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Options for ROMCO rain-out.


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Sunday afternoon local races have never been financially successful. You might as well be running on Friday nights during High School Football season.. nobody shows up except the die-hard fans who would be there even if you ran it New Year's Eve during a blizzard!


Nick Holt

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I just don't understand why it can't work on Sunday afternoon! Ya, I know NASCAR, but with the advent of VCR's, TIVO, etc. So what? Back in Indiana ALL the ASA/ARTGO Races were Sunday afternoon and places packed the stands. That was long before the electronic age of recording too. And believe me it gets hot/humid in the midwest during the summer, so lets not be wimps.

Jason, if I knew how the radar would look tomorrow, I could figure out why I can't get into the chat room too!!!!!!

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:D Hey Reb you have to remember that Indianna is in the racing belt and we are about 20 hours south of there,remember you can go to races there 7 days a week during season,heck they even go to snowmobile races and ice races in the winter,hey there is a new idea for SAS ice races haha.
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