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c.o.t car


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Any comments on the cot car? I realize they have way to much money invested now to scrap it, but that

stupid nopi tuner vision jap wing things gotta go in my opinion. Next thing you know nascar will mandate some stupid side graphics package ,and some neon lights for the night racin! Need to put the spoiler back, and I could possibly pretend I don't know any better. Looks like the slightest bump knocks the wing to far out of wack to work on any big tracks any way. Oh but keep the tire splitter up front, Im investing in goodyear. JMO

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Take the wings off, raise the ride height, and reduce the angle of the banking at all tracks and let's see who can still buy a ride. Martinsville this weekend should be interesting. Kyle Busch's comments after Bristol sounded like he didn't like the COT because it was too hard to drive...

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The neon on the cars sure started something....with all the LCD technology now....they will start having multiple sponsors on each car for each race.On each lap the car can have a completely different look to it.Just think of the possibilties.On a night race the whole track will be flashing like the fourth of July.The competition will start amongst sponsors for the fanciest and brightest cars.The LCD will allow them to actually have the same commercials playing on the sides of the cars that you see on the tube.Maybe it would allow the networks to eliminate the actual commercials.....sry went too far with that onelol.


With the upcoming 3-D holographics they are perfecting right now.....every car can have a commercial hovering above each car all race long.Imagine Junoir's new Aussie commercial on top of his car....freaks chasing him around the track all day....then after the checkered he can finally explain to them that there is no beer.

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I agree with Kyle Busch. Not only does the wing look stupid, but apparently, the teams have to return them back to NA$CAR after the race. The front splitter looks just as stupid. They should've just kept the safety stuff, and not screwed with the bodies. If they didn't look like their street legal cousins before, they're not even related now.

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Nascar had the only racar that did'nt have a wing.It's human nature to not like change!The spliter and wing don't bother me as much as the cars not being the shape and size of the showroom floor cars.Nascar was founded with true stock cars.Cars you could go purchase on the showroom and race.I remember being mad when they started letting front wheel drives and 4 doors race as rear wheel 2 door cars.Now how I long for those days!!! :lol::lol:

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i like it! they can't drive it. they look like go carts bouncing around on bristol , out of shape even when their in shape. they get paid alot of money , it's about time they got a challenge.


the car of tomorrow is alot closer (panel wise) to looking stock than those cadilacs they have been driving

Edited by Crazyhorse
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I like them as well. It's about time that NASCAR got away from the aerodynamic bullets that the cars had become. Mark my word when I say that these cars will put on a great show when they get to the bigger tracks. They cut a huge hole in the air just like the Trucks which happen to put on the best show in NASCAR. This will bring the series back to the way it was in the mid 80's and before. I think it is a move in the right direction no matter if the car looks a little different or not.

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COT is going to turn people away from NASCAR , Bristol was boring,!! The cars were too ugly to watch!!

Wait till that splitter starts cutting tires at 190mph. I am 110% behind making the cars safer, but more

could have been done to existing cars. Those cars look like they have too much TOYOTA influence.....

And from the #1 COT Backer Mikey Waltrip. He just has not had enough time behind the wheel of one to

dislike it !!! Good luck Nascar..hope you are keep an eye on TV Ratings and ticket sales.

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I agree about the splitter,take it away and make the front straight down from the bumper instead. I like the wing,but am having bad visions of them flying into the stands at the larger tracks. I am tired of hearing them complain about the surface or shape of a track,they might as well put autopilots in the cars if everything is going to be easy for them,put the drive back into drivers.

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I think the splitter front end is a safety hazard for a car sliding thru its pit box. I wouldn't like to have my ankles chopped off.

i agree with you on that one ..how aboult loosing an arm when they pull away after adjustments and dont get out of the way fast enough ... bottom is poeple dont like it ..small number does ....just go back to looking like they suppose to look like .and quit trying to be like iroc ...... .so when is nissan and honda going to join .....i did not watch one lap of bristol ..i cant remimber when i decided to go paint something instead of sitting and in front of the tube and watch a race ,, at bristol ..to long ago to remimber that one ..maybe nascar needs to see what we are saying on speed zone ..you know we cant be the only sight .

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Im not for the COT but there are some issues here.

#1. Nascar will not let any car return to the track w/o a wing, or a spoiler. Thats been a rule as long as there has been a teather rule.

#2 Nascar requires teathers on both sides of the deck lid, if the wing comes off and goes into the crowd it will most likely be in several pieces. Not that its any better but pieces will fly, that can not be avoided.

#3 Yep their ugly, but if the only way to win in one is to outdrive someone else, than I say "let the best man win". No more he who spent biggest dollars wins.


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I actually kinda like the cars, it makes them actually drive them.... I couldnt tell you how many times that anouncer kept bringing up the fact that teams in these cars will have to go back like the old days and mechanicaly set these cars up to run good now and just not who got a better body done in the windtunnels... Sure they look like Japanesse imports but what car on the road now a days doesnt.... Change is inevitable, but in this case I think if these teams might dig up some of the old guys from back in day they might do better in these cars, and oh yea get their drivers to actaully drive them.... If anything we will find out who the real drivers in NASCAR are with these cars....

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The teams are already adjusting to the COT and it's "peculiarities"

  • the front tire changer is now more aware of the air hose getting caught in the splitter
  • the average catch-can man cannot reach over the wing to make wedge & track bar adjustments - the teams are now training (or recruiting) their tallest folks for catch-can duty or retraining their rear tire carrier to make the adjustments
  • tires are extremely susceptible to cutting by the splitter .. good and bad, depending on which end of the splitter you're on :lol: ...expect this to draw NA$CAR's attention if it starts being more than an occasional happening

Both the splitter and wing are carbon fiber, I believe. Strong, but will shatter .. which causes another bucket full of pieces for the worriers to worry about.


Finally, I don't like the COT 'cause it's a radical departure from the evolution of the Cup car. The Busch (aka Cup Lite) cars look more like a Cup car than the COT does. The COT reminds me of the sporty sedans like those they race in Aussie-land. The look is what most people are objecting to .. not the increased safety or decreased performance. Now drivers will have to drive instead of chauffeur their rides around the track which will send some to the showers early....

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Why not just put these guys back in cars with bodies from the early 80's? Square, tall bodies; almost no angle on the front windshield, higher frame heights, etc. Lets put all these new young guns in those cars and see who comes out on top! My guess, not many will; you actually had to DRIVE those cars, no matter how much motor you had.

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