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way to go marc madison


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just got my November issue of circle track and not only is marc quoted in the an article called "Which Way Are We Headed" he is also pictured. way to go marc that is always a good way to to get the texas asphalt modifies noticed.

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hope they don't catch on to the caption under the picture. having an opinion in this sport is not safe for your future in this sport.

way to go marc!

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hope they don't catch on to the caption under the picture. having an opinion in this sport is not safe for your future in this sport.

way to go marc!

Amen to that, you have an opinion that is not what the track wants, you are an outcast, or a crybaby. Marc, keep your opinions and let people know them. Tracks are not a democracy, but they are not dictatorships either. Drivers need the track, tracks need the drivers, the tracks and drivers need the fans. Without all three, everyone loses!!!

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jumbo - Notice in the pic above, the front bumper is trying to go in the right direction, just the rest of the car isn't! LOL! :o


speed demon 7 - My statements in the article are not an opinion, they are facts that can be backed up on paper. I personally work very hard with the tracks and promoters. If someone asked me what I think about racing, economy, etc.. you get an honest answer from me, Not an argument, just a good old fashion discussion, sometimes. :rolleyes:


Crazyhorse - After 34 years of racing and over the age of 50, not worried about my future, have nothing to prove, already been there done that!

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