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Race Fuel Stolen


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While runnin my feature race this past Saturday night at Thunderhill Raceway someone stole 3 gallons of race fuel from me. It was a 5 gal. fuel jug with a 6" #12 sticker and Tator Mason on the side of it (no way someone confused it for their jug). It was sitting on my pit pad next to all my spares up next to the ramp of my trailor ready for a pit stop if needed. When we returned to our pit after going through tech we found my fuel jug moved and sitting in the middle of my pit pad empty. It's not the cost or loss of the fuel that bothers me, it's the point. I would have givin that 3 gallons of fuel to anyone that needed it if they just asked for it. In no way am I blaming the track, the staff, or 99.9% of the people in the pits, just the one selfish individuel that stole my fuel. I'm just venting and felt like I should post it.

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While runnin my feature race this past Saturday night at Thunderhill Raceway someone stole 3 gallons of race fuel from me. It was a 5 gal. fuel jug with a 6" #12 sticker and Tator Mason on the side of it (no way someone confused it for their jug). It was sitting on my pit pad next to all my spares up next to the ramp of my trailor ready for a pit stop if needed. When we returned to our pit after going through tech we found my fuel jug moved and sitting in the middle of my pit pad empty. It's not the cost or loss of the fuel that bothers me, it's the point. I would have givin that 3 gallons of fuel to anyone that needed it if they just asked for it. In no way am I blaming the track, the staff, or 99.9% of the people in the pits, just the one selfish individuel that stole my fuel. I'm just venting and felt like I should post it.


:( SAD. You have every right to be upset


It's upsetting when you lose faith in your fellow man. I believe 99.9% of the racers would share whatever they had and this is proved with in every race. ONE person has to give a black eye. :(

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I agree with the comments above - very disappointed that something like this happened in the pits at THR. We're always so trusting in the pit area, and incidents like this one are really upsetting.

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