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Purse Payout and Points Champ


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10th place late model should make more that the 1st place sportsman. 5th place sportsman should make more than the 1st place Road Runner. 5th place road runner should make more than the 1st place grand stock.


Midseason points leader should get a pat on the back and only the end of the year points should matter.

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I dont have a dog in this fight but I think a midseason championship race is pretty cool. Nothing to do with points just a big midseason race with big trophies to the winners. Mr Fat is right on points payout top class should pay more period it dont matter what class had biggest car counts the top class should always pay more.

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Worry about paying out the max you can afford in weekly purses at first. That will help stimulate your car count which is your most critical need at first.


You can worry about points funds, expensive banquets and all that later on down the road.

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Yes point funds are nice,but it is the weekly purses that help pay for the damage repairs and weekly maintenance that keeps the cars returning WEEKLY. Need to pay start money even if it is just the same as a pitpass,(hey it gives the driver incentive to come back). A top heavy payout does not help either,some of the most successful tracks in the country do not pay real well for first but their payout does not drop rapidly either,and these tracks have more cars on a normal night the our big shows. Do not get me wrong on this,paying 500 to win in the top class and having to spend over that in tires and fuel mandated by a track does not help,however limiting the number of new tires in a night could help also. I am beginning to think that CC rules might be better for the lower classes, as in running street tires instead of slicks,or get all on the same tires (takeoff specials). Quit obsoleeting so many cars with all of the constant rule changes that seem to take palce in asphalt racing.

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Yes point funds are nice,but it is the weekly purses that help pay for the damage repairs and weekly maintenance that keeps the cars returning WEEKLY. Need to pay start money even if it is just the same as a pitpass,(hey it gives the driver incentive to come back). A top heavy payout does not help either,some of the most successful tracks in the country do not pay real well for first but their payout does not drop rapidly either,and these tracks have more cars on a normal night the our big shows. Do not get me wrong on this,paying 500 to win in the top class and having to spend over that in tires and fuel mandated by a track does not help,however limiting the number of new tires in a night could help also. I am beginning to think that CC rules might be better for the lower classes, as in running street tires instead of slicks,or get all on the same tires (takeoff specials). Quit obsoleeting so many cars with all of the constant rule changes that seem to take palce in asphalt racing.

I agree,the rule changes or differences between tracks is a pain,do you think a Driver Advisory Board to address these concerns and complaints,would help or hurt a track?

Edited by txenergyman
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i like you 97 .the pay would be better spread out to all .a track can also go this way ..take so much of a purse .and pay down .but have a bonus purse even if you have to take alittle from the top purse and have a drawing from a fan to pick a position finish that gets the bonus .could be bigger than the winner gets ..who knows .and noone would know the position till the checkerd dropped . .keep it seal ..you know i was suprised when i won a feature at cc and snapon tools came out and gave me 125 dallors worth of tools for that was the class and position he drew and noone but him and the track knew it ..hell the purse didnt matter to me at that moment .also at that same night a sponsor who paid out $25 .cash for the winner that night also drew me ..aslong as i had his sticker of his on my car ..if not the next driver got the money .so thats just some ideals to help keep and build car count and fan count ..

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I like the idea of a Driver Advisory Board. Even though the owner/promoter would have the power to to make the final decisions, having driver input is valuable towards making those decisions. To keep the board from being a "complaint group," have the drivers propose solutions instead of presenting problems.

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when the electricity is turned on , and the bleachers are painted.........then ask for responses to this subject again.......youve gotta have a track to have purses , maybe that should be the primary concern at this point.


will i cruise my red vette out to new mexico or would i head up to the dakotas?......i don't have a red vette.

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when the electricity is turned on , and the bleachers are painted.........then ask for responses to this subject again.......youve gotta have a track to have purses , maybe that should be the primary concern at this point.


will i cruise my red vette out to new mexico or would i head up to the dakotas?......i don't have a red vette.




I like your opinion, but if you do not research what you want to create, then why build it..

I want to do it right the first time around!!!


And there is electricity already.... ;)

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Nice....I already like these guys....not just Txenergy but positive Txenergy. :)


sorry if i'm too realistic for you.............aren't you one of the die hard moo police that was upset with me for questioning situations in SAS and USRA.......wow , youre right..........you just found a NEW SAVIOR for tx. asphalt racing. congradulations


sorry if i come off negative...........i disagree , you set the purse , you set the rules , you name the time , you build your place...........part of the problem with local racing lately ( JMO) is there is too much outside interference from participants........'this guy wants to run this tire - that guy wants this intake'......you pay the bills , you make the rules.........if they want something else , well hell the highway runs north and south so pick a direction.......

all i'm saying is break ground on property 1st , then if you feel like outside input is required ask for it. it's your ball and bat , we're just showing up with our gloves.

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Nice....I already like these guys....not just Txenergy but positive Txenergy. :)


sorry if i'm too realistic for you.............aren't you one of the die hard moo police that was upset with me for questioning situations in SAS and USRA.......wow , youre right..........you just found a NEW SAVIOR for tx. asphalt racing. congradulations


sorry if i come off negative...........i disagree , you set the purse , you set the rules , you name the time , you build your place...........part of the problem with local racing lately ( JMO) is there is too much outside interference from participants........'this guy wants to run this tire - that guy wants this intake'......you pay the bills , you make the rules.........if they want something else , well hell the highway runs north and south so pick a direction.......

all i'm saying is break ground on property 1st , then if you feel like outside input is required ask for it. it's your ball and bat , we're just showing up with our gloves.




I like that ,,, you speak your mind... negative,, I never took it that way... But we do think about the race teams and what it takes to have a hobbie and possible career in racing. the toll it takes from the family.. and we know we are not going to please everyone.... Ground is breaking,,,, plans are being drawn and changed a little ... Hopefully, we get to meet you at the meeting.... You seem like a person with alot of humor...and realistic.... Just what everyone needs...

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the poeple that race need someone who will take thier point of view add it all together and see if the outcome they want is in there .if not they may aswell stay home ..texenergy and his future wife are smart enough to do it right .they are earning respect from drivers .and showing respect .that goes along ways with being sucessfull there is no telling how long they have been looking at this option .. .unless proven otherwise ill back them .heck i dont even live near them ..and btw they ask explain youself as they have asked me .they are not the typ to say the heck with you .you dont count .your one person ..so i give them a thumbs up and im not trying to gain brownie points ..just taken them at book value ....whats in the book we will see ..so far so good ..

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I like the idea of a Driver Advisory Board. Even though the owner/promoter would have the power to to make the final decisions, having driver input is valuable towards making those decisions. To keep the board from being a "complaint group," have the drivers propose solutions instead of presenting problems.

problem with Driver Advisory Boards, is the way the board members are selected. I remember recently an unnamed "executive" of a certain racing organization saying he had polled the drivers and the results were _____ Problem was not ALL of the drivers were polled .. not even half .. just a few of the top runners. this didn't sit well with those of us who were slighted. the only fair way to have a Drivers Advisory Board is to have the drivers elect their representatives. that way if they don't represent the drivers, they can be replaced by the drivers.


but drivers are only the visible face of the teams and aren't always the folks putting up the $$$ to put the cars/trucks on the track. if you want to ensure you have representation for all entities, you should also have an Owners/Sponsor's Advisory Board as well as a Fans Advisory Board.


there's really 4 parts to this puzzle and to leave any of them out, or to minimize any of them is to ensure less cooperation from that sector.


bottom line: whose ball and bat is it and how much input do they want on how to play the game?

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I like the idea of a Driver Advisory Board. Even though the owner/promoter would have the power to to make the final decisions, having driver input is valuable towards making those decisions. To keep the board from being a "complaint group," have the drivers propose solutions instead of presenting problems.

problem with Driver Advisory Boards, is the way the board members are selected. I remember recently an unnamed "executive" of a certain racing organization saying he had polled the drivers and the results were _____ Problem was not ALL of the drivers were polled .. not even half .. just a few of the top runners. this didn't sit well with those of us who were slighted. the only fair way to have a Drivers Advisory Board is to have the drivers elect their representatives. that way if they don't represent the drivers, they can be replaced by the drivers.


but drivers are only the visible face of the teams and aren't always the folks putting up the $$$ to put the cars/trucks on the track. if you want to ensure you have representation for all entities, you should also have an Owners/Sponsor's Advisory Board as well as a Fans Advisory Board.


there's really 4 parts to this puzzle and to leave any of them out, or to minimize any of them is to ensure less cooperation from that sector.


bottom line: whose ball and bat is it and how much input do they want on how to play the game?

Those other Advisory boards are factored in also,all elected members would be done fairly and openly,no hidden "polls" or favoritism..thanks for your input.

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Wow!Are you ok Crazyhorse?I was just trying to let these guys know someone appreciates their "go forward"positive thinking.Now i'm getting bashed and called names over a positive post?moooo police?All I can say is the fans in Texas have some say in what they spend their money to watch,whether you like it or not.If we(your so called moooo police)go away,how are you going to race?I know I am just one person but I talk too untold numbers of fans in the S.A. area and haven't found any of them that were'nt concerned about the negativity on this board.And I'm not sure who made up the nick name of "savoir",but people aren't racing much on asphalt anymore.How long has it been since us fans(moooo police)have had a "weekly"show to go to?


I like all of the positive things I am reading about Txenergy and Txenergyman.My hope is that they can look above the negativity thats springs up and press forward with their plans.Please bring back the weekly racing that built stock car racing.Just remember,the touring series,whether large or small,srouted from the weekly racing.


These potential track owners come on this board and hint about what they are thinking and bam,they are hit with the road blocks.If they have an idea about doing things better than have been previously done,and want to spend their money doing it,let them.Don't try to shut them down or make them look bad or look like they are screwing up before they even get anything started.




Crazyhorse,you always were one of they racers I routed for on Saturday night.You and your brother are very good racers.I just hope to have a nice facility in S.A. to watch you guys race again.

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Be it negative or be it positve,the input we are receiving is a tremendous asset to accomplishing our goals. Bringing out the thinking caps of the apparently long forgotten ideas and suggestions of the driver is exactly what we need,so that being said,thank you for all the input so far from the both of us.

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