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Where are the Fords/Chryslers


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<stretch> hmmm wha? No, haven't lost interest PAPA but nothing is going to happen this season. I think I'll be at the lake or bulding a tree house for my son. :) I see absolutely no point in dropping $1000 because of "changes", take my truck to the track & drop another $500, then have to hope people fall out of the race so I may get a top 5 much less win. It's pointless and hopefully the powers that be understand.


-Oh and on the sportsman ford/chevy hybrid project; I did find a Tbird body, mid 90s very straight. The project is on hold as of now due to other circumstances, as are other racing ventures scheduled for 2006.... oh well.

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That really SUX but I understand. I still want to get people thinking about getting these cars back on the track. I look over the rules everyday and Ive come to the conclussion that the rules need to be re-written completly. Even the GM rules are out dated. Its going to take some time but things will change for the better. We just have to keep the pressure on. Lets just hope the season goes by on the upside and maybe next year things will be better for everyone.

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Guest RandyBorlace

I still think weight jacks should be allowed, what seperates the coil spring chassis from roadrunners now except the 3 link???

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That's the way it goes! The days of back-pocket asphalt racing even as a hobby seem to be quickly comming to an end. Constant changes here and there every season, out-dated unfair rules, the whole bit. It's just how it goes, and I'm saying this as a person who has gotten over the ill-feelings & learned to accept it for what it is. It's been that way for years.


I do see a brighter future for dirt track racing in the next few seasons, who knows maybe me & lil bro will go that direction again next year. <shrug> Then again, there's always the 1/4 mile! :blink:

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  • 3 weeks later...

John Jr.,

You are very welcome to drive the #29 pursestock (on dirt only, you like to move the back gate too much on asphalt lol...) I know its not the fastest car out on the track, and its not a FORD... but the offer stands... I love watching you race...always thrilling!!


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I'm afraid the only place to see Fords & Mopars race will be in the 4 cyl. classes. STS looks like a Mopar dealership with all the NEONs coming out & soon the Mustangs will be there , too. I know these aren't considered REAL race cars by some but no one told them. Times at STS were the same or faster than the V-8's.

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Pappy GT13

The Fords and Mopars are in ALL the classes except the "SPORTSMAN" class. The 4cyl classes are a blast to watch both on dirt and asphalt. Im just trying to get them back in the sportsman class. We all are missing out by not having them in this class. As I stated before...The Sportsman class is the last true "STOCK CAR" (V-8). Rules need to be thrown out the window and new ones instated that allow ALL manufactures to compete on an even playing field. All the rules now give GM the upper hand. This is not the case in all the other classes. I invite EVERYONE to reply with their ideas on this matter. Even if it sounds silly or minimal. Look over the rules and see if there is anything that could be changed or added. Try coming up with rules with only the Fords and Mopars in mind then see how to fit the GMs in later. Im sure we can come up with a good set of rules if everyone would give their input on this. And you GM guys need to help out on this even more than others. It can only help you in the long run. Lets get the car counts up in this class. It could (and should) be the PREMIRE class in asphalt and dirt racing. This class could easily be the class that brings back racing like it use to be a few years ago. Im not going to let this topic die. Ill ttt it everyday if I have to. So please give us your ideas.


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For a pure stock class that reflects the true nature of automotive normal they would need to create a 6 cylinder FWD class or at least allow those cars to compete. If you define it by year model, a late 80s early 90s vintage "pure stock" would be a Ford Taurus (3.0 or 3.8 liter V6) or a Generic Motors Grand Am, Monte Carlo, Alero, etc. (3.1 or 3.8 liter) V6 or a Chyrysler Sebring, etc. (3.0 or 3.5 V6).. None of this 110" wheel base RWD cr@p! Sure it's a totally new challenge to get these type cars up to speed but hey, what an equalizer for the first couple of years!!

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I have to agree with 1Crew. Most of the cars raced in pure stock are really vintage racecars. I run an auto salvage yard and those old monte carlos, camaros, etc are few and far between. Almost extinct.

But plenty of those clunker taurus's , grand-am, etc. for CHEAP. Also with almost no racing parts available for them it can keep the cost down. FWD 6 bangers might be the way to go for a cheap entry level class.

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It would be innovative to bring these true modern-day pure stocks into racing. Honestly, when you think of "today's common car" ie "pure stock" doesn't the taurus, grand-am, cavalier, etc come to mind? Even the 90s Tbird, Lumina or Grand Prix could be included. That's all I seem to see at the wrecking yards anymore.

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I haven't read all the postings on this subject, I think I read the first few pages when the thread started out. Just wanted to say, talking about Ford, Eddie Mercer won the CRA race at Nashville in a Taurus, not sure of the motor. Donnie Wilson runs all Ford, and there's a lot of people running the Ford Fusion in the ASALM and several SLM traveling series.

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that is a good point regarding todays cars and the "vintage" cars...........most every car you see on the road today is a v6 or a 4 cyl, so why not race them..........the rwd v8 cars just arent what the new generation of fans can relate to..........as a race fan i'd love to see the v8 powered rwd cars race forever, but unfortunately it isnt going to happen and still hope to attract new fans to the sport..........

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PAPA - Fords & Dodges are scarce in all of the Texas classes & at the tracks. Now, granted, there never were a bunch of these guys to begin with but the rules changes (or lack thereof for Ford/Dodge) & the move towards the crate engines is quickly completing a move to a totally chevy-dominated operation. JMO, maybe I lean too far towards Fords :lol:

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the big problem with there not being any fords or dodges is that the rules are geared for chevy engines , since there seems to be about 100- 1 ratio of gm's to fords no promoter is going to risk making most of his racers mad by making the non-chevy's competive . you really can't blame them. we have 4 ford engines that we are sitting on right now because we can't find a class to run [they are 99.9 stock the only change is a mild cam] so we are trying to be patient , but man is it tough!this just my humble opinion B)

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Here's my take on the subject. We are not going to get ANY rule change to OUR favor on this forum. What WE need to do is go out and run one at the current rules. Then and I think only then would WE have any thing to take to the rules gods. I am and have been willing to throw my hat in this but I can't do it alone. I don't have the knowledge or experience of muliple years of racing. I am and always will be a FORD man!



TPS #22

FORD Mustang

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Im not saying we can do it on this forum. Its not the place to do it. Im saying that each of us read over the rules(many times) and make changes that they feel would work. Then we could meet somewhere and compare notes. Or send them to each other via e-mail or something. As I said before...Do away with the WB, crank stroke,rod length,and do something with the weight just to start. Everything could be fine tuned as we go. But we need to get all the drivers to agree on them or we will be right back where we started. Are any of you willing to give this a try? PM or email me if you are. We need to get this started now. Its to late for this year but maybe we can get something going for next year.

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