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Want to be confused in a hurry...


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That's not confusing! Any Six Sigma Black Belt could have told you that. Once you have Selected output characteristics, Defined performance standards, Validated measuring system, Established process capability, Defined performance objectives, Identify variation sources, Screened potential causes, Discovered variable relationships, Established operating tolerances, Re-Validated measuring system, Determine process capability and last but not least Implement process controls. Of course all of this is done using the DMAIC principle. You just plug the numbers into Minitab and let 'er rip. That is the easy part. It's the same thought process that goes into finding out why a jet liner slid off the runway. That is why it takes a year for some "genius" to figure out that there was ice or a "variable" that caused the accident. Welcome to my world. :blink:

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You guys are making this way too complicated.


First you simply reintermediate the dynamic systems and orchestrate enterprise channels. We all know how to do those things.


Next you reprogram the enterprise infomediaries to morph the integrated platforms which obviously will harness the end-to-end vortals.


Nothing could be simpler.


Nick Holt


P.S. If you are at all interested in knowing where I came up with this information, go to The Bullcorn Generator

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yep svcmngr1,takes a year to figure out the thrust reversers failed,there was alot of ice,about 8 inches of snow,the plane started sliding when the pilot hammered the brakes when he realized he wasnt slowing down like normal and it wasnt going to stop till it hit something as"AJ" would say.But I'm waiting for an update from the gal who said it would be a long investigation for those famous words of why it's taking so long you always hear from every government agency,"our department is understaffed and underfunded and we're doing the best we can do with what we have"-BS

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