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Wouldn't Want Her Any Other Way! Danica


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Hey thanks Pacecar! :D


For those who don't know or have forgotten, Leilani is actually a registered member on this forum, although it has been a while since she has posted on here.


Remember when she ran a couple of Romco races with the texas guys at TMS?


Here's some pics of her at her last race there.







Here she is relaxing after one of those grueling races. B)



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Hey thanks Pacecar! :D


For those who don't know or have forgotten, Leilani is actually a registered member on this forum, although it has been a while since she has posted on here.


She sends me PMs all the time - well, one anyway ... and has me as her friend Facebook. Mostly we talk about how to save trees, so don't anybody get any silly ideas.



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  • 2 weeks later...

For those who may be interested............ I came across a thread on another forum the other day asking what's up with Leilani lately, since she last raced in the Indy Lights series a couple of times last year. She posted on there she is still around, recently got married, and is searching for sponsorship dollars. She said she would love to get back in racing if only she could.


Good luck Leilani. We would love to see you out there again!



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She sends me PMs all the time - well, one anyway ... and has me as her friend Facebook. Mostly we talk about how to save trees, so don't anybody get any silly ideas.




I know there is some sort of wood joke in there somewhere. ;)

Nick don't strike me as the "tree hugger" type,so I was kind of wondering the same thing!!!!

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I know there is some sort of wood joke in there somewhere. ;)

Nick don't strike me as the "tree hugger" type,so I was kind of wondering the same thing!!!!


Leilani and I prefer to think of ourselves as environmentalists. Can't recall the last time I hugged a tree.



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Nick,please say it aint so!!!!!Enviromentalist!!!!!!Surely this is a late april fool joke!!!!!


Salamanders and endangered cave spiders have long been my thing. Racing is just a cover.


I'd sooner die of thirst than to know that because of my hateful, greedy need for water - bred, of course, by my white, male, Christian, conservative, Republican beliefs - some poor, defenseless, "cuter-than-a-bug" blind salamander suffered somewhere for even for a second with less than optimal water flow.


Of course I'm a environmentalist - if it'll get me a private, cozy interview with Leilani... LOL



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I could probably get you in touch with Leilani. We've stayed somewhat in touch since she raced at TMS a few years ago with USRA. How much is it worth to you? And I think I still have an official "Leilani" t-shirt that she sent me!

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I could probably get you in touch with Leilani. We've stayed somewhat in touch since she raced at TMS a few years ago with USRA. How much is it worth to you? And I think I still have an official "Leilani" t-shirt that she sent me!


I see a bidding war coming!! :o DO I HEAR........????????? :wacko:

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