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Caster/camber plates


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Spoke to Dan today about adjustable caster/camber plates & was told he needed feedback from the drivers before making decision. In past rules from 1992 thru 2000 that I have copies of these were allowed.In 1992 the rules stated :inner fender panels & strut tower may be removed & replaced by steel plates & pipe supports . Top strut mounting plate may be slotted to allow for changes in the caster / camber settings.The question is has this been allowed or not in recent years? Are there any cars running this way? If not, is this an option we would want? Now is your chance-let's here some opinions!

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my opionion is yes..... we built a new car this year and thats what we done to it... last year the strut plates cracked and i felt this was unsafe and replaced the ones on the new car with plate so i hope it stays the same..... also i believe in solid motor mounts too... last year we were in a wreck where the motormounts broke(stock) and hung the trottle wide open and almost cost me a motor and car....... i had a chain on it to but didnt help so these are 2 things i would be totally for having in our class... #2 ;)

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well gt the mustang i am building for this season we have already welded the motor mounts solid too. everyone i have talked to says thats the safest thing to do. It will also save money in the long run. If the engine comes loose it could cost us some money for radiators, fan, hell even engine parts. Not only that it could get someone hurt. jmo

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Are people actually worried about rubber motor mounts? Why even have that as a rule , forget about motor mounts. I personally think you should allow caster and camber adjustments by whatever means neccesary. I don't beleive thunder rules allowed completely cutting out strut towers but atleast you should be able to slot or bend.

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The rules for the TX Thunder cars are not that detailed and can be interperated in many different ways. I figure don't ask and then plead your case. If you ask something about a rule then it is easy to say NO, but if you dont ask and you do it and they ask you why you did it then you say it didn't say I could not do it.

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There you go, I had no idea that the strut towers cracked. That is an issue that Dan needs to address. Is a repaired strut tower better than a stock strut tower? Who cares, add what penalty by performance and it will all come out in the end. I feel you should allow entry level cars to adjust and experiment, that is what RACING is all about. If you don't want that then run a cookie cutter car like an Allison Legacy series.

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Will, that's what I told Dan but I didn't know who or how many cars.He just wanted more input on subject & that's what I trying to do.Poorboy,you know I love this class because of the chance to experiment with different ideas.This is one of the few classes where no one -except GB -has been running the same stuff long enough to figure it all out.GB & Will screw up the curve for

the FWD's. & Will is still learning I'm sure. He's the one to worry about cause GB & me only got a few good years left!

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dan did not enforce half the rules in minnies before no one has in along long time most of the time they didnt have people nore the equip to check over the last 4 years the cars haveout grown tech .they said no racing springs thats hog wash . i know there are cars out there that are lstock tipe sit up but very few i would love to see dan check cars but i have been in this class sence 1985 the only time the cars were tech was when we had our own tech man we paid 2 dollars apiece and you did not know what he was going to check and the track stood behind the tech ] pappy i like you man but you get to carried away with rules and trying to get perfect wording it wont happen .

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oldtimer, I know I'm a pain in the butt & the rules will never be perfect but the better they are the less accusations of cheating & favoritism. I know most of this stuff is already being run & I have no problem with it but GB's friend at the meeting asked if the steering column had to be stock because of the way the rules are written.Rules that state this is what it is just make it easier to build a competitive car.

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I agree with the rubber mount thing and the camber plate or whatever is needed for camber adjustments.The front end and rear end rule was refering to the differentials and should have used that word.They are talking about changing a 4 link to a 3 link as example.The rubber mounts are danderious and that rule...stock mounted ...was refering to the location of the engine,meaning no setbacks or left side positioning.There are many things that get altered in reprinting rules packages.Different cars need different things and thats why Thunder rules are so open.Its good to get interpretation from the teck people but I dont think theres an iron fist involved.You have to remember Dan has been out of the track involvement for a while and is trying to catch up.It is imperative that he show strength in leadership to succede.We are the ones who know best what we need so he has no choice but to work with us.And he will.We will probably need small adjustments all year and clairifications too but to rewrite the rules in general to give any brand of car an advantage will not work.You need or want something to help your brand,petetion for it.Remember the purpose of these rules in the beginning was to evolve the modern car into our ranks to prevent ministock racing from becomming obsolete by being too expensive or not enough cars to get racers from.And we have seen this work.The V8 Chevrolet did finally overcome the flathead V8 over time.The fastest Ford is only slightly slower than the fastest FWD and half of that is gone with the transmittion ruling.I dont need solid mounts or camber plates but I am all for it.I dont want to be hit in the head by someones engine flying out.Lets try it:lets petetion the track to allow solid mounts and camber alterating devices because we show they are needed.I vote yes.Thats 1 vote now.Who else?What else?

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Thumper ,you got my point ! I don't want all new rules. Just want the ones we have clarified. We all know certain rules don't mean what they say ,but poor wording makes it easy to justify illegal parts being used. We all know what racing springs means but now some want to use the "I got them at a junkyard " to justify using them.

Dan made it clear to those who stayed that he wants this to work,But not give in to pressure from people who want this to get even more out of hand. BTW, I vote YES to both issues.

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Can somebody tell me what the difference is in a 12 inch tall 300# spring from Afco and a 12 inch tall 300# spring from a junkyard. It still acts the same on the car doesn't it. Who really cares where it came from. If you buy a spring rater and buy all your springs from a junkyard that is almost as good a racing spring. Maybe the rule should say spring needs to be atleast 20 years old, will that take the grey area out of that rule.

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ok strut towers on the fords is a safety item when we built the first mustang the old strut towers were rusted and bent up the car had been wrecked (we are talking when pops ran with the minis ) so we replaced them and every car we built since then has been done that away so that i know of probally at least 15 cars now if you make them illegal thats losing a lot of cars if you dont do it the first fender bender you get into that car is junk cause it will be twisted

Edited by cRt racing
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You have a spring rater?There's NO difference that I can see. Maybe the rule needs to be OEM stock type spring in stock location? I don't know.I do know getting all this straight now will reduce stress during racing season.CRT, good point. My first car was so rusted it needed re enforcement in several areas just to be safe.

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I think that ol pappy13gt should stop his worry over rules and try to figure out how to catch everybody else on the track. Quit trying to figure out what each rule means. Just go racing and if they tell you change something change it. Quit complaining about the grey areas. Everyone is cheating, they just haven't got caught, which means its not cheating until you get caught.

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