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Media Attention to SAS Closure


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I've been buried under media stuff since 9:00 p.m. last night. I've had almost every radio and TV station contact me for interviews, live coverage, etc. It's somewhat ironic that I've almost begged for media coverage for the past four years and couldn't seem to get the attention we deserved.


Some of the media outlets, e.g., KTSA radio, WOAI-TV, FOX-TV, Mike Haag's mysa.com blog, had really stepped up their media efforts at SAS this past year, but I can't say the same for the rest. Off camera, I've questioned the media as to "why now and not before?" Most of them don't have any actual video footage to use - had to supply videos through Maverick Video, our ad production company.


I watched the coverage on KSAT-TV (Channel 12) last night. They reported our story pretty accurately, but I don't know when the video was shot (nothing recent judging by the race cars). FOX-TV (Channel 29) came out and shot a story for tonight's 9P news. And KENS-TV (Channel 5) was out here earlier today and is returning at 6P for live coverage.


It's too bad it took something so drastice to capture their attention. I guess I'm just venting at this point.

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I want to thank Jamie Fuller and Jarod Benker for coming out to the track today to help with the TV interviews. We had requests for driver input after the media arrived at the track. These two drivers came out to SAS with very little notice. Thanks again, and I hope you enjoyed your short claim to fame.

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Well, it is a proven fact & Debbie has already stated this more than once: the lack of media attention was not the result from a lack of effort on SAS or USRAs part. SAS was in the media more over the past season than it had been since the days of the short-lived tv show "Texas Speed". I was driving around town today listening to the radio, scanning stations, and was almost sick to my stomach by the media coverage on the closing of SAS. How it was sad to lose such a historic venue, 1st the Mission Drive in and now SAS. It would have been nice to have seen more interest when there were cars on the track.


sorry, guess I joined Debbie in her rant. :lol: Man, I just realized something else..... I can't tease Deb about teching the cars anymore. ;)

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If anyone wants to take any type of action against the closing of the San Antonio Speedway Track they must try to accomplish the following:


Follow the Money Trail. (Who has the biggest advantage in this track closing?) Is it Toyota? Is it real estate developers that surround this track?) Is is SAWS? Is it the City of San Antonio? Hmm.,, Why did the inspection happen this way? Hmm...


Did the San Antonio City Council pull a fast one on us? (Public record on issues-yes, if you know what to ask for)

Can we accuse a council member(s) without knowing the facts? Probably, but what facts do we have?


Is this just a part of how business is done in this city?


I unfortunately have to work at a job 8-10 hours per day. Most of you also.


If I did not have to, I would research this information and have some facts so that we either could take a stand on the truth or at least try to find out why such an important track closed. This really is a big deal!


This is Texas, and we love racing. This is one of the tracks in central Texas that allows for locals, and touring series. The Corpus track shut out touring series, so what is left? ThunderHill? That is a great track, but that's it for us?


That is what it will take to get to the very bottom of this, unless you all want to plea to Burton Smith and see if he will purchase some land for us and build a short track. Or maybe one of us wins the Lotto and builds a track?


Unfortunately, I see this as a done deal, but whomever has the time may want to research this nasty matter and at least give us the truth, if that is possible in this situation.

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During the SAS story on FOX-TV tonight, did anyone catch the interview at the end of the story with Richard Perez, the city councilman who was our Grand Marshal at the March 3 ASA race?


Here are some quotes from Perez, "Neighborhoods and race tracks don't mix well." And later in the interview, "It might be smart for small business owners in the area to review their long-term plans. They see the writing on the wall, I think -- and that is they need to move out because we've got all of this new development coming, particularly housing. It's bad news for some, but great news for others who can profit from increasing property values." Perez didn’t say anything supportive of SAS, nor did he express regret about our closure.


And a quote from Sylvia Rincon, FOX reporter, "City leaders say that these 'Mom and Pop Shops' have the right to stay, but only if they play by some very strict rules."


Do I think city and corporate politics played a role in this situation? You bet!

Edited by debwill
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Speaking of the media


I think Dawn with KTSA 550 has been trying to bring San Antonio Speedway into the limelight. She finally was able to convince the grande queso at the station to let her have a shot this year.


She tried her best to promo the track. I know Debbie called in and talked about the ASA race. Dawn would open the phones up for ANYONE to call in and talk about the racetrack and racing in general. I believe only a few people took her up on the offer. When this kind of opportunity arises, you have to take advantage of it. It was a chance at some FREE publicity.


Unfortunately with all the media attention now, more people now know we HAD a racetrack in the San Antonio area.


I don’t think this media attention is all that bad though. Who knows, maybe an investor will see how much we loved our track and step up to the plate. We still have to be vocal.

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If anyone wants to take any type of action against the closing of the San Antonio Speedway Track they must try to accomplish the following:


Follow the Money Trail. (Who has the biggest advantage in this track closing?) Is it Toyota? Is it real estate developers that surround this track?) Is is SAWS? Is it the City of San Antonio? Hmm.,, Why did the inspection happen this way? Hmm...


Did the San Antonio City Council pull a fast one on us? (Public record on issues-yes, if you know what to ask for)

Can we accuse a council member(s) without knowing the facts? Probably, but what facts do we have?


Is this just a part of how business is done in this city?


I unfortunately have to work at a job 8-10 hours per day. Most of you also.


If I did not have to, I would research this information and have some facts so that we either could take a stand on the truth or at least try to find out why such an important track closed. This really is a big deal!


This is Texas, and we love racing. This is one of the tracks in central Texas that allows for locals, and touring series. The Corpus track shut out touring series, so what is left? ThunderHill? That is a great track, but that's it for us?


That is what it will take to get to the very bottom of this, unless you all want to plea to Burton Smith and see if he will purchase some land for us and build a short track. Or maybe one of us wins the Lotto and builds a track?


Unfortunately, I see this as a done deal, but whomever has the time may want to research this nasty matter and at least give us the truth, if that is possible in this situation.


I'm not sure what your point is. Bad things happen to good people all the time. There's nothing to get to the bottom of. It would not surprise me at all if land speculators tipped off the city of san antonio and had this place inspected. If so it might be dirty pool in some people's eyes, but its not illegal and if you ask the shareholders of the theoreticalcompanys that might benefit they would consider it a good thing. I may be disappointed the track closed and I may understand TD's issues from both sides of the table, but the fact is this is America and we follow the golden rule. "He with the gold makes the rules." It might not be fair, it might not seem right, but that's just the way it is right now. The property rights pendulum that has been in favor of private property owner's for the last 10-20 years is starting to swing the other way. Repeat In short there's nothing to get to the bottom of.

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It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure it out. $$$$ rules this world. The city believes that land is more valued as a housing development than a race track. It sucks but thats just how it is. Now you guys just need someone who really cares about racing in that area to open up a nice 3/8 dirt track in SA and your set and can race against the rest of Texas.

Edited by Jason
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It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure it out. $$$$ rules this world. The city believes that land is more valued as a housing development than a race track. Thats just how it is. Now you guys just need someone who really cares about racing in that area to open up a nice 3/8 dirt track in SA and your set.


Jason, Don'y You know someone? I am sure you do....

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I explicitly said, "If you want to get to the truth of this" However, I am concerned with how these "things" happen in this city. I am passionate about racing and if you are not, so be it. That is the point my dear.

noone can doubt your convictions ..

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I'm not trying to argue with you. If I seemed to be slamming you that was not my intent. I was only explaining that there is nothing to get to the bottom of. The track exists. It has fallen under the jurisdiction of the city of San Antonio. It is not Code Compliant. There are major expenses that would need to be incurred to make it compliant. Mr. Dickerson has made a responsible business decision to cease his operations. If any of those facts were not true, then there would be something to get to the bottom of. I personally have some thoughts about track development that I would like to discuss with Mr. Dickerson, but I have been unable to make contact with him. As you do not know me and have no idea about my level of committment to racing I will not discuss that with you. You are entitled to your opinion. But, please accept my apologies if you thought I was bashing, that was not my intent, "Dear" ;)



Hey lookie there. I hit 900 posts. That's what? about three weeks for you oldtimer. j/k

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It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure it out. $$$$ rules this world. The city believes that land is more valued as a housing development than a race track. Thats just how it is. Now you guys just need someone who really cares about racing in that area to open up a nice 3/8 dirt track in SA and your set.


Jason, Don'y You know someone? I am sure you do....

sorry for thr typo


I meant, Don't you know someone?


It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure it out. $$$$ rules this world. The city believes that land is more valued as a housing development than a race track. Thats just how it is. Now you guys just need someone who really cares about racing in that area to open up a nice 3/8 dirt track in SA and your set.


Jason, Don'y You know someone? I am sure you do....

sorry for thr typo


I meant, Don't you know someone?

Heck, another typo-I need to go to sleep!

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If you dig up the explanation Rick Day gave,you will find that the concession people were doing exactly what they are supposed to,when it came time to get the health permit.They were told they had to have the other fees paid.When Mr. Day went to pay those fees he found out about the standard inspections the city requires vs. they county.I don't see anything underhanded that the city has done.It looks like some bad timing along with the fact that Lillean would not sell that has created this unfortunate situation.I have helped open three buisnesses now and it's the same old two to three weeks delay due to all of the inspections.To top it off,the 80,000 to fall into compliance is an awfully low ball amount.Even if TD bought the land,met the codes,stayed within noise limtitations,and kept the place presentable as that side of town grew,eminate domain would have been at the city's disposal.There isn't any need for any underhandedness anymore.Pushing the old out to bring in the new isn't considered criminal nowadays.

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