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Racing family member needs help!


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We received the following note from Dorothy Suberg the other day, and we thought we'd share it with the members of LSS.


Richard and Dorothy have been loyal fans for many years. They lost their son, Kevin, a few years ago to cancer. Kevin was well-known and loved by both the San Antonio Speedway and Thunderhill Raceway racing communities.


Well it is now time to update friends and family on the happenings and goings on with Richard.


As most of you know Rich has been a diabetic for 20+ years. Well in May of this year he had to start on dialysis to help with his kidneys. He is able to do the dialysis at home every evening and still able to work.


We are awaiting official word from the transplant group about him been put on the transplant list. But in the mean time was told to look for a living donor. If one can’t be found Richard could be on the list for 5 to 6 years before receiving a kidney transplant.


The living donor program and process goes off blood type. Found out Rich's blood type is A so he can receive a kidney from a donor that is A or O blood type. If anyone would like to consider making a donation under the living donor program please let us know with a name and contact information. Even if you don't match Rich it can help us out in the long run, I will have to explain that in depth.


You may pass on this email or share with friends. You just never know where one will come from.


Prayers are more then welcome.


God Bless,


Richard & Dorothy Suberg

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I have some amazing information to share with you on this request that was posted last week.


I got a call from Gerald Fischer (aka Papa on LSS) that he is very interested in becoming a kidney donor for Richard Suberg. When I realized how serious he was about doing this for someone in the racing community, I was speechless (not normal for me LOL)!


Gerald has been in contact with the Subergs, and he knows that it will be a long, drawn-out process to see if he even qualifies as a donor. He has the correct blood type, and here's the update that I received from Dorothy:


Richard spoke to Gerald last night and will be forwarding his info onto the transplant groups and they will be calling Gerald to ask him questions. It is a very good starting. We still need to keep a look out just in case the transplant group says No to Gerald's generous offer in considering Gerald's health. Richard and I have tried to find a photo of Gerald so we can put a name to the face. I can't find one on LSS. We are very grateful for this generous offer and hope something will come of it. Thanks for posting the bulletin about Richard. Hope to see everyone soon.


Gerald has the support of his family in making this courageous decision, and he said that he is very hopeful that he can be a match. Since Gerald is retired, he feels that he has a good opportunity to manage the long recuperation period that's required after the surgery.


Does anyone have a picture of Gerald (see Dorothy's request) that we can post on LSS? Or would you please post one for us, Gerald?


I've know Gerald for quite some time - all the way back to when I first joined the San Antonio Speedway staff many years ago. His generous spirit has always amazed me. Hats off to you, Papa, and I'll send off many prayers that you'll be a match!

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Prayers are sent I can relate to you I also have been a diabetic for over 20 years it is the reason I am in this wheelchair. PAPA you are a most wonderful person. May the lord be with you and Richard.

Edited by wheelchair49
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Hello everyone

I want to thank all of you for the prayers. Im am hoping that I can be a donor for Richard but a lot has to be done yet. I am A+ so I fill that requirement and Im under 70 years old and in good health. All thats good but I still might not be able to donate for some unknown reason. So please consider being a donor. Please do what I did and Google "Kidney transplant donor" and start reading. Even if your NOT his blood type you can help Richard. Many many people need these transplants but their donors dont match what they need but they match Richards and maybe yours matches the other person needing the transplant. Its a win win for both that way. There are many ways to help. Just take a few minutes to do some research.

A few years back we all lost our hero Kevin. We all wished we could do something for him but there was nothing we could do but love him. Now his daddy is dying and there is something that can be done for him. So again I ask you...no I beg you to please help Richard live. He WILL die if we dont help. I am just so grateful that I have the opportunity to possibly save his life by giving part of myself. I know we all live in a fast pace life and have families and bills that require almost all our time. Its hard these days but we can still help our fellow man if we try. I know I sound all preachy or what ever but the bottom line is still the same......Richard is going to die if he doesnt receive a transplant. If anyone would like to ask or talk about this with me PLEASE call me at (210)618-2345 24 hours a day.


Gerald PAPA Fischer

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Here's a picture of Gerald and his family - for you, Dorothy, and anyone else who might not know him.




Pictured: Sandee (Gerald's wife), Anokha (Daughter), the judge and Gerald the day Anokha was adopted.

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Normal size heart .......great big belly. :lol:


Im no different then all of you. I just happen to be in a position right now that allows me to do this. You are all good people and Im sure any one of you would do the same if the situation was right for you. Hopefully there are others that can donate just in case I am rejected. It only takes a small amount of time out of our lives to save a life. Please think about this. a human beings life is on the line here. If you can not donate ask around at work or church. We can and WILL save Richards life. Thanks for all the prayers


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  • 3 weeks later...

I got the following update from Gerald "PAPA" Fischer this morning:


Yesterday Richard and I found out that we have a perfect tissue match. We still have a few more tests but everything looks real good. I just wanted to let you know how things were going to this point. I will let you know more as we progress with this. Im getting real excited (as well as Richard). Talk later.



This is great news, and I continue to pray that things will continue to go well for this possible kidney transplant.

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  • 1 month later...

The latest news on the potential kidney transplant is shown below. At this point, it's still a GO! This is such an amazing story.




I just wanted to update you on the transplant. They have been testing me for everything. I’ve had my kidneys tested and pictures taken. I’ve had all kinds of Cardio tests. They’ve taken more blood tests than I can remember. I’ve also took a stress test. I still have to have a TB test and on the 28th I have to go in for a Colonoscopy (sp). That should be the end to my testing.


Richard still has a few tests to do but that should be it. The plan so far is to do this in mid October-early November. So far everything looks good. Richard and I talked the other night and he and I both are ready. After this is all over, Richard wants to see about getting on as a crew member for one of the teams. He won’t be dependant of that machine any longer and he will be able to do a lot more things that he couldn’t do before. So if anyone is looking for a new crew guy let Richard know.


I will keep you updated as to when all this is going to happen. I’m all excited. This is a really great feeling and I’m very honored to help Richard. I would like to ask everyone to please keep Richard in their prayers. He is the one that is at greater risk. His body is being exposed to a foreign organ and it will either accept it or reject it. My body only has to heal. I will still be able to function normally. So he is the one that really needs all the prayers he can get. Thanks, I’ll talk with you soon.



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What you and your family is doing for Richard is incredible. No one really understands how loyal and special the extended racing family is. There is a strong bond between us all. May God continue to bless you, your family, and the Suberg's through all of this. Love you all...

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I think I mentioned on another thread how much fun Papa and I had running around with Anokha (glad I finally got the spelling right) in the pits out at THR last race getting her all the driver autographs we could. I think she had a lot of fun too. That was the first time I had met her. At one point during the evening I couldn't help but notice, and told her what beautiful blue eyes she has. I think I kind of embarrassed her. Gerald said "Yep, she got them from me!" :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm sorry to report that the kidney transplant between Gerald (Papa) and Richard can no longer be a possibility.


All systems were a "go" as of last Friday, pending the results of an MRI that was done on Gerald last week. Preliminary results were promising.


Gerald called me yesterday, and he was very upset to report that a further review of his MRI revealed an aneurysm on an artery that is attached to his stomach. He will be seeking treatment options from his personal physician, and he was told that he can no longer be considered as a kidney transplant donor.


Gerald was very devastated by this news, but not so much from the perspective of his own health. He had such a strong desire to help Richard, and his big concern now is Richard's health.


As a result of this latest news, Richard and Dorothy have asked that we renew our search for another possible live donor. If you wish to be considered for this process, please contact me at debbie@thunderhillraceway.com and I will put you in touch with the Subergs. Or, if you prefer to handle it on an anonymous or discreet basis, you can contact the Transplant Group on the Donor Hotline at 210-575-GIVE (4483) - using Richard Suberg's name.


Please continue to say some prayers for these members of our racing community as they work through these tough health issues.

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Richard , Iam a mom of a driver in the thunder stock . I have lupus and was on dialysis for 3yrs it's very hard . I was allways telling my family i can't do this no more but i keep pushing my self to go 4hrs on dialysis 3 times a week . The doctors said with me having o+ blood there is a 5 to 6 yr list . One day i met one of my old friends at dialysis i did not know his grandma work there he went to get tested and found out he was a 100% match so yes i know there was a lot of testing to do and a lot of set backs . Well in 2003 i had a kidney transplant at first i was rejecting it and the doctors got my meds right i was ok . so Richard you hang in there . There is a kidney for you out there god will send you a angel to you to . GOD BLESS YOU ARE IN OUR PRAYERS . REEVES RACIN (58)

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I was sorry to hear this news.


I will not only pray for Richard, but Papa too now. I don't know him, but I feel like I do from out many Saturday nights spent together during the live blogs. I know we have cake in common. ;)


I'm asking for angels to watch over you both.

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I don’t really know where to start or what to say. I know I spent yesterday afternoon and most of the night feeling like crap. I must admit I was very very depressed. All I could think of is how I let Richard down. I know…It was not my fault but I still felt I let him down. Even after we talked I still felt bad. I asked so many questions in my head as to why things turned out like they did. I really haven’t come up with any answers but I do know that I will do what ever I can to help Richard get his transplant. So I ask all of you to please take a few moments and at least consider it. And please keep him in your prayers.

Thank you all

Gerald :(

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