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Nationwide pratice


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Wonder If Dale Jr. is gonna get a Ear full from his fellow Drivers...Ms. Queen Patrick came in because her car was not feelin right in the draft. Espn turned the incar cam on and caught Jr. talking to her about the other drivers bad driving skills and alot of Cussing.... AH!! I love live Tv. Watch Jr will get a fine for that or something...

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who did he mention specifically?


Didn't say a name just caught the part where Jr. said yeah he does that too you, He's an A$$ H.... when it comes to these kinds of races...and then was talkin to her about how loose the car can get and sound'ed like if you were a Sailor in a bar... And to Budman Smoke is the fastest in the nationwide and queen patrick looked like she was lost out there...

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OK, OK I'll admit it. I watched it (at least the last 30 minutes). I just thought I might get more of a reaction if I asked the question of other people's impressions.


My impression: It was the NNS FIRST PRACTICE AT DAYTONA, starring Danica Patrick, along with 46 other drivers. Smoke ran fast time. DP was 26th. Nothing unexpected there, it was after all just practice.


Was I offended? Nope. Actually I thought it was pretty funny. :)

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sad part is .when i see her car .i turn the channel ...when i see marks car .it confuses me .and sometimes i turn the channel when they show his car ....both ugly paint jobs ..why is mark sporting that paint job ..did i miss something and he lost kelloges .. even watching gordon and those big boys practice ,,some how danica made it into the conversation.s going to be the worst weekend at daytona ....heck they should have went on and named this weekend counting sudays race ,,danica 500 from daytona ......cuz there aint no way she wont be brought up on sundays race ...mark my words ............. dang it i forgot to mention the trucks to ..whatching practice and ofcource they brought her up ...in the context of talking aboult a another lady ..cheez ...with my whine please .... we arent going to win ..she is every where .... budman are you paying these poeple ..to throw her in there sometimes ..

Edited by HiTech
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H/T ...................... all kidding aside here ......................... You have to think about WHAT you are seeing and WHY you are seeing it.


Clearly, we are seeing "THE DANICA PATRICK SHOW". Why? Think about it.


For more than a year on here we've all talked about the shrinking fan base of Nascar, and the drop in television viewership.


Last Saturday's 78 percent increase in viewership for the ARCA race is HUGE news in the television industry. They are going to try to capitalize on that to the greatest extent they can. No, people are NOT turning their television sets off. They are turning them ON with her there.


Since when has anyone ever watched a nationwide practice? BUT, people ARE watching it NOW!


The President of Daytona has said they had an overnight 10 percent increase in ticket sales for Saturday's nationwide race, as soon as it was announced Monday that she was going to run it.


Like it on not, right now she is big news. She is selling tickets and drastically increasing viewership to a much more diverse audience than ever before.


As Eddie Gossage said .......... "Get used to it."

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