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Everything posted by HiTech

  1. DONT u just hate it ..u spent your teen years that seemed to last forever trying to hit 18 least in my time so you can go party buy beer vote and get that dreaded draft card . then life real life hits u in the bud .you get married going on nearly forty years with the wife .. your son is 31 and getting married your bones hurt you find yourself forgetting where the keys to your truck are when they are right in your left hand . somone is screaming get out of the way grandpa you are to slow while showing u the all american you are number one hand signal no left or right turn on that one no mistake on the meaning . u worry about what tomorrow will bring you, find ten minute jobs turns into an hour or more . you look at the youths of today thinking wow they are crazy wild misfits this countries future is headed towards hell ..yet never realizing the old said the same thing when u were young .. it seems garbage day is every two days when its 7 ..... u looked forward with excitment for dec 25 th now wondering what am i going to buy my family my wife so the easy way out is a gift card .. adds all over the place and pop ups on your phone every second of the day drive u nuts . when sears roebuck catalog was then the most exciting thing to come around at christmas and christmas holiday started in december not september .. mowing yards back then for 2 bucks pulling that tiny little no horse power motored contraption behind your bike with tiny little wheels that never seemed to follow your forward motion we needed nicks chassis class back then and in time swinging a yo yo to cut high grass down .. because the tiny little movwer had no horse power all that hard work to finally save $300 bucks to buy your first car after two years worth of mowing ..an old 62ford falcon with springs poking your behind through the cotton seats one burned out cylinder the first five cylinder u ever owned .wipers didint work headliner flapping in the no air conditioned two 70mph windows down ac , all the good old days that old car made me proud .now the young kids today have to own a spic an span shining new truck to keep up with the joneses ..hell the best car i owned was that old falcon i paid for it with blood sweat an tears . an had tears when it got wrecked . meaning i now had to walk again .......................but the best thing now is i and u are still alive to tell about it . 2023 NEVER GAVE IT A THOUGHT I WOULD SEE THAT ...IF i make it that far .but again its only going to feel like two days away . garbage day again
  2. the yenko on the fender was airbrushed .this man can do wonders . freehand looking at a pic ..
  3. JUST GOT HOME ..we have our work cut out for friday . got some of the interior back in . still have the front end to put back on .. all of it .. still waiting on the trans should have sometime friday another one of those murphy laws deals .. that never ends it seems one of the new trans parts was broken for this t56 .if we cant get the new one early friday morn we will use the old trans ,, someone i do not know as of now has a trans we can put in it sorta trade deal .. yahoo .. . then we have to install it .. u watch all those builders shows foose and all .and as always they have a thousand things left to do in 15 hours or less .. well that is not fake lol .. seems the more we put back on the car the more we have left to do .. .the faster we try to work the slower we go .. .shoot spent 80 bucks just refilling the propane tanks to keep the shop warm enough to paint ... never seen propane tanks freez up .. then again never emptied one so fast .. but with all of this we still have our spirits up .sam his dad and brother have worked long long hours along with this rookie no days off .day 17 i think i lost count ..see you at the dealership saturday ..i hope alan can hold the rain off for us .......
  4. I PAINTED MY FIRST RACE CAR BLACK cheap walmart paint all the car was worth .. found out painting a white stripe on it still got me run over anyway .. .. i mean the drivers told me they could not see me so the stripe was added .. i think it was because i was a rookie and rookies you can bounce off of and still convence the rookie it was at fault ..
  5. Thanks but mother nature put a stop to the painting today . bought another heater tonight to help warm the area up .. . makeing it harder to finish .. WE HAVE alot to put back on that car plus put the trans back in once we get it back . but nothing can be done till its painted ..... the big hand on the clock moves slow .but the little one is moving much faster ..we will keep working to finish it just have to put even longer hours on it IN ZONBIE LAND . before saturday // it will make it ...
  6. NICK have not figured out how to go back and change a spelling or a line .. . shoot i just woke up and read the last few lines what the heck did i say
  7. Well I WAS GOING TO put the bike up for sale one i do not ride it much anymore two some of the money if not all was going into this project .. TO EXPLAIN THE oic somehow that got in with the others most likely because 14 weeks working on this project and 13 streight longdays getting this car done ..... sam at the body shop is just a zombie as i am .. so mistakes will happen like htis ... actually happend monday night . i had the bike apart replacing out to a new fuel tank .all new chains a new clutch cover a new front tire all new throttle and hand grip system ..new brake handle and some touch up paint ... and replaced the carb .that is where the this damage came from ..the factory screwed the idle all the way full throtle instead of idle . i quess the zombie took over after nine pm and missed that adjust ment .. .. sitting in the garrage i decided to make sure every thing was working ,fired that sucker up and away we went i tried to hit the kill switch but had not aimed the switch to where i could hit it from all angels .. by the time i did kill it it was to late i hit the wall . and the photto shows the damage ..first time i have owned this for almost 8 years i wrecked it , .not even a fall on it .. . to say i was mad would be an understatement ........ many folks know this bike i do not mistreat it ...it has served me well ..... the motor has about ten hours on it .. top speed is about 35 , it can go more .. .but all isnt lost sam told me he can fix the damage the person who freehand air brushed my graphics said he would fix the fender for free ,, .nice man .. . funny i turned down 1700 cash when i rode it the first time after the painting was done .. .no way do i think it will get thathigh .. when i get it ready again ..for sure tomorrow we will have the project car painted .. we have to the 19th is just a few days away , .. the car will be at sames ford on ayers at 1pm the 19 th .evereone is invited to the drawing . and then giving the vet back his keys and hope it is a hit many and vets and civilians are there to help ..if u can make it please take the to show yur struff ..... abouy to fall asleep now good night ..
  8. EVERYONE who has helped proves we have some real fine americans left in this country folks who come together to help anothers dreams come true who want to help make a change a life long change from a small jester in the theme of life written in part of a story that can live on through generations after we are gone . the story this vets two young children will carry on and pass it on seeing and knowing what we all have done together will be priceless .... i can not or any of us put a price tag on the future ..... ALL we can do is plant a seed and hope she grows . somewhere in our life someone planted that seed and its wonder is still alive .. . god blessed each and every one .......... THANK U ALL ...
  9. Just checked the mail RAILS thank u .. u said it wasnt much .well what u sent will be spent well on this running out of time project .. it will help more than u think .....
  10. 361 .290 .2035.. leave message or text if i do not answer . i am working hard . STARTED PAINTING THE CAR weather isnt helping much . but looks like we will get her painted and finished in the next three days ..12 days of none stop working on it . we are getting just a TAD worn out . and yes we still need every penney .....i have not been able to get out and sell tickets in that time to much had to be done and all hands on deck at the shop was needed though i am not a body man but i sure have learned it takes alot of time to do it right . saturday night racing in corpus was looking good and we would have done well at the track for the last time .. but mother nature put a hurt to that .. il send nick some up date picks tomorow .. one penny is more than zero and every one counts .. if u cant help that way just send a message either way .and thanks nick ..
  11. i will add nick three fine folks have sent donations . from here . ron brown and rails and someone ill keep silent at this moment .many of the racers have steped in buying the tickets or donating . many fans and many military vets have donated or purchased tickets .Three brothers from port lavaca let sam and i go UP and cut a section off the roof. the section u see being wielded on in the picture took a year to find someone who would let us do so .. they have two cameros and one firebird and we can still go back if needed and take what ever we need including loading a whole car up if so .... anyone who has taken on a task like this knows even with alot of help and many cases no labor charge or cut rates it still cost and finishing touches still cost . we didnt expect to go this far .but it was needed .no different than fixing anythng else with hiden surprises or restructuring of what your intent was , like changing a faucet finding the pipeing is junk ............. 7 days from now which will only feel like 7 hours in crunch time mode we will present the car .. it it was only 7 weeks ago when we finally got started on the major project and it feels like only 7 hours,,, mother time goes by that fast . the big minute arm on the clock moves slow its that little one second arm spinning u have to pay attention too .. it does not slow down . WE ARE JUST SO THANKFULL FOR WHAT WE HAVE RECIEVED A for the pat on the backs we recieve the thank yous from many vets and families the go for it attitudes we recieve and some looks when its said the veteran still does not know just how far his dream is heading .....its all about one change we hope will be many more ..... ALL WE CAN DO IS HOPE , DOING NOTHING WAS UNACCEPTABLE TO ME .
  12. DONT know who told you that lie MINE SLOWED DOWN .. or did i use the wrong color black ..
  13. THANK U NICK we are almost there almost done .still incuring some cost and running low but wil not keep the car from being finished on time .. sam and i have put on 7 days of long hours very long hours in a roll and starting to see the fruits of our labor .when u change the color of a car from red to blue i forgot u have to also paint the inside to match .. . so its stripped down .oh joy the fun of finding every bolt for every panel and body parts . the painting will be finished by sunday i hope least the main part we have a person coming over to free hand air brushing some things on the car we want , then new tinted window film going on .. then graphics all at lower cost if not free ... and the final part THE TRANS MISSION will finish it off by ffriday the 18th if not sooner .just waiting for some parts to repair it......... i hope the weather is good next saturday we want everyone to show up for the drawing and giving the car back to the vet and his family ..and i know many vets will be there .. the vets wife saw the car today it was all over the shop lol .. first time she has seen anything done to it i do not send her photos and we do not talk much .. something can slip up .. THIS CAR IS SMALL TO MANY its just a car ...that car can be the gateway he needs to carry on and move forward .. JUST a smile that wont turn into a frown when the lights are out and he is alone ////
  14. i spent my day sanding body parts all day just got home aint o wax on wax off ,, its paint the fence . i never sanded that much in my life even during home contruction .. sams brother wanted to fire sam and hire me lol.. i said not enough money and do not get used to me doing it .. the life of a body man will not fit me well.. got a call from the vets wife today she got to see all the mess we have left to do it was her husband birthday ....... . than u all hwo served .. .. ..
  15. THANK YOU RAILS FOR STEPPING UP ... I SAID i can not thank you enough . with both u and ron ...... and ill have many many others to thank as we move forward to victory .
  16. THANK U AND YOU ARE WELCOMED ... FINALLY sprayed some paint on it .. hope to have the base on before the weather gets bad ,..
  17. i am going to ask the wife if she could record some of it . so i can send it to u .. .do u have an iphone ..if so i can let u watch some of it live .. when he sees the car for the first time or so .. IT ISNT ABOUT HOW MUCH YOU CAN AFFORD 1 penny or thousands .. its THE thought and attemp that makes the differents that means alot ... U SENTway more than expected and every penny of it helped alot . even if u did not send anything would not matter knowing u are backing our quest with best wishes does not have to take alot to move a mountain .. and a mountian i want to move .. just takes some time an we may never know just how much it helped him and his family .just like i cant say enough thanks to all our vets . . those who have read all of this and not spoke up . i hear u .. but know someone is out there who can help .. who cares to do so ..
  18. GOT Home late last night from working on the car all day .FOUND A GIFT IN THE MAIL . from u ron THANK U u dont know how much that helps .. big hearted friend.... ..
  19. A GOOD PARENT will teach their children the ground rules and stick with those rules and penalties that come with them .. teach the child respect others but do not ever do anything that will get u in trouble .. again ground rules and paying the penalty for doing so ..
  20. HECK MY TRUCK ISNT EVEN STOCK ..I i cheated and painted it black .. and changed the factory sterio for mo power and sound ..
  21. well i would add harvicks team gibbs teams . and others ... who knows just how much that made the difference ..i dont like cheaters and 48 was not one of favorites ... i built a car for me that was questioned by many before i even had it half built . took the track owner and pit boss to come to the shop seeing i was on hold in the area questioned ....they found it would not play any part in how the car handled ... that car won some races ALL OVER TEXAS maybe six owners and finaly made it back down here 11 years later .. jesse was run over in san antonio and was wreck enough we had to take her apart and rebuilt it as another car ..
  22. Dang i had a mom like that .i thought i was the only one .
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