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I'm real pleased to announce a couple things!

NASCAR is sponsoring Flipr!!

Naw, just kidding........


I get to bail on my local track and head to Texas with the simulator!

6/17 RPM

6/18 85

7/1 HoT

7/2-3 Texas Thunder


On the 17th the Young Guns will be in town, and Tony loves to have his racers prepared, a couple have benefited from the things learned at the simulator.

The 18th has the sprint cars in town at 85, and the entry classes will be asked to participate with the rollover unit.

The 1st of July is the fireworks show at Hot, should be a great turnout.

The 2nd is the final Lonestar points race, and the 3rd is rumored to be a special event at Killeen.


Oh, and my daughter is getting married, so I'll be heading back to the "Land of Enchantment" for THAT! They plan on moving to Midland, so I have yet another reason to visit the Great State of Texas! (There goes the neighborhood......)


So plan on dropping your pride and getting in this potentially life-saving tool, stop and say howdy, kick me in the shin, whatever.


Stay safe, my friends!

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Someone please lock down the New Mexico/Texas border.....LMAO


Really Paul, getting ANY sanctioning body to sponsor Flipr would be the best thing that could happen.....Making it MANDATORY for ALL drivers to participate....Even getting a smaller sanction involved(IMCA, USRA, ASCS).....I know Tony made all of his Young Guns racers do it in Abilene one year....He really looks after his kids!


If I can get up to HOT or Texas Thunder I may put out a challenge to anyone to try to beat my time...I'll work on that one.....


Land of Enchantment? I thought NM was Land of Alien Life.....LMAO


When you get kicked in the shin, you'll know it's me!!!!.....

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It's been an annual thing for the Young Guns, once at KSP and twice in Abilene.

I'll pay $10 to any first-timer who can beat his/her fire suit rating.

Thanks Reb, I realize that would be about how high you could kick.....

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