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"If I Die Before You Wake" ...


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Mona Turner asked if I could post this for her on this, the 7th aniversay of 9/11.




This is a new and awesome video. Three soldiers wrote the song and put this together in their 'free time'

over 'there'.


Whoever the singer is, he needs a recording contract when he comes home! This is a small way we can show our troops we support their efforts, their sacrifice and that of their families.


Click here >>>> http://www.flashdemo.net/gallery/wake/index.htm

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Thank you Mona.

This song really is for all our people that have ever served this great nation. It is so important to remember now because we have many in harms way, and although some may not believe they are defending this nation, they most definitely are. The war on terrorism recognizes no borders, no rules of way, and speaking as a former professional soldier, I know that this type of war is far worse than wars we had fought in the past. To put it in a more simpler manner, our past enemies were more humane than the cowards we face now.

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there are no words that I can think of to properly represent this wonderful song. thank you mona and nick. and a hugh thank you to those troops that serve. I know many that I raced with in Killeen is there now. this is another one of those topics that you will not see a signature from me because it deserves to include only the content.





To all the troops and friend I have overseas thank you will never fully repay the debt my family owes you.


Be safe, Be strong, and hurry home.

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That will make anyone cry and pray for our country and out troops fighting for our freedom. Awesome song and video. Thank you for sharing it with us. It sends a powerful and heart wrenching message to all. God Bless America and our troops and hurry home to your families and loved ones. We love You.


That will make anyone cry and pray for our country and our troops fighting for our freedom. Awesome song and video. Thank you for sharing it with us. It sends a powerful and heart wrenching message to all. God Bless America and our troops and hurry home to your families and loved ones. We love You.

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That is AWESOME. I had a couple of friends that are like brothers to me over there. Two in the ARMY and one in the AIRFORCE. Josh Ray just left to go back over there the first of this month. I talked to him about two weeks ago and he said that it is crazy over there. He is stationed in Alaska but when he gets back this time he said he wants to come back HOME. GOD BLESS everyone of them that are there...have a safe trip home.



Terry Racing #23

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