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Josh42 TV star?


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KSAT did coverage from the IHRA show at SAR, plus a peice on 18 year old Austin Cowan. In the "tease" they had a good mug shot of one of our heros.....Josh42. You could see pops(Tommy33) in the coverage if you looked quick and knew where to look for him. As for me........well you could see the window in the tower that I was sitting behind. LMAO

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Now Reb, I'll have to see if he ever wants to work the waterbox again at a National for us after his lungs got full nitromethane fumes from the weekend.I warned him that Fri and Sat wouldnt be as bad as Sun when they would be loaded to the max,and he found out what I meant.- lol

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Actually if I had the chance I would do it again in a heartbeat. Yeah it was a lot of work and you didnt get to see much of the racing and walk around the pits, but it was awesome to be two feet away from Gary Densham, Del Worsham, Cruz Pedregon, Rickie Smith, Robert Patrick and the flying Meatball Frank Gugliotta. Sitting in the stands and feeling the thunder when these cars take off is nothing like standing 4 feet from them when they leave. An the nitro fumes yeah they were bad at times but i found out that if you chew on some jerky while they are runnin that it didnt make my throat burn as bad. But let me tell ya the best nasal decongestant isnt sinex its nitromethane. Can't wait to do it again.

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