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Thanks to some good people!

Robert s

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I wanted say thanks to a few special people that made is possible for me to be able to make the races Saturday. We had virtual impossible task of getting the car ready.


Thanks to H. E. for the use of his shop and tools. With out that I would not have made it!


Thanks to Courtney for her patients while I spent many late nights at the shop.


Thanks to Heath, Russel and Curtis for all you that you guys did.


Thanks to Tator with Mason Racin, for the help at the track. (CONGRATS ON YOUR WIN)


Thanks to Greg Romer with the 51 sport mod for jumping in and helping.


Thanks Dad for coming and hanging out, it was nice to have you at the track.


Thanks to Mary Ann for what you did, means alot.


There are so many good people in the racing family, I am proud to be a part of the family!

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And hhe next time she is on the track, she will look a little different. I dont care for the number font, and some color changes too..LOL Always picky about what they look like..


Cory It was a long week, I had to nap when I could get one in...LOL



It looks fast, thats all that matters. Oh, and have fun.

See ya next time I can make it out.

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