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ROMCO TSRS ARTS Race Rescheduled For May 1


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Just recieved this...


ROMCO, TSRS & ARTS RAIN-OUT from this weekend has been rescheduled for MAY 1st!


Hey everyone, sorry about the rain-out this past weekend! ROMCO has rescheduled the race for May 1st, everything will be the same excluding the Friday "testing & tuning." The track will open on Saturday morning @ 9:00 am. All prepaid entries will carry over to our next scheduled race which is in Corpus Christi for March 27th.


If you have one of the first TSRS tentative schedules and it has May 8th @ SAS, that race was canceled by SAS several months ago. So, please take off the May 8th & put on the May 1st date! Also, FYI, the ROMCO website says May 29th, that is an error, I just spoke personally to Terry Barden, it is May 1st!


More info to follow concerning our race @ CC, just wanted to let everyone know as soon as possible about the rain-out date. Again, it is rescheduled for May 1st.



Mary Ann Naumann

MAN Racing Promotions

Texas Super Racing Series

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It's going to be a very busy 7 weeks! TSRS races back to back on April 24, and again on May 1. The money race at Houston is May 8. Two weeks off and then back to back races May 29 and June 5. Should be interesting.

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It's going to be a very busy 7 weeks! ... Should be interesting.

Very busy and interesting indeed!


24-April - HMP

01-May - SAS

07-May - HMP (Not a TSRS race)

29-May - HMP

05-June - CCS


That's 5 races in 7 weeks at 3 different tracks with 3 of the 5 back-to-back-to-back. Wow!


And we thought the 2003 Triple Crown was going to separate the men from the boys...


It's looking like the "money race" at Houston may need a little more money to get a full field...


Somebody once said May is a month for racing, I guess they weren't lying...

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Hey what about the trucks we are runnin four races in may in four weeks with two weeks off in two states. Then if you throw in June 5th at kyle in there that makes 5 races in 5 weeks with two weeks off in two differnt states. I cant wait its gonna be fun. Just think if there is ever a chance to move up in the points that is the time to do it cause it might be two much of a strain on some people. I'll be ready for it.

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Doesn't leave much wiggle room for mistakes. Maybe the schedule will make everybody a little more cautious, a little more patient, a little more willing to give up a line or play it safe...............................NAHHHHHH!!! Could be some long nights if you tear your car up. The 04 team surely has an edge on everybody in that dept. :D

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