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Gather together in front of your computer screen your moms and dads, grand-fathers and grand-mothers, Aunts and Uncles, Friends and Neighbors, Crew Chiefs and Pit Crews and anyone else you can think of who might help.


I am about to post a photo from Old Pan American Speedway (Austin Highway) from 1964. There are 26 Drivers in the photo. I need your help identifying them. I have id'd a few of them, but most are unidentified. It would be such a shame if even one of them were forgotten, I feel we will have failed this group of magnificent men.

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Thanks for your help. My photo resizing software seems to have gone south on me, tonight of all nights. I will download some new software later this evening, and try and get a better copy of this up tonight or tomorrow.


This copy is the Numbered copy I set up to help in identifying the drivers. In another post, I will list the drivers I have identities of so far.

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The Drivers in the photo are as follows:


1. Unknown


2. Unknown


3. Unknown


4. Unknown


5. Unknown


6. Joe Shafer


7. Harold Pieper


8. Jim Schumaker


9. Unknown


10. Jerry Mann


11. Unknown


12. Unknown


13. Don Fowler


14. Norman Butler


15. Unknown


16. Jim Hurtubise


17. Waldo Harper


18. Eddie Waltersdorf


19. Bubba Storbeck


20. Johnny Doyle


21. Buddy Jerkins


22. Ricci Ware


23. Buddy Yantis


24. Unknown


25. George McMullin


26. E.J. Weeks (?)


(Possibly in Photo, but not yet identified: Bill Watts)

Edited by Budman
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Been out of town today, up in the country. Papa, I talked with Rodlea. He said Paul wasn't there that night. I'll take a closer look to see if I can spot Bill. Hadn't thought to look for him in the picture. I do know back then, he did a lot of Saturday racing at Meyer in Houston, and also on the dirt at the Devils Bowl in Dallas.

Oatey220, I will put E.J. Weeks on the list as a definite maybe.

Thanks so much for your help.

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There were two other guys I can think of just off the top of my head that raced during that period from San Antonio. Problem is, I never actually met them, so don't know exactly what they looked like. Their names were Alan Dillard and Jerry Smith. Anybody have any idea if they are in the photo?


Oh, and how could I forget. What about Johnny Doyle?

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Thanks Terry and Kathy. Kathy , no #16 isn't Jack. Terry, your right about the race.

There's certainly nothing new about drivers helping other drivers. In 1964, Jim Hurtubise finished 14th in the Indianapolis 500. He dropped out early with mechanical problems.

The following weekend was the next champ car race of the season. It was at Milwaukee.

There, about mid way through the race, it was led by Roger Ward, with Foyt hot on his heals. Hurtubise (Herk, as his friends called him) ran 3rd a short distance back. Coming down the front straight, Ward's rear-end locked up. Ward and Foyt tangled. Hurtubise tried high to avoid them. But, in the classic open-wheel type accident, his left front rode up over Foyt's right rear. This sent him careening into the wall at high speed. Jim was knocked unconscious by the impact, broken ribs punctured both lungs, and the car burst into flames, in a horrific crash. Jim was removed from the car and rushed to the hospital in Milwaukee, with his chances of survival very much in doubt. Jim was burned over 40%, his hands being most severely burned. Jim did survive though. As soon as he could be moved, he was flown where else? The burn unit at Brooke Army Medical center at San Antonio, Texas. Having recovered from the head and rib/lung injuries, he began the long months of treatment of burn and rehabilitation therapy at Brooke. While there, he was befriended by members of the San Antonio racing community. Jim's condition improved throughout the summer of '64, as treatments continued. Then, late in the '64 race season at Pan American, they decided to hold a benefit race for Jim. I am told he was quite literally smuggled out of BAMC by a "committee" of drivers that night and taken to Pan Am. All the drivers posed together with Jim for a group picture that night. That is what you see above. Jim is number 16 in the picture. If you look closely you can see how badly his hands are burned, even though this is months after the accident. I am told the entire purse, the gate, the concession and the proceeds from helmets being passed through the crowd and the pits were given to Jim at the end of the evening. Though it was very much in doubt at the time of this photo, Jim did go on to race again. In fact, he even qualified for the '65 Indy 500. In 1966, he would win the Atlanta 500 in Nascar. Life long friendships were forged from his long stay in San Antonio though. Jim was originally from upper New York state. Jim passed away in 1989, in his adopted home state of Texas!

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