walk or ride bikes.

You can blame in on all them darn yankees who insist that heating with oil (using feedstocks that would normally go to diesel production) is a good thing to do instead of using natural gas.

You can blame it on the US automakers who lobby like heck to the government to keep the CAFE requirements from getting to high because they insist that Joe car buyer won't pay an extra $100 on his $30,000 car to get better mileage (but he will pay $500 for a sound system).

You can blame it on the oil companies for insisting that it is "cost prohibitive" to develop alternate energy and all we really need to do is poke more holes in the ground.


And when you get through blaming everyone, you can thank someone in government for not applying taxes to the fuel like every other country on earth that has been paying $5.00+/gal for years (ever wonder why the most fuel efficient cars come from Europe and Asia).

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We can blame it on the Bush Administartion! Just think we get 4 more years of this crap.


Shut up. :huh:


Bush has been trying to drill more in the US and use OUR oil to relieve the situation and the bleeding heart liberal, red squirrel smoochin, blind salamander lovin tree huggers are squallin up a storm.


Gimme a break, open your eyes and think outside the mass media spoon fed liberal propaganda.

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jason -amen on the idiots-i like what the texas suits are trying-called the "SNACK TAX"-yep-going to lower the property tax and add it back on something else-snacks and cigs-in the end-pay more than before-i got where i watch the suits on tv all morning instead of the judge shows-alot more bickering and arguing-dont want casino gambling-brings crime-they say-where the hell they been-we got crime and it aint leaving-as long as the louisianna lobby keeps greasing the palms of the texas suits, cause they'll lose 5 billion in education $$,texas wont have casinos-got to go-get my coffee and get ready for morning session to start-lol :D

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Yeah, what Zoom said! :P


Speaking of fuel efficient cars, well this isn't one but it is still from Europe. :ph34r:




It takes a little while to load, but it is worth it. Turn up your sound.



One lap at Nurburgring as done by Hans Stuck in a BMW M3.

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