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Posts posted by RodneyRodriguez

  1. Great points guys. Would love to see TMS stay on the schedule but there do need to be some enhancements to make the appeal better. Hopefully, they won't go the Atlanta route, I was never a fan of the Fontana idea of making that a 1/2 mile, and after the race back there this season I don't want that to happen there.

    Possibly that would be a good idea for Texas a 1/2-3/4 mile reno there, could be a win for all of us as maybe some LM, Modified, and Truck races could happen there, imagine a Lone Star weekend on a track like that with some dirt events happening next door. That would be a win for all and a hell of a way to get some crossover.

  2. 2022 Driver – Spectator Incentive Program
    The Front Gate price at the South Texas Race Ranch will remain the same as years past which is $15 for adults and children 10 and under free. To continue the growth of the race track we will be offering the drivers a $3 per spectator incentive for spectators that attend the Races at The South Texas Race Ranch on the driver’s behalf.
    How it works: Spectators will have the opportunity to name the driver they are at the track to watch when paying at the front gate. (one driver per spectator) At the end of the night the number of spectators per driver will be tallied and each driver that has spectators attend will be paid $3 per spectator that came to watch them.
    Example: If 10 spectators attend for a particular driver that driver will receive $30 additional dollars for the evening.
    The Program Goal: The goal is to incentivize drivers to help bring more fans to the racetrack, invite all you can and the more you bring the more money you make, which helps the racetrack fill the stands each week.
    Does not include touring series or nights where special event pricing applies.
    This will be on a trial basis we will test this for the first 3 regular season events. Help us help you as we grow the sport together!
  3. The Larson addition to HMS really came at a time when it seemed Chase was about to go on a great run in the series. To have these 2 in the same fleet I think is going to be very interesting, that was a great call out Larson has not made many boneheaded mistakes in Cup which speaks volumes about his ability from jumping back and forth from the flat out fast at times it seems out of control sprint cars.

    The 5 spotter took blame immediately so I don't think this was intentional at all. BUT we never know and there are some hurt feelings.

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