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Can anyone get me Greg's # or anyone's # that is involved w/ the Super Streets.

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lets see fast in the SS Have #'s like 20, 84,34, I think there's more maybe 66,just maybe 45, but what do I know I race with 4 bangers, or I like to say------THE ALL MIGHTY VW AIRCOOL BUG---------------


p.s. maybe yall can do the pit crew challenge. I still need to set one up or two this year

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Slidewayz, you trying to say "Mr. Ed" maybe related ? Just kidding ....................NOT !


Damn Sam, don't you think that's a little horse...I mean harsh!?? :blink:

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Maybe this time Lil Kiminski will tighten all the lugnuts so the tires don't fall off during practice . LOL Seems even though he's gotten older he still hasen't gotten any wiser, still talking smack .


MATKIM10 :lol: , Let your performance on track do the talking and that way you don't look like such a fool when you wreck or dont win right outta the box.

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