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<_< What goes around comes around. Francecar took the loyal fans for granted and jumped on the big $$$ wagon. Now it seems it's gonna bite 'em. I hate to see this happening, but I think they did it to themselves in part. As for the BIG-3 Manufacturers, might sell a few more cars & trucks, if you weren't trying to get $38,000 for a crew cab pickup or $26,000 for a mid-size compact :blink: . Yes, the economy in general is in the toilet, being an election year and with the bailout plan, lot's of insecurity, our business (automotive/boat/commercial interiors) has dropped off more than usual for this time of year. We feel it. Need to step back and re-evalute business. Tough times for alot of folks. As a racer, it has been a tough season, but we managed, just like everyone else did. Maybe this will help our local Saturday Night Racing. As for Cup racing, I am still a fan, but I do not watch as much as I used to. Guess we will have to see how it all turns out!!! I know this may sound like rambling nonsense, but it is JMO. Lenny66 B)
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Hey Reb, Nascar hasnt had a car that resembled a factory model sice the early 90's at best. (the lumina) Ever since then its all been a bullet with differant decals. The big differance now is these cars demand drivers, not a pilot. Put the driving back in the hands of the driver. I dont necessarily like the cot but it was a step in the right direction. I agree with Lenny, nascar has done it to themselves, but all stock car racing is being affected as a result. Great job France Jr. I guess the only thing left is to follow Budweiser and sell the organization to a German company. That would really convert me to bowling, or golf.

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I can honestly say, I have not watched one race for more that 5 lap's(not in a row) all year. I have not bought any merchandise, (have closet's full of crap I don't wear anymore). In otherword's, don't care.


If it all went away today...it would give all of us more time to work on the real racecar's. That's all I have been doing since the season ended.


Now if someone I know personaly get's a ride...I will get interested again.

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I think NASCAR has lost a lot of traditional type fans, those of us that race, have been race fans many years and so forth. But at the same time they have gained a lot of new mainstream fans, they can only relate to this new "cool" NASCAR that is avaliable these days. It's good and bad, a few of these new fans trickle into regular racing but most just stick to the TV stuff.

I have mixed emotions, just gets old watching the same show every week, the cup races lack the excitment, I'd rather see the trucks.

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well it looks like nascar teams will have to go back to the truck and trailor days ..heck some of you guys can sell them your old ones ..i can see nascar trying to make up the lost with ticket prices ..local tracks do that and see what happens to them ..low fan count ..all good things must come to an end ..and that maybe even better for the sport of racen ..get those poeple out from the tv and out to the local tracks more ..

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I read today on the NASCAR website that they are studying the chase format once again and the talk is that fans are complaining about the fact that it looks like Jimmy Johnson will be winning his third chase championship. This year will be the 5th chase championship ever ran. So tell me what was achieved by switching from the old format other than sponsors were complaining that their cars were not winning enough. IMHO they should have never came up with a chase format simply to make it look more like professional football and baseball with playoff series. In those playoffs only those teams that won the right to play, play and all the other teams go home. In the Chase series every single team competes for the 43 starting positions, well the top 35 in points don't, but all the racers are out there. So with only 12 chase cars in the field just exactly how does this fit the other sports playoff scenario? TV Ratings for the most part are dropping at most NASCAR cup events and lots of empty seats are starting to show up during the broadcast. Sponsors watch those numbers close and with the economy the way it is getting will mean they will watch them that much closer. Raising ticket prices would only add to the empty seat count. TV stations will drop the racing shows when viewership drops below a certain level. Baseball and football have all experienced this channel jumping in recent years and remember there was a time on Saturdays and Sundays that whatever channel you turned to was showing one of those type games. No mas! Racing I believe rode in on the ebb tide of those sports and gained a large audience but I believe that tide is going out for them now too. <_<

The only race I plan to attend next season outside of the local tracks will be the IRL event at TMS next June and that is only because IRL races are totally awesome. :blink:

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