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Makes you wonder how much he drank and of what... Aint ya supposed to die at like .35 or something...


If I remember correctly using averages that would be like consuming 20 Beers in an hour if you weigh 170 pounds and on an empty stomach... Dayum...

Marc, does that mean your not suppost to drink 20 beers in an hour????? Is that some kinda beer drinkin rule?

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Makes you wonder how much he drank and of what... Aint ya supposed to die at like .35 or something...


If I remember correctly using averages that would be like consuming 20 Beers in an hour if you weigh 170 pounds and on an empty stomach... Dayum...

Marc, does that mean your not suppost to drink 20 beers in an hour????? Is that some kinda beer drinkin rule?

Does not apply to BJ.



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As reported on Dallas' channel 8 (abc)...

A driver hit a light pole and when they tested him, he had a blood alcohol content of .5!!! It was the highest they had ever seen from someone that was still alive.


Was he alive when they tested him? :lol:


...probably shouldn't have been.

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Yes he was alive...in fact he gave an interview to the channel 8 person. It (crash) evidently happened over the weekend and he was on tv monday night.

This guy looked to be about 140 lb and was maybe 35 or so. He said he was a serious alcoholic--->Man he would have to be to still be alive. He probably "runs" at about .2 most of the time.



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He must have been drinking Pearl Light, only 68 calories, probably kept him alive!!


Outlaw, If he drank enough of that Pearl Light horse piss to blow a .5, he'd been too bloated to get behind the wheel of any car out there!




i think at the spectactular last year i may have been a .5


Big, Don't know about the Spectacular; but I'd like to know what your BAC was after ya'll went through 45 cases of beer in three days at the Rodeo Kickoff in January.........................

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