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What's up with the SA Express-News?

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Two---count 'em, two stories on local racing, one by Mr Mabrito about the crash at Alamo D/S and one by Mike Haig on ROMCO at SAS. It's a shame it took one tragedy to get one of the articles in, though. Geez, maybe I should send my stuff again?!?!?! Have they finally decided that racing is actually a SPORT?????

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You probably noticed that Bruce Mabrito's piece about the tragic fatality at Alamo Dragway was in the Metro section of Monday's Express-News, not the Sports section. And, naturally enough, the information about the lack of fire-fighting equipment that you reported in your account of the incident was missing from the Mabrito story. You may also have noticed that at the end of Bruce's report, there was this statement: "Staff Writer Elaine Aradillas contributed to this report." I wonder what her contribution was...


Nick Holt

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After every Texas Pro Sedan race I send the CC Caller-Times a short story about the race and a listing of the results. It usually very similar to the story I post here.


Since I don't get the CC Caller-Times, could you tell me if you ever see the TPS results in that paper?


Nick Holt

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I assume you are sending the same story to every city in which the TPS cars appear. In the case of the Statesman or any other Austin-area news media, I'm not aware that they are getting any information from THR or anyone else, other than what I do.

The media can't "cover" what they don't know about, and our track record of supplying them with even basic information such as a short race story and full results is poor.

In addition, many news outlets request that you call and tell them if you have sent something, because they will otherwise not see it. They may also want it sent to a specific email or FAX address.

And, as you know, they also want it in a timely manner. You can get away with sending results of a late-Saturday-night race on Sunday afternoon; but if you wait until Monday, it isn't news, it's history, and the news media are simply not in the history business.

I know you know all this, so it doens't necessarily explain why your stories or results might not appear, but it might be helpful information for a number of racers and tracks.

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You are not the only one sending stuff to the printed news media on a regular basis.


I send race reports to the daily newspapers in Austin, Corpus Christi and San Antonio before noon on Sunday following each Texas Pro Sedan event. Each of those stories are written with a slightly different slant to highlight drivers from those geographic areas. And each is sent to their specified email addresses in the format and layout they prefer. I have never missed sending the results, even when I was on vacation. As you know, I was a the motorsports writer for the San Antonio Light for several years before it closed so I know how it works.


Since I do not subscribe to either the Austin or CC papers I have no idea if any of my stuff appears in those paper. I don't think so since no one has ever mentioned seeing one of my stories in those two papers. The San Antonio paper publishes the TPS results (but never the story) either in their Monday or Tuesday editions along with the other local racing results.


Even though it is a bit discouraging to submit stuff to the papers without it making print, I continue to plug away in the hopes that one day they will need to fill a few column inches if the bowing guy takes a week off or something.


Nick Holt

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I was assuming you were sending the TPS stuff, including stories. No, I haven't seen even the results for TPS in the Statesman. (They are one of those who want you to call them and tell them you've sent something, and to which email address.)

I don't send things on a regular basis, because I'm not working on behalf of a track or series. Most of what I'm doing is for individual drivers, so I send pretty much the same stuff I'm posting in the Press Release section of this site. That means we don't have the continuity we'd have with either a track sending info every week (with follow-up, of course) or with a series providing information on every event.

We do send advance releases as well as stories and results, so they get some warning; again, I assume you do the same, along with a release on current points standings.

About all you and I can do is give them the information, follow up on it, and keep telling racers and fans to 1) do their own press releases (volume eventually counts), and 2) call or write their local newspaper and TV station to ask why racing isn't getting coverage.

Unfortunately, despite your and my best efforts, as long as most series and every track so far fail to publicize themselves, the media still doesn't have a lot to work with.

What's worse is that it doesn't matter how big a deal an event actually is, if it isn't featured prominently in the sports section of the largest newspaper in the area, it isn't a big deal.

But keep working, guy. I have to think we'll get through to both media and racers eventually.

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:D Gentlemen (TQ and Nick in particular)...

I'm getting a little frustrated with talk about people who send information to the media, and seeing my name left out.

Once again, we're all preaching to the choir. But, for the record, I would like it stated that I do send out the TSRS results and points standings on Sunday afternoons. Unfortunately, we're having some "growing pains" in the sense that our results and points standings keep having to be corrected, and the updated version has to be sent out much later than the original results/standings are sent. Once I can get that process "centralized" with our own people, we'll be able to be consistent on that front.

Be that as it may, I do send out TSRS race results and points standings "in a timely manner" to several media outlets in the state, including the Dallas Morning News, the Houston Chronicle, the San Antonio Express-News and particularly to the Austin American-Statesman.

While the Statesman may not be printing them right now, I have a feeling they will be, for 2 reasons:

1) As you all know, these things take time to get into the paper. I got the Statesman to print the THR results when I was there a few years ago, but that was only after sending them week-after-week-after week. Finally, about midway through the season, the STatesman started printing them because they saw I was sending the results on a consistent basis. The Statesman quit printing THR results only because I left the track and no one followed up by sending the results to the newspaper.

2) I have started working as a freelance writer at the Statesman. I'm confident that once I get the proverbial "foot in the door," that we'll get the results printed. And, I've already talked to the Statesman about doing some auto racing-writing for them. Again, I don't expect immediate results, but I'll keep "working them" until something happens.

This is not a "criticizing" posting. It's meant to be an informative one, and it only involves the media efforts of myself with TSRS and the Statesman.

Everyone who makes an effort to get ANY race track or series publicized is to be commended for their efforts!

Let's gooooooooooo racing!!

Chuck L.

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I'm afraid that it isn't only limited to the newspapers. There are certain websites for the tracks locally that are still showing april 12 results. doesn't seem to be a big hurry to inform the public about results, points, schedule or changes. Kind of like this racing gig is a part time lackadaisical thing. I know the web masters would post it if it was provided.

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Well, that makes at least four of us who bash our heads against the proverbial wall on a regular basis! J.M. "The Rebelmeister" Hallas, T.Q. "Mr. PR" Jones, Chuck"A Little Frustrated" Licata and Nick "The Professor" Holt.


I know too that Bruce Mabrito has paved the way for many of us and continues to work at getting racing stories published in the Express-News. And Mike Haag is actually PAID to write a weekly racing story for the Express-News.


I suppose with this many people actively trying to get racing stuff published, the rest of us could simply write or call the newspaper in their area to request addition local racing stories. That would help a lot.


You may not believe this, but in all the years I was the motorsports writer for The Light, the sports editor only received one request for more racing coverage. And that was from someone I practically begged to do so.


Of course, we had it pretty good in those days (mostly due to the hard work of Bruce Mabrito who preceded me at The Light). I had a weekly racing column (complete with a little pic and a byline) and was given a few inches for race advances and several inches for race recaps and complete results every week. And they even paid me $10 a week!


Nick Holt

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Don't feel too badly. Five Flags Speedway, "Home of the Snowball Derby," etc., hasn't posted results since the beginning of the season and still has points standings for last year.

Mobile Speedway and South Alabama Speedway (Opp) sites are also running a little slow this year, where they are usually pretty quick.

If you want to know how to do it, check out the ASA Racing site, asaracing.com. You can follow practice and qualifying via a page that updates every 20 seconds or so, and often follow the race the same way. Unofficial results are posted as soon as the race is over (they aren't usually "official" until Monday or Tuesday).

Some of the other series and tracks in the South are pretty good, too, of course, but we've got guys (Casey Smith, Bubba Naumann, Donnie Wilson, Chris Davidson) running in some of the ones I've mentioned.

In addition, a great site for west coast (basically everything west of the Mississippi) is racingwest.com. They even had live updates from Phoenix during the opening race of the season, and there are some good forums (fora) and chat opportunities.

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Fortunately I have news to the contrary. Ever since I operated South Texas Speedway in C C in 1995 and 1996 I can report nothing but excellent responses from the Caller Times and all three major tv stations and more. As we all know it takes time to get it going and when it gets going you have to stay with it. I found that a personal visit from time to time really paid off and spending even a little money with each went a long way. Saratoga Speedway had a very appealing float in the Buc Parade and got tremendous response from the croud. We also found that joining the local chamber of commerce made a positive difference also, and a little demographics on the speedway and its fans also helped. As has been said, it must be done in a timely manner. Channel 10, earlier this season, actually came out and shot some footage. We called the station before the 10 PM news that night and made that broadcast even though the program was not complete. Special events seem to be the key. TIDA generally always got good coverage and the most important coverage is generally prior to the events. "Just keep on Hittin it."

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I find it very interesting that you know who our results where being sent to after you left the track.


Seeing how I send all that stuff out by noon every Sunday after the races, I will have you know that our results where sent to the Austin American Statesman every week last year and the year's before that.


Last year, I think they printed it two times.


This year I have not sent them to the Statesman only because my computer crashed last year after racing season and I lost ALL my email addresses in the crash.


If anyone has that email address, I would love to have it.


And I find the statement that you are making about Stacy very unfair. This is her first year for doing this stuff and she is learning as she goes. I know you said growing pains are happening. But, let's please be fair to her. She has to wait until she get's back home from traveling to do the points and results.

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Ouch! I took that one on the chin!


But as I've always said, I take blame if I say something wrong, so I apologize for making an untrue statement. Thank you for correcting me and please accept my apology.


Also...if you're sending the race results to the Statesman, send them to sports@statesman.com. That is their email address.


Again, I apologize.

Chuck L.

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Hubb44, you're saying what I've been trying to get across for years: it takes work, it takes consistency, and it takes perseverance. And, you're right, it doesn't hurt to A) make some personal contact, and B) spend a little money on ads.

Look at it from their point of view. It's not their job to publicize your race, but to report the news. If the event is of importance in their area, you'll be willing to at least send out a few press releases letting them know what is going on, and will probably spend some money on advertising. If you don't do that, how are they to know the event is important to people in their circulation area?

You sound as if you did everything you should have done, and guess what? It worked.

Kathy, your points are well taken, but Chuck's right: it takes more than just sending information, and you've got to be consistent. Stacy may not get the information out as soon as you did last year due to having to travel, but as I've said, Sunday afternoon is okay for a Saturday night event. You just can't be later than that, and the reasons don't matter to the media.

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Thank you for the email address Chuck!


TQ you are so right about getting them out faster. I guess they will have to get her a lap top to at least get the results out that night after the race. But, that is not my business and I am not going to get into that.


I just know Stacy is working very hard to do them right and as quickly as she can.

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I wish there was some way to spell that gurgling sound that Lurch made on the Adams Family, right now. But we all know how I feel, and have kicked that poor deceased equine enough.

I'm happy to hear that the CC paper supports racing. :D:D

And finally, something TQ and I agree on. LMAO If they(results/stories) are not out by midday on Sunday for Sat. night races, they will tell you that they are too old to print. That's why I beg(LOL) for results before I leave the track. If you send them out Sunday to all the media contacts at that time, I have little to no time to finish my story(s) and get them out.

This is in NO way a complaint to Kathy, TSRS, or anyone else. I have numerous other places that aren't so time critical that are happy to get stuff, no matter when it is.

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I sent an email to the SA Express news sports editor. I explained that as a consumer of his product, I wanted to see more racing coverage and less bowling and tiddlywinks. He of course defended the paper by pointing out what the paper does cover such as the short articles and results he gets on Monday. I think it would help to reinforce the message to him if more of you would send a polite request for an increase in quantity and frequency of motor racing coverage. Consumers still have the say in the capitalist system we have in the Grand ole USA.

Send to Richard C. Oliver



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The people at the Express-News monitor what's going on here at TexasSpeedZone. They will read that you suggested that people email the Express-News Sports Editor to request more local racing coverage. And they will be predicting that NOBODY bothers the email them. And you know what? They probably will be right. Most people here will not bother to email Mr. Oliver to make this simple request.


And the Sports Editor will rest his case... In his mind nobody cares about local racing coverage. And we will help prove it by not bothering to email him.


I don't know why...


Nick Holt

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Hear, hear, Nick.

Like you, I had a racing column, not just once, but two separate times, each lasting for several months in the Austin American-Statesman. The second time they dropped the column, they said they'd put it back in if they got enough letters asking for it.

I asked, "How many is enough?" and they said, "Five."

We got one...

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