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Bin Laden Dead


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My hat's off to the Navy Seals for their bravery, skill and dedication. They did the right thing in letting the sharks enjoy a bullet-ridden outrage to humanity for supper...


I sense that this thread is about to get into various conspiracy theories and am asking that we don't go there out of respect for the families and loved ones of those who died on 9-11 and those who have died to bring the criminal to ultimate justice.





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I saw where the helicopters used were two Blackhawks from the 160th Special Operations Gp. The one that went down was due to mechanical problems. If it had been shot down more than likely there would have been casualties. Mechanical problems and they can autorotate safely.

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Did I miss something? Why did they dump him in the ocean? This whole thing stinks to me.


They didn't want to bury him on land for fear of the Radicals making a shrine out of his grave.


Of all of his religious customs they had, buring at sea was the last option if no other alternative was available. Well we saw to it no other options were available. He was cleaned, wrapped up in a white linen and made fish bait all within the 24 hours which their laws states that needs to happen. They have video footage of it but not sure if it will be released to the public. This needed to happen so we dont get blaimed for screwing him out of the funeral they believe in. I dont believe he was entitled to it myself but at least we are the better people for it. I do believe we dont need to be dancing in the streets like it was a super bowl win though. We accomplished a great thing now dont spoil it by rubbing it in their faces. Point has been made so now go after #2 keep your foot on the gas!

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rember the saying what comes aroung goes aroung obl enjoy hell you made one big mistake dont mess with usa god bless our troops and justice for the people who lost love ones

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Poor sharks they know not what they eat ........hope he taste bad ......dancing in the streets shouting usa usa .and rubbing it in thier face,,why not ...those sob.s danced in thier streets shouting down with the usa and danced to the death of all 911 poeple .. ....i dont buy the intice them ..they do not need that excuse ....three letters is all they seem to need to hate us ..............USA ......

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That would be called hypocrisy bishop....

Maybe since we took out their head muslim.....Just thinking out loud.....

Absolutely agreed it's hypocrisy.


But so is going into a foriegn country (pakistan) without them knowing, being there or involved and imposing our sentence on Osama. Just like my nephew who was shot in Afganistan in 04. He knew he wasn't in Af - he was more than 2 hrs into Pak - he does know how to read maps, they did train him well - when the round hit him. But his command and the official record placed him in Af and the three hr painful ride was recorded as a 30 minute evac.


How would we feel if Mexico sent an elite team into US soil without our knowledge and involvement and took out Dog the Bounty Hunter for his little excursion into Mexico?


Okay bad analogy we would probably cheer for the open slot in our TV programming....


But the point is still - extreme situations call for extreme measures. Bush KNEW that if his waterboarding okay became public it would RUIN his presidencial legacy. Yet he did it anyway because we needed the information. THATS GUTS - calling 1-800-seals-r-us and sending them in is not guts - its a no brainer! If Obama had NOT sent the seals it would have ruined HIS legacy when made public!!!!! Thats hypocrisy in itself.


Still glad he's dead tho!

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Wait a minute it was about a month ago that it came up that if this was on a e-mail it was a virus so are we all infected now?


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i dont think the dog killed 3000 plus ...

I already conceded bad analogy! lol


what would we have done if Isreal stormed US ground without our knowledge and permission to take Nazi War Criminals into custody? Better? (they killed over 6 million).


What we did was (in OUR standards) a criminal act of war against Pakistan, even though heros in my book, those seals are criminals under Pakistani law - and yes I will give Obama his due - that order took guts. BUT he KNEW he would be vindicated in world opinion.


What we did in the "black sites" - also a criminal act by OUR standards - took even bigger cajones to authorize, simply because Bush, or America in general, can never be vindicated by any opinion. Even though the info came directly from the waterboarded subjects (yes it came in interviews conducted after the waterboarding - but surely with the fear of a repeat (or worse)!


There was a ton more self sacrifice in Bush's call than in Obama's. At least after yesterday's initial responses (reactions) we are now hearing some of the talking heads recognize that fact as well.

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Wait a minute it was about a month ago that it came up that if this was on a e-mail it was a virus so are we all infected now?


Yes (migrains), Yes (tinitus) and Yes (no excuse).

Sigh, old age is now viral...

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I guess I will have to resort to sitting on my hands next!


I'm glad our troops got him... (I'll keep it at that....)


The best thing I've seen out of this whole thing is the shots on TV yesterday that showed the people outside The Bush's old house in Dallas. The signs that read "George W. Bush the real hero!" (I'll stop here because my stomach and nerves are finally calmed down)


Now as far as anyone coming on our land and especially here in Texas. (Well! I can't speak for anyone else but Collection should be done in about 4 months!) Anyone know of a good deal on a .204?

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I guess I will have to resort to sitting on my hands next!


Don't think I haven't been critical in as opposite and as often as well!

Lord knows they (politicians) all give us equal punitive ammo!

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