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It's all about . . . a pink rose!


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You love "Stirring The Pot" dont ya?


Im sure Randy is just helping Big John stand up. The "Rose" is just Johns way of expressing his love of the "Pink".



You're so right! I'll just let y'all caption the pictures. Here's another one . . . the champions helped us get the evening's entertainment off to a fun start. I did put the serious picture on the home page of TSZ.




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I can't believe that Debbie Williams didn't pick this photo one instead of the one she posted. This one clearly shows much more of the emotion shared between the two.


Reports vary as to whether Randy actually followed through on planting a big wet one on Big John, but this picture is surely worth a thousand words.


By the way, that rose Randy presented to Big John in front of 350 people was pink of course.


Nick Holt


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actually the rose came from terry......i think. i wasnt feeling too good at that point and randy was helping me stand up. i strained a disk in my back at work on friday. randy wasnt trying to plant a big one on me, he was simply asking what was the reason i couldnt stand up. see everything has a simple explaination, no need to jump the gun.


big john

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