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HMP - Bad Accident


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wow...........sounds premeditated then.........glad to hear she is alright, there is no place in racing for this kind of crap.........he could have killed her and for what........because his car got tore up.........getting stuff tore up is part of racing, a crappy part but it is still the risk you know going into it..........but to get in another car for the intent of settling the score, that should be grounds for being banned for life.........jmo

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never know,an attorney,if it goes that far, may call this website discoverable evidence if it came down to it with all the I heards,she said's,he said's,i got film,sounds premeditated,he could of this and that and etc.

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has anyone officialy heard from the Bakers how Hannah is doing? I didn't want to call and distrub graham today because I'm sure he's pretty busy and I was on the road all day as well.


FWIW - I didnt want this thread to turn into a who done it kind of thing. I wasn't at the track last night because I was with my family in Louisiana as my grandma is the hospital and prognosis bad this time. Its a matter of when at this point, so i was hoping somone would share the events of the night hopefully unbiasedly, for those who couldn't be there.


hope hannah turned out ok. she's a good driver, and fearless as they come.

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has anyone officialy heard from the Bakers how Hannah is doing? I didn't want to call and distrub graham today because I'm sure he's pretty busy and I was on the road all day as well.


FWIW - I didnt want this thread to turn into a who done it kind of thing. I wasn't at the track last night because I was with my family in Louisiana as my grandma is the hospital and prognosis bad this time. Its a matter of when at this point, so i was hoping somone would share the events of the night hopefully unbiasedly, for those who couldn't be there.


hope hannah turned out ok. she's a good driver, and fearless as they come.

Was told by a family member that Hannah has a sprained Neck and Back and is bruised and sore but doing much better today.

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has anyone officialy heard from the Bakers how Hannah is doing? I didn't want to call and distrub graham today because I'm sure he's pretty busy and I was on the road all day as well.


FWIW - I didnt want this thread to turn into a who done it kind of thing. I wasn't at the track last night because I was with my family in Louisiana as my grandma is the hospital and prognosis bad this time. Its a matter of when at this point, so i was hoping somone would share the events of the night hopefully unbiasedly, for those who couldn't be there.


hope hannah turned out ok. she's a good driver, and fearless as they come.



I got a call from Graham last night, Hannah will be o.k.. she is going to be sore for awhile. She is tough...She got really banged up...They had to cut her out of the car, due to her neck injury.

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wow...........sounds premeditated then.........glad to hear she is alright, there is no place in racing for this kind of crap.........he could have killed her and for what........because his car got tore up.........getting stuff tore up is part of racing, a crappy part but it is still the risk you know going into it..........but to get in another car for the intent of settling the score, that should be grounds for being banned for life.........jmo


Not to mention a case could be made for a conspiracy....because it sounds like somebody (teammate) got out of the 8 to let this guy in it? Other people could be pulled into this mess then as well.


THis is the kind of stuff that gives all racing a black eye - and once word of this gets out - is it something a fringe fan will want to bring their family out to see?


If it's true - it's disgusting.


Glad Hannah is going to be ok.

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then there should have been a late model driver in the cop car with him cause on the same turn eddie w. was t-bone and that guy had over half the turn to stop..

and his spotter was not on the tower..


Not necessarily on the late model driver. In this case, it was communication between his spotter, and, as he told Eddy, stabbing the wrong pedal.

As far as the gas/brake thing, we can only go by what he told us. In my opinion, it sounds a little bizarre. (I will say that, since my real opinion would be edited.)


As far as the spotter maybe not being where he was supposed to on top of the tower, that is an issue for the racetrack. This one can be fixed with a simple spotter roll-call. If the spotter ain't on top of the tower, the car gets sent to the infield. Period. Send one of those guys to the pits, and I guarantee that after he quits howling and whining, his spotter will be there next time.

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I was there for the 1st time as I am a dirt tracker and looking at going to the trucks, I saw the incident and in my opinion this was as baliten as could be. Why would you change cars, go 3 laps down and go back on the track to total 2 cars. WOW Hannah for what I seen is a great driver, Hope she is doing well. Again just my opinion.

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his spotter was in the scoring tower the track had requested some former drivers and current spotters with alot of experience to be in the booth with them during certain races. they did do a roll call and he was the only one not there but he was in the scoring tower with hmp officials.

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Criminal charges on something like this is a bad precedent and also hard to get into court and convicted on. Its been tried in a few other places. Its usually more successful to go after them from the civil side. You only need a preponderence of the evidence on your side instead of "beyond the reasonable doubt". You also get some change rather than just having the perp get some community serv hours, weekend jail and you get nothing.


On edit:

just some advice, nobody has to take it- When you get on here and accuse someone of something, then call it a crime, even going so far as to give the criminal code that applies, if the person is not convicted of it at a later date they could possibly have a case for slander. I don't think a web board counts as libel, it might. The point is you need to be careful of expressing opinion in such a way that it can be construed that you are presenting it as fact. Not a bash, not practicing law, just offering an opinion. :)

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I have spoken with two of the drivers that were in Saturday’s field. Both of them said, "it was absolutely intentional" and "Jason Boyd should be barred for life form HMP." I did not ask for those drivers permission to post this on TXSZ so I will let them remain anonymous. My intention was not to post this on here, but after reading what has been written, I felt compelled to do so.


From several other people that were there watching the event, when she lifted out of the throttle going into turn 3, he stayed in the throttle and never let up, spinning her around then driving straight into her drivers side door. It was a blatant attempt at retaliation for an earlier racing incident. I could be so abrupt to say you could almost see it coming for a few laps before it happened, but then I would be passing judgment. If you were there watching the same race, then you saw what I saw. It was an attempt to purposefully harm another driver.

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If you get barred from one track there are at least 4....uhhhhh....... 3.. uhhhhh....2 that will let you race at theirs. Car count is really important.

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First let me say that I am sorry for what happened to Hannah, and glad that she is going to be ok.


That said, I'd like to put my two cents in. All of you are so quick to judge and villafy Jason Boyd. I wonder how many of you actually know him, or his Dad, Gerald, personally. If you did you would know that Jason would never intentionally try to hurt someone. You would know that he and his Dad, Gerald, would give you the shirts off their backs. You would know that they are not wealthy people, and have had to work very hard for what they have, and as such would not be apt to intentionally tear it up. You would also know that he was leading the points and got into the other car to try to retain that position. So, intentionally taking himself out of the race and demolishing two cars doesn't make a lot of sense.


Wonder if you know that when Hannah had a mishap in practice Saturday morning, they went to her pit and offered to help with parts or anything else that they could to help her get her car back together so that she could race that evening? Bet you don't know that a not too terribly long ago Jason helped coach Hannah with her racing, and that Gerald helped set up Hannah's car. They have spent countless hours promoting racing and car count at HMP, and have been good friends to the Bakers and many many more of you as well.


I'm truly sorry that this very unfortunate accident happened, and very glad that things did not turn out worse, but it saddens me to see how quickly people turn on a very good and decent young man who has worked hard to acheive the success that he has.


Just wanted to put a human face on the monster you all have made Jason out to be.


I for one, count them as my friends. Thought many of you did too.


Gerald and Jason, keep your chins up.

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I was not there so I do not know. But from what I'm reading, He left the track in one car and came back on the track in a differnt car during the same race? Why did the even let him on the track in a differnt car????

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I was wondering if someone could explain to me why he was allowed to change cars after the race had started! I don't know of any series or track that allows a driver to do this once they have taken the green flag for their feature!!!

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As long as the car that he got into had started the race, this would not be a problem. At the tracks that I have been involved in, this was OK, but the points went to the driver who started the race in the car. Now if he got in the second car to do what is being said on here and what I have heard on the phone from people that were there ANOTHER STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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