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San Antonio Speedway Ramblings


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I went to stop by the track to see how things were comin along and to see about photo opps. for next year and from what I could see they have the stands sandblasted and the walls are getting painted. Just before I left Terry Wayne Randy Nick and Rick came down from the meeting to goto lunch and asked if I could join them... Without going into the gory details of what they would do to me if I were to say what I overheard on Terrys constant phone calls, I can tell you all there is alot more going on that you can think besides the rules and upcoming events... The whole time I was there he was on the phone with at least 2 major players in the racing industry and there is much more to come. Whats been posted so far is just the tip of the iceburg. You aint seen nothing yet.... More to come...

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mark,you never would make a good politician-talking about what you overheard on somebodys phone conversation-shame on you-

Guess that's the last USRA lunch Marc gets invited to.. LOL


Marc's right, though. Terry's all-day Monday staff meetings are a trip. Terry's selling a $100,000 piece of heavy equipment in one ear, talking to ASA's Ron Varney in the other and making changes to the schedule one the wall all at the same time. If he had three ears, he'd have three phones.. LOL


Nick Holt

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next time you are in c.c. yall can buy me lunch.

Since we'll be the "guests" maybe you should by us lunch! LOL


Nick Holt

i'll buy you a hamburger nick.

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USRA33 - It's funny you should mention paving the infield. We were taking a brief pause in the meeting today - we were all up in the VIP suite - and we were looking out the window overlooking the track when out of the blue (does Terry know any other way??) Terry comes out with, "I think I can get someone to pave the infield."


I think he was talking about the center portion, not the grassy areas at either end, but that would really take care of the infield dust problem, right? Maybe it was just a spur of the moment daydream type of thing, but at least he's thinking about it.


Crazyhorse - Thanks for the offer, Shawn. Much appreciated!


Nick Holt

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Nick, If Terry is serious about paving the infield and is interested in having some QA/QC work done I could help him out. The company I work for does materials testing and I am sure we could work something out.

Call Terry at 903-576-4104.


Nick Holt

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Bet there's a lot more people that are part of the racing community and can help give SAS a face-lift. If you own a business or know how to get some hook-ups, of course nothing crooked, Nick just put TD's number on here, call him maybe some proposals can be discussed. I think the PA system can be upgraded. I remember at one time when ROMCO used to come to town, they used to hook up speakers on both ends of the stands. What about a jumbo-tron type screen on the back stretch. We can have instant-replay and it can help the officials making calls, just like in football. :lol::lol:

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they should extend the pits, move the entrance to the middle of turn 3 and 4 and the exit comming out of turn 2, plenty of room to have 40 + cars front pit stalls.


I mean what are they going to do when the ASA series comes... if its like I was hearing having 60 plus cars show up....if they have to make pit stops during the race? Not to put anymore pressure on the SAS crew or anything... :ph34r: LOL


but everything sounds good so far. walls, stands, paving pits, Might as well keep going.. :blink:

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they should extend the pits, move the entrance to the middle of turn 3 and 4 and the exit comming out of turn 2, plenty of room to have 40 + cars front pit stalls.


I mean what are they going to do when the ASA series comes... if its like I was hearing having 60 plus cars show up....if they have to make pit stops during the race? Not to put anymore pressure on the SAS crew or anything... :ph34r: LOL


but everything sounds good so far. walls, stands, paving pits, Might as well keep going.. :blink:

Absolutely right, Bradley. Send the money to me and I'll make sure Terry gets it.. LOL


Nick Holt

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and my jumbotron company will be by to give you an estimate and pick up the 50% down payment horsepower :P we'll be using a special screen for the daylite saving time sunsets at the track since you requested backstraight wall,fans wouldnt be able to see the picture till dark if we didnt :rolleyes:

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well you could get half of it done, put the entrance in turn 3 and 4, just cut the wall and move it, then with the extra asphault from yall paving the pits yall could make the new pit stalls, im sure someone could mess up the order and "accidently order one extra truck load" LOL,


just putting in some opinon from a racers perspective, love that improvements are being done either way!! Thanks SAS crew


by the way I love how Randy is giving the directions in the picture, LMAO


what is going to happen if the SES or ASA cars have to pit with 36 cars starting

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Don't think it's a matter of cutting the wall... I believe the wall comes apart in the infield. In other words it's in sections... But it would be super labor intensive... Looks as though they are taking on alot as it is... Plus money may be the ultimate cause for them not doing this right away...


On another note, the track in San Luis, Mexico is a half mile track. It is flat for the most part, but the entrances to pit road are very much like you discribed... In at the entrance to turn 3 and out at the exit of turn 2...

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