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Rules for Classes at SAS

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Is there a timeline as to when the rules will be out for the cars at SAS. Especially the Sportsman and Roadrunner classes. I understand the writting rules is a difficult task but i also understand that the season ended in September. I am sure builders and racers will like to enjoy the Holidays with their familys instead of working on their race cars and with the rules being posted so late. It will put all car builders, purchasing a vehicle in a rush and working late hours taking away from the family enven more. I hope the official at SAS and other tracks know these teams are not staff with a full time team working only on race cars and researching purchasing race cars. I believe all racers here in SA have full time jobs and it is not racing. I am sure they enjoy the sport of racing and really appreciate the job the officials are doing. Racers just like to be in the KNOW. Thanks for keeping the racing going here in SA and Happy Holidays to all the Race track officials, directors, board members and owners, thanks again, Holleywood out!

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All 2006 rules (all three USRA series and the SAS classes) are being worked on as fast as we can. IT's a big, time consuming chore.


The season may have been over for you in September, but the USRA/SAS team have had OktoberFAST, three series at Spectacular, the two series at Houston and now the Fall Brawl to deal with since then.


Nick Holt

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With the rules being worked on for next year at SAS, Im sure the other tracks are also working on their rules. And I m hoping they are all talking with each other to see if they can get all the rules at all the track a little closer to common rules that will allow each class to run at another track with little adjustment. Without bashing and without raising Nicks blood pressure, do any of you have any ideas that would help this happen? Try to be serious.

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In other words holleywood looks like we aint getting jack for quiet some time. I feel your pain, been trying to order a body for a month but have to wait on rules. Just the way it goes sometimes.

Thanks for the reminders that we need to get the 2006 rules out. LOL..


And, yes, we're working on common LM for 2006 for THR, SAS and CCMS if they decide to run the LM's in 2006.


Nick Holt

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so what your saying is there may not be a late model class at any of these tracks next year?

No Jim. What I am saying is that CCMS would be able to use the common LM rules if they decided to run LMs in 2006.


Sorry if I didn't make myself clear.


Nick Holt

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