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Is it really a SmartCar?


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I drive a Dodge 1 Ton 4x4 Dually and the front bumper on my truck is over the hood on these little cars and it's not lifted at all! I can't IMAGINE getting hit in in one of those cars in ANY manner by a pickup, SUV or even a large PASSENGER car such as a Lincoln or Cadillac. How those little Matchbox cars passed safety regs I'll never know. Only cool thing about them is, if I run across one out of gas, instead of having to take the driver to go fetch gas and take him back to his car, I can just throw the WHOLE darn car in the back of my Dodge and take 'em BOTH to the gas station!

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In a situation like that you could have been in a 1 ton truck with the same result. When the truck in front and the truck back both check in at 30,000 lbs., a 6000 lb truck is not much different than a 2000 lb car.


All things being equal however, I would much rather take my chances in the 1 ton truck than in a car that closely resembles a toy found at Wal-Mart.

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but ya'll gotta remember back in the late 60's when they started putting plastic in cars, they said it would make them cheaper and more fuel efficient. even to this day, i don't believe in trading my life for efficientsy, a few more dollars and i'm still here to talk about it and being in the wrecker business, i see so much and only wish that people would use more common sence. i feel sorry for the victom and family.


p.s. since the 60's, i don't think cars have gotten cheaper in price, only quality!!! :angry:

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If Obama has his way, you won't have to worry because there won't anything bigger than these on the road.




Except for huge 18 wheelers and cement trucks. Good luck to all. :o

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remember the geo metro and yugo and how laughed at them now thay want to push thease death traps on us very sad that politics tell us whats good and bad do thay think were that stupid. maybe some of us are we buy that junk, (jmo)

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I ride a motorcycle and hear all those death trap warnings all the time.One thing,a friend of mine who was a notorius biker logging over a milliln miles was killed in a one vehicle Ford truck rollover.Go figgure.At leas on a bike your throttle can keep you out of trouble lots.They cant hit you if they cant catch you.My KZ1100 is hard to catch.


I believe it was BMW that said the safest way to be safe in an accident is to avoid it.But stuff happens.There is no perfect safe.I like Metros.And race cars

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In a situation like that you could have been in a 1 ton truck with the same result. When the truck in front and the truck back both check in at 30,000 lbs., a 6000 lb truck is not much different than a 2000 lb car.

Thanks 1-Crew, I believe you are correct. Sounds like you've seen what a 10 ton vehicle with a 20 ton load can do to a 2 or 3 ton vehicle. And, more than likely all vehicles involved were built before the last election. Or at least, the design was already in production. :unsure:

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