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Playing the Victim


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After reading the press release from TSAR I have to say I want to puke. Sure some of the old MAN PR's made me want to do the same thing to a much lesser extent but now I can honestly say "$hit has hit the ceiling!".


(Austin, Tx Mar 1, 05) TSAR General Partner, LLC and TSAR Motorsports announced today that the Contract with MAN Racing Promotions and the Texas Super Racing Series has been rescinded effective immediately.


There have been major differences between the parties during the months since the Contract was entered and TSAR has worked diligently to avoid conflict over those differences until recently when the differences could no longer be managed in the best interests of TSAR. TSAR suggested that the parties enter into mediation in order to obtain assistance in reconciling differences, however, MAN Racing refused to do so and had an Attorney give notification that MAN Racing considered the Contract rescinded due to TSAR’s unwillingness to make payment to MAN Racing, which under the circumstances TSAR was unwilling to do until differences could be resolved. TSAR announced both its willingness and desire to sit down and work out these differences but unfortunately MAN Racing had no such desire.


Pretty much after you weed out all the ahhhh poor me CRAP and know the facts you say ok they couldnt come up with the money 30 days prior to the race just like the agreement was. Its kind of like someone who doesnt pay their car payment and the repo man comes to visit. You don't pay you don't play. But yeah lets look like the victim here! NO PITY FROM ME TEAGUE!


TSAR made major commitments and performed significant work and assumed significant costs in preparing for the racing season and this action by MAN Racing did not serve our best interest. However, we believe that the greater losers are the racing teams who were looking forward to racing in the events which TSAR was hosting; the racing fans who deserved to attend and see such racing events; and all others who would have benefited from these race events.

hahhahahahahhahahahahah NOT


While TSAR will not be involved in the supporting of any racing series in 2005 we will continue with our objective of growing motorsports in the State of Texas. We will also be looking at and considering our support for selective racing teams throughout the State of Texas during the current racing season with an eye towards working with those teams to help them develop to a higher level of competition. We will also be working to develop racing industrial facilities for race car development. And we will continue our progress for the development of modern short track motor speedways to serve the State of Texas.

Damn maybe you could hire a person to do a little bit better crybaby PR's too? Your business plan doesn't make sense. Never has and never will. The racers hate you, the media hates you, and as long as the racers and media keep track of you there will not be a future for TSAR. Hell there is no future for TSAR regardless.


We wish MAN Racing Promotions and the Texas Super Racing Series and its racing team members the very best.


Dear Donald Teague,

You are a convicted felon. You have filed bankruptcy how many times? Do I feel sorry for you? HELL NO. What you pulled on the ostrich farmers was pathetic. What you tried to do to the racers is pathetic. You will NEVER have support from ANYONE in the racing community. Time for you to give up racing and find some new people to piss off! I still can't believe you showed your sorry face at the TSRS banquet. Hell now I'm mad I didn't mouth off to you cause I WANTED TO SO BAD!!!! Everything catches up to you sooner or later. The more people you piss off the more your life will suck. While I am at it... Did FASCAR ever get the money from that one slime ball that took off with it?


Teague I look forward to seeing you at the opening race at your invisible speedways filled with ripped off small businesses that bought your BS. You are pathetic and so are the people that associate with you.



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Jason, just curious, Where did you get the release from TSAR ? Not that I am doubting your words, just like to read it myself....... Unfortunatly,every one loses, (T.S.R.S. , THR, a.w.a all race fans) Links would be really appreciated........................ :ph34r::ph34r:

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did they send you the release? or was it posted on another site.

The release was posted by me. I received the release from the TSZ part owner, Larry Latham. It is the exact release as sent to us by Mr. Teague.


Nick Holt

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non·sense n.


Words or signs having no intelligible meaning: a message that was nonsense until decoded.


Subject matter, behavior, or language that is foolish or absurd.


Extravagant foolishness or frivolity: a clown's exuberant nonsense.


Matter of little or no importance or usefulness: a chatty letter full of gossip and nonsense.


Insolent talk or behavior; impudence: wouldn't take any nonsense from the children.


--Nuff Said--



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I don't agree with everything that you write but I have to say that I couldn't have said it any better myself.


Donald Teague


Racing is a very small community not just in TX. but in the states. I will pass on your scam and name to every racer and sponsor that I know from coast to coast and after being in the bussiness for 30 years thats quite a few. By the way why don't you pay all the people that have worked for you there past salarys that you have never paid. I hope that some of the bussiness that you sold tickets to file a suit for deceptive trade pratices and fraud even though you have nothing. So Teague go [Edited out by Nick Holt, 3/5/05] .

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they are still trying to sell tickets!


If this is in fact true, somebody needs to put a stop to this bs.


if someone would post ALL their contact numbers ie; tele, fax, home, maybe someone could tie the lines up..


I wonder come race day----how many people are going to show up that bought into this line of crap.


never should have opened the door to this crook.....

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hell kathy-he's a star already on "7 on your side"-he's been on it once already for giving rubber checks to his employees -i wonder if they would do him again-probably not-cause if they did-he might be up for an academy award for "best crook"

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I agree with rx


We need the press to root out this problem. We can show the press that we as racers/race teams are concerned about our image and the well being of racing in our state.


If we turn our heads we will be just as guilty as he. He will just move on to his next mark. Then for sure all involved in racing will be affected.

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yeah but it is really a lose lose situation...............if you get the news media involved then local racing will suffer a black eye for doing business with this crook in the first place, and future potential sponsors will be really hard to obtain after all this..............but on the other hand if you turn your head, take your lumps and move on then again you suffer a black eye for basically lying to and screwing over all the fans and sponsors that have already bought tickets and gave this clown money............so either way local racing will suffer, its just a matter of which will be worse...........hindsite is a bit**.................

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