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first race at cc speedway


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I am thinking about running this weekend at cc speedway. I run a texas thunder mainly run in rgv and sts. But I would like to try the asphlt. Looked over rules on the web site and I seem to be legal but any help anyone could give me would be great.

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Let's see..... race 5 cars, or 12 cars..... :blink: Yeah Dirt is fun, Get to hang it out and get dirty, But The Bull Ring is the spot for Side by Side, heart pounding REAL racing, and you don't have to worry about getting in a fight everyweek.... A great group of racers that will race you clean and I promise you you will always have someone to race with. Even if your on the trailer like me. lol, So come on out, and have some fun.

#15 Pinto T.T

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i run same setup on both tracks you should be fine on that...and i see that both tracks have about 7 cars ..........CJY08 ...when you were at the dirt track did you have to worry about getting in a fight every week ..................because you sure do say that alot........

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Danny,my advise to a newcomer at CC Speedway is to get there early and get lots of practice.You can get 75 or so laps in before the races begin.The only difference between dirt and asphalt is the comfort level.I race on both but always go where the money is best for me.CC is paying the most right now,I made 145$ and did not win a race Sat.Congrats to Pappy for a great nite but now I have to go to work and find a little more speed.

Danny why dont you get Johnny to make a real purse for thunder cars and I will race with you guys.RGS has the best car count for Thunders right now and would really boom if they handeled it right.The cost of todays everything makes Thunders actractive and they are real Stock Cars.They asked my what it would take for me to be a regular and I said MONEY.Then I asked them since they had a good car count with such a little purse what would happen if they paid like 250 or 300 to win?They said they would probably get 50 cars.I said Why dont you?

Seriously though get to CC early and get practice to feel comfortable.If you like it finish that badaz Mustang of your Uncles and come fly.

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Well come to think about it I did have problems half of the season with someone and had a few close calls in fights. And I guess some people thought i was talking about the Dirt Track, No i was talking about the Thunder Class there having few cars to race with. {To me}, Having cars go three wide, and having to think fast on how to get around people is the best part of racing, Can you do that with the Thunder class there now?

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cjy08 if would not have ran tod in to the wall you might not have had that many problems with people wanting to kick your butt. The only way i have seen three wide at cc is if gb is passing in the grass and nobody said a thingsbout it just like the big glass of wine in the pits

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cjy08 if would not have ran tod in to the wall you might not have had that many problems with people wanting to kick your butt. The only way i have seen three wide at cc is if gb is passing in the grass and nobody said a thingsbout it just like the big glass of wine in the pits


How did I run his butt in the wall when I was on the outside? lol, And there was alot of 3wide saturday and GB was on the top of the track.

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Don't seem to bother any Drivers at CC how i drive. and yes i have went 3 wide with cars A few weeks ago when I got my first heat win at CC, Nellie ,A rookie Driver and I went 3 wide coming out of 2 I belive. And about me saying Stupid crap, This guy asked advise about running CC for the first time and then you reply Keep it on dirt. And yeah I bet Owen would do that Like i said before I have nothing with STS, no beef at all I like that track. But {Am} gonna race where the most cars are, and close to home. And right now its CC

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i dont care who hit who why where and when ..thats old news ..now can someone else help this new driver out that wants to try his hand at cc ..i will when i meet him not on here ..he seems like a nice caring young man who wants infow and cares enough not to go out and wreck someone and not give a dam ..maybe cc is not going to be his bag ..maybe sts would be ..but lets help him to decide ...btw ..i have watched 15 race and just the little of what ive seen he isnt half bad ..

Edited by oldtimer
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Oldtimer,its time for you to get some cars back to your local track.Charley,I know you grew op in 1/4 midgets and ran modifieds for several years but you are finding out just how tough it can be to race minis.Its really no different than any other type of car.Prehaps more demanding considering how much more we squeeze out of a small engine.Bug guy,you have the most difficult car of all to make a reliable race car,I know because I raced one for many years.EJ and Tim,your groupe has very fast cars and if you guys were a little more socialable you would have a better time racing wherever you race.

What everyone does not realize is that mini stock racing in Corpus is at a point of near extinsion.We were devided and conquered,fighting amongst outselves and without any promotional or leadership from our tracks.CC is hoping that grassroots racing will again be the mainstay of Sat nite racing,appealing to the working class as an affordable option to expensive cars where the tire and racing shops are the real winners.Its a great plan if there were no other distractions.Their greatest asset is they own the track and dont have to pay anyone to be open.What they desprately need is a PROMOTER,not a race director,Dan is doing a good job of that,to analize the program and enhance the overall show and the experience including fan involvement so people want to be there.We racers are too much of premodanas to promote ourselves.We need to add things that a professional promoter would suggest.A promoter is a person whose job is to make and sell a show.Music,games celebrities,karts,bike races,etc etc.I hear people ask where are the cars but dont see anybody out looking for them.

Im afraid that minies at STS are not going to flourish anyrtime soon.The problem I see there is the same as most dirt tracks in that the real show is with the open wheel cars.They take all the money and the promotional time,which is natural because they are what draw the croud.That leaves little time or money to promote minies.The other problem is that a couple of cars (yes EJ,Tim<Will,Todd and me) set the bar so highthat in most cases it WAS cheaper to switch to a limited and get a lot more respect as well.There will never be a field of hi dollar minis anywhere that open wheel cars race.They might be wise to see what RGS is doing,they got rid of ALL the hi dollar cars and their car count for thunders is the best right now.I do believe theres a place at STS for a TRUE entry level of 4 cyl racing.

Thunder guys,wake up.Your future is about to become your past.Whatever your disipline,you better get promoting 4 cyls and increasing car count or become a memory.Fighting amongst ourselves will not work.Very few tracks in Texas even have minis anymore.Lets get the NEW BREED of cars involved and find a way to get new teams.Most importantly we need some of the V8 guys to include a 4 cyl in there stable.At RGS that was the norm.Almost every Mod or Hobbie team had a Thunder for a team member painted to match the flagship car.Without a viable option if CC dropps thunders,I will build an entry level Thunder and race here at home.Its better than retiring.

Texas Thunder Speedway has a fair idea what an entry level race racing can be.I dont agerr with all their rules but it is working for them.They call it Texas Twisters.

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gb you want the cars come on over and help me get them ready ,,they are comeing .... high dallor car ..is your a high dallor car .. the high dallor cars came before tim and ej ..we had em ..all the way back to 92 ..when the fwd starting whipping our butts ..we had to spend more money to try and catch .you .and david .and kevin .and bruce .with some more power .better springs and shocks and tires ..and so forth ..for yah can run faster through the turns .than a rwd .with out all that money spent ..so the high dallor stuff was cuz the fwd.s were to fast ..and now you race at cc .cuz your faster than the high dallor cars for you can get on the gas sooner than a rwd ..and its easy money for you ..[ AT THIS MOMENT ....] if pappy and lalo didnt have what they have you would just go off by yourself on the track ..which you have done for years anyway ... lol ..we will be seeing you soon ................. btw the cars may have been ready sooner ..but we didnt no where we were going to race if any ..

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