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Boring race,except last lap


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I watched the Nationwide race on TiVo last night and was amazed at how much better the racing seemed to be. Hmmmm.....No COT in the Nationwide Series=Better racing. COT in Sprint Cup=Single file boring racing. Get rid of the two pit stop fiasco in the Truck Series and THERE is your best bang for your buck.

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if they give open pit stops to these guys a majority of the teams would have to pack up and go,,,they can't afford it. that's why they have the rule,to help the under funded teams. then you would either see 18 trucks starting or team monopoly like you have in the sprint and buschwacker series.

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if they give open pit stops to these guys a majority of the teams would have to pack up and go,,,they can't afford it. that's why they have the rule,to help the under funded teams. then you would either see 18 trucks starting or team monopoly like you have in the sprint and buschwacker series.


If you are going to get 4 tires and fuel ANYWAYS, why not do it in one stop. OR, if they are worried about money, specify that you can only do a two tire change and fuel at a time unless you've spun or had a flat under green.


I don't see how putting fuel in then going around and putting tires on is helping these teams stay racing. It just gives the underfunded teams twice the opportunities to make pit road mistakes that will take them out of contention.

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